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Danube travel book
WooHoo! Will be cruising down the Rhine & Danube Rivers from Amsterdam to Bucharest this time next year. Does anyone know if there are any travel guides specifically for this? Yes, there are alot of travel guides that cover the respective countries on the way, but I'd need to take ~ 4 books to cover all regions/countries, & there'd be alot of unused info on any given country. I really wanted one that comprehensively covers just the countries passed through & towns visited on day excursions. TIA
14 years ago
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It's not really a guide book, but you could try Patrick Leigh Fermor's two-part memoir/travelogue of a walking tour of Europe he took in 1933-1934, from the Netherlands to Istanbul. It has been published in two volumes as A Time of Gifts (London to Hungary) and Between the Woods and the Water (Hungary to the Golden Horn). He follows the Danube whenever possible, writes like a dream, and as someone who grew up on the Danube (in Belgrade) and traveled extensively in various Danubian countries, I guarantee he gets the landscapes, curiosities and 'flavors' of the places he passes through just right, even 85 years later.
Oh Mirna, that sounds great!! Thankyou very much for that recommendation. (trotting off to add to wishlist) ...Even to Google, to find copies to buy. Thanks again, Regards.
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Well Mirna, I've gone one better than wishing & waiting. I've ordered it on-line @ Borders. I get both books for $35 AUD. :)) Considering both are new & will definitely be keepers, (considering we're travelling the route next year) I think that's pretty good. Thankyou very muchly for the recommendation.
My pleasure, and thanks for your BM friend request :-) I hope your trip is everything it should be.
Four travel books? I see yr problem...you could just take me instead, if you like, Michelle?
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Mirna, It's just over 2 weeks before flying out of Australia for this trip. Looking forward to it, but getting a little nervous that all the planning is complete & done properly. I did end up getting Patrick Leigh Fermors books, I like to read about places *after* my own travels.:) M
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