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Messages: Travel books

Librarian website chat room, any recommendation?

I am a librarian and would like to interact with other librarians or people interested in books. Lately I added a chat room (text chat) that let me add YouTube videos and images. This made users stay longer.

The issue is that I cannot integrate my user base (I have around 1500 users) to the chat room and all need to re-login.

I have checked both RumbleTalk chat and c-box chat but then the lack of 3rd party users integration is a problem, any recommendation?

11 years ago
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(10 years ago)Sorry, it took me a while, but just for you to know, I am still looking for a suitable chat room for my site any help will be most appreciated.
My favourite book about traveling

In late 1973, sponsored by The Sunday Times, Simon began travelling around the world on a 500 cc Triumph Tiger 100 motorcycle. For four years he travelled over 64,000 miles (103,000 km) through 45 countries. Most accounts from his trip are detailed in his book, Jupiter's Travels, while some of the book's gaps are filled in its second part, the book Riding High.

In 2001, Simon started a new motorcycle journey, this time on a modified BMW R80GS, that roughly followed the same route as his 1973 trip. He was around 70 years old at that time and completed the journey in three years. His new book, Dreaming of Jupiter, detailing this journey, was released in March 2007

12 years ago
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Mexico Travel

If anyone else is interested in travel in Mexico, I've been getting an excellent series of books by Mary J. Andrade, via and Amazon. They're mostly about the Day of the Dead in various parts of Mexico (Michoacan, Puebla, Oaxaca, Yucatan, Mexico City) - they're bilingual and illustrated with many beautiful color photos by the author, showing local people and their observances of the fiesta, and also giving a few local recipes in each book. My favorite is the book about Christmas in Oaxaca - I've been there at that time of year, and Andrade's book gives an feeling of the continuing public fiestas in Oaxaca in the last half of December, starting with the celebration of the Virgen de la Soledad, the Noche de Rabanos (Night of the Radishes), and the parades and floats that circulate on Christmas Eve. Highly recommended.

Margaret H.
13 years ago
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Danube travel book

WooHoo! Will be cruising down the Rhine & Danube Rivers from Amsterdam to Bucharest this time next year.
Does anyone know if there are any travel guides specifically for this?
Yes, there are alot of travel guides that cover the respective countries on the way, but I'd need to take ~ 4 books to cover all regions/countries, & there'd be alot of unused info on any given country. I really wanted one that comprehensively covers just the countries passed through & towns visited on day excursions.

14 years ago

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(13 years ago)Mirna, It's just over 2 weeks before flying out of Australia for this trip. Looking forward to it, but getting a little nervous that all the planning is complete & done properly. I did end up getting Patrick Leigh Fermors books, I like to read about places *after* my own travels. :) M
(14 years ago)Four travel books? I see yr could just take me instead, if you like, Michelle?
(14 years ago)My pleasure, and thanks for your BM friend request :-) I hope your trip is everything it should be.
(14 years ago)Well Mirna, I've gone one better than wishing & waiting. I've ordered it on-line @ Borders. I get both books for $35 AUD. :)) Considering both are new & will definitely be keepers, (considering we're travelling the route next year) I think that's pretty good. Thankyou very muchly for the recommendation.
(14 years ago)Oh Mirna, that sounds great!! Thankyou very much for that recommendation. (trotting off to add to wishlist) ...Even to Google, to find copies to buy. Thanks again, Regards.
(14 years ago)It's not really a guide book, but you could try Patrick Leigh Fermor's two-part memoir/travelogue of a walking tour of Europe he took in 1933-1934, from the Netherlands to Istanbul. It has been published in two volumes as A Time of Gifts (London to Hungary) and Between the Woods and the Water (Hungary to the Golden Horn). He follows the Danube whenever possible, writes like a dream, and as someone who grew up on the Danube (in Belgrade) and traveled extensively in various Danubian countries, I guarantee he gets the landscapes, curiosities and 'flavors' of the places he passes through just right, even 85 years later.
Moon Cabo

Just listed 'Moon Cabo' in basically NEW condition. Going to Mexico/Cabo - great travel guide.

14 years ago
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(14 years ago)If anyone is interested in a graphic novel/travelogue I recommend 'Burma Chronicles' by Guy Delisle. It was my first time reading anything like that, and I loved it!
Tracita Linda
Heading to Pacific Northwest in late summer

My husband and I will be taking a driving trip (from Northern California) through the Pacific Northwest in late summer. I've got the eyewitness travel guide and a couple books about photographing Oregon. Are there any other books you can recommend? Or any places you recommend seeing?

You can follow along on my travel blog: I try to update it daily when I am traveling (not so much when I am at home).

Please vote for my travel blog essay:

14 years ago
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