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Messages: The Bookclub for Bookworms on Bookmooch!
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January Discussion Date and Upcoming Books!
Hi everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year!! And hopefully everyone has recovered from the holidays :) Just wanted to touch base with you regarding the date for the January pick discussion! I will be posting the discussion the last weekend of this month, January 29th. I hope everyone has a chance to read the book before then and I look forward to the discussion ahead! :) Also, for February our pick is Dracula and this will wrap up the picks we made last year. Wow, time has flown by it seems!! So it is time to make some new choices for our bookclub!! Please either post your list of books you would like to read in a comment to this message or feel free to email me the list! I am looking to plan for the next 3 months and I hope to have the choices posted by mid-January so that everyone will have time to acquire the books! Thanks so much!!! And if you have any questions, please feel free to email me! :) Lindsay
Lindsay Adams
14 years ago 3 comments
(14 years ago) | We started reading today and got to Ch 3 (classes started today too) We are addicted so far :) We bought the next book from the campus bookstore today when we went to buy our textbooks.
- Stephanie | (14 years ago) | One more series I thought of!
If you're looking for a good Stephen King meets Pixies/Shape-Shifters in a wood-ish setting (think Twilight) then I would recommend the Need series by Carrie Jones. I've read all three books and while I enjoyed some more than others (isn't that true for every series??), I think they are really worth reading!
- Lindsay Adams | (14 years ago) | Marked is AWESOME! I'm pretty sure I read that book in one sitting, and then the next day went out and bought the others in the series! :)
It is a little more of a "mature" Young Adult novel since P.C. Cast mainly wrote adult paranormal. But I agree, it's a good mix of Harry Potter's world meets Vampires.
Another series, which I love thanks to my students, is the Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead (her Succubus series is awesome as well!). I will say these are like my guilty pleasure books because they tend to border on Gossip Girl meets Vampires- but the main male character Dimitri- he's yummy!! And I can say this because he's in his 20's in the book..hahaha.
- Lindsay Adams |
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Couple of Side Items....
Hi everyone! Couple of quick things to address: 1. Are we reading a holiday-themed book? I'm willing and I know we had mentioned it previously, but I just wanted to check since it's practically..December! (Where has this year gone??) Let me know if anyone has suggestions!!! 2. For December our pick is Frankenstein, just wanted to send out a reminder to everyone!! I have never read this book before and I'm really excited about it!! :) Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend!!! Monday's are always so awful coming back from a long weekend, I know I'll be glad to get home and relax today! Lindsay :)
Lindsay Adams
14 years ago 1 comment
(4 years ago) | I totally agree with you about such books. I would be interested to talk with you on similar topics. thanks to fate for bringing me to you. the last time I was so happy when I found a service https://termpaperwriter.org/research-papers-for-sale
- joan |
City of Bones Discussion
Hi everyone!!! Just curious, since not many seem to be posting anymore, has anyone finished reading "City of Bones"? Let me know! I'd love to have a discussion about the book but if no one is interested/hasn't finished reading- I will wait to post the discussion until after Thanksgiving. Hope to hear back from everyone!! Lindsay :)
Lindsay Adams
14 years ago 2 comments
Summer Books - so far
So I am still waiting for I am Number Four from the library. I read Rachel Cohn : Nick [0375835334] Norah's Infinite Playlist. I really enjoyed this one. The dialogue was funny and clever. The characters were interesting. I guess I am showing my age, since the assumption that these teens were having active sex lives did make me a bit uncomfortable. But overall, I would recommend this one. Rick Riordan : Percy Jackson [0786838655] the Olympians: The Lightning Thief - Book One (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) was fun and exciting. I can see why all the students I work with have enjoyed this series so much. I also appreciate the inclusion of so much mythology which, I know from some students I know, has encouraged further reading on Greek and Roman mythology. It was also neat to see a character who has some of the problems that many of my students have (dyslexia, ADD) who was a hero. Neil Gaiman : Coraline was of course funny and clever. Like all Neil Gaiman's books it had wonderful and familiar fairy tale elements. It was just a little bit creepy but not really scary. I really appreciate Gaiman's ability to write from a child's perspective. Coraline is clever, brave and resourceful but still a little girl. I have a couple of books from Librarything to read and review and then I am going to reread To Kill A Mockingbird.
13 years ago 1 comment
(13 years ago) | I finally got and read I am Number Four. I agree, it wasn't a great novel, but fun and entertaining enough. If the next book were to cross my path I would probably read it. I think the only thing that really bugged me was the assumed superiority of the Lorians to humans. Smarter, stronger, more powerful. And most of the great men of the past apparently half-breeds and the pyramids built with their help, that kind of thing. I always find that kind of view of aliens and ancient civilizations inherently racist. Why do the aliens have to be superior, why not just different?
- Cara |
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"I Am Number Four"
Hi everyone!!! Just wanted to check the status of those who will be reading this book with the group! Has everyone managed to get a copy? Just trying to get a time frame on when we can start reading! :) Have a great Sunday!!!!
Lindsay Adams
13 years ago 3 comments
(13 years ago) | What did you think of the others Cara?
Heather, I LOVE "I Am Number Four"...I can't wait for the sequel to come out this fall!!! :)
- Lindsay Adams | (13 years ago) | Still waiting for it to come through at the library for me. I've read the rest of the books except for Number Four and To Kill a Mockingbird, although I've read that one more than once over the years.
- Cara | (13 years ago) | I put all the books on hold in the library and all came in except this one, so I'm going to be behind with this one.
- Cara |
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How can I join you?
I might be interested in joining your discussion on some of these books, what is your method of discussion, just posting to this forum?
13 years ago 1 comment
(13 years ago) | Hi Danielle,
Welcome! I'm Lindsay, the creater of this group!
This is an open discussion forum as well as open for suggestions of books to read! We currently have a list that we are working through if you look through the discussion you will see a list entitled Summer Reading, however please let the books that you are interested in reading! Everyone has input in our "bookclub" and suggestions are always welcome!
Happy Reading!!!!
- Lindsay Adams |
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Summer Reading List!!!
Hi everyone!!! Sorry I'm just now getting to post the list; summer classes are going to be the death of me! Anyways, here is the list! I hope you all are happy with the choices!! "I Am Number Four" "Percy Jackson's The Lightening Thief" "Coraline" "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist" "To Kill a Mockingbird" I hope everyone is OK with the choices and I'm sure we will enjoy them all! :) Later, we can work through the others you all listed as well!
Lindsay Adams
13 years ago no comments
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Summer Reading!!
Hi everyone!!! Glad to see so many of you are interested in a summer reading group!! I did manage to come with one idea (but I am always open to suggestions!!); how about a reading list complied of books made into movies? Let me know your thoughts and if you have any other suggestions! :) Hope to hear from you all soon! Lindsay :)
Lindsay Adams
13 years ago 9 comments
(13 years ago) | I'm picking two old movies/books: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and any thing at all by Jane Austen;)
- Cara | (13 years ago) | Oh Lindsay why must you make it so difficult lol...I guess my 2 are Coraline and Stardust :) both Neil Gaiman go figure...
- Stephanie | (13 years ago) | I guess lightening thief and sisterhood of the traveling pants since I already own them and they are currently on my TBR list. :)
- Amanda | (13 years ago) | Ok everyone, let's say you had to pick a top 2 from your list- what would you choose?
I know that's difficult and there are so many great suggestions!! But in order to get a reading list together by this weekend if you could pick a top 2 from each of your lists, that would be great! :)
Mine would be:
I Am Number Four- and this is going to be series! The next book is "The Power of Six" and it's due out in late August.
One Day- I have heard so many great things about this book from my friends, I think (hope) it would be an awesome read!
- Lindsay Adams | (13 years ago) | I'm excited about this...here's some I know of...
"In Cold Blood"
"Eat, Pray, Love"
"A Beautiful Mind"
"Interview with a Vampire"
"The War of the Worlds"
"Because of Winn Dixie"
"Runaway Jury"
- Stephanie | (13 years ago) | I would love to read "I am number four" I haven't seen the movie yet but we want to.
I found these that I would like to read...
"Dear John"
"Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants"
"The Lightning Thief"
"The Count of Monte Cristo"
"The Nanny Diaries"
"I Robot"
"Fight Club"
"Cold Mountain"
- Amanda | (13 years ago) | Here are the ones I'd like to read:
"I Am Number Four"
"Water for Elephants"
"One Day"
What suggestions do you guys have?? :)
- Lindsay Adams | (13 years ago) | Great idea! I can definitely think of a few!
- Stephanie | (13 years ago) | Sounds good to me! I can think of several books I would like to read that fall into that category. Great idea! :)
- Amanda |
Happy Summer!!!
Hi everyone!!! Happy Summer to you all!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!! Sorry to have abandoned the group for a few months! The end of the school year is always the craziest time for me! However, now that school is ending this coming Friday I thought maybe we could come up with some summer reading fun! :) So if anyone is interested, please let me know!!! After we gather a group we can then work on a list of books! Hope to hear from you all soon!!! Lindsay :)
Lindsay Adams
13 years ago 3 comments
The Picks!!!
Hey ladies!! Since the four of us (me, Heather, Andrea and our new bookmooch friend, Stephaine!) are the ones who seem to post the most on here, I'm thinking we should take into consideration what WE want to read! :) With that being said... March- Need by Carrie Jones (first book in the series) The best way I know to describe this book is, Stephen King + Twilight + Pixies + Shapeshifters = Need I think you all will love this book!!!! April- Marked by P.C. and Kristen Cast (this is the first in the series also) This would be a "grown-up" Harry Potter but with vampires! May- Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead (again, first in the series) "Grown-up" Harry Potter + Gossip Girl + Vampires + Hot mentor = Vampire Academy Rose (the main character) is a woman after my own heart! She puts up with no BS, VERY protective of her friends and loves to have a good time! I think you guys will enjoy this one!! Plus, I know it will help some of you (Heather ;) ) clear up a TBR book!! Haha. All of this books have been around a couple of years so therefore should be pretty easy to find at library's and used bookstores. Again, if you need my help in tracking down a book - I don't mind at all!! I visit Half-Price Books on a regular basis and would be glad to help anyone out!! And as a reminder: I'll be posting The Hunger Games discussion the last weekend of this month. And don't forget! Our Feb. pick is Dracula and I hope you all enjoy it!! :)
Lindsay Adams
14 years ago 4 comments
(13 years ago) | Hi Heather! Thanks for the warm welcome. (: I lovelovelove YA fiction -- that one of the reasons I thought to join this group. I tried reading Dracula a few months ago and gave it up. It just wasn't for me. (Or anyone else... ;D Kidding!) I have a question about the books y'all read: Do you go out and buy them, borrow them, mooch them...? I'm just wondering about the process, I suppose. (:
- Kaiya Knox | (13 years ago) | Hi, I'm Kaiya. I JUST joined BM, so I hope it's not too soon to join a forum... You all seem incredibly nice around here. Is this group open to anyone that wants to join? (Sorry, I have no idea how this works. Please, please, please let me know if I'm going about this all wrong. Haha.) I've been going through a bit of the old discussions and saw that y'all recently read The Hunger Games? I actually read that in February. (: And the books picked for the next few months sound like they'll be right up my alley. Uhm... So, yes. ^-^
- Kaiya Knox | (14 years ago) | HI! I just joined the forum. Im Stephanie's partner Amanda :) I've really enjoyed the Hunger Games so far and can't wait for our discussion. We are really excited about the books chosen! Just wanted to say Hello to everyone! :)
- Amanda | (14 years ago) | Sounds like you found some good deals!!! :)
- Lindsay Adams |
(13 years ago) | I read and enjoyed one of my "pick it for me" books: Stardust by Neil Gaiman. I have read other Neil Gaiman books before and really liked this one. It was like a kindler, gentler Neil Gaiman with lots of familiar fairy tale elements. I enjoyed it very much. The other one I tried was The House of Dark Shadows by Robert Liparulo. I'm afraid I didn't like this one as much. I have trouble with books that depend on the plot device of one character keeping information from other character(s) which if the information had been shared would have kept all kinds of problems from happening. And a man deliberately putting his children and wife in a potentially dangerous situation without telling them *really* bugs me. Hunger Games is being carried around by lots of kids in my school. I look forward to the discussion.
- Cara | (13 years ago) | I've enjoyed the Need series as well. I've read all three and dying to read the next. I love the characters who are very real and strong. They don't whine about what's wrong, they just do something about it!
- Amy | (14 years ago) | No problem! I hope you enjoyed Need! :)
- Lindsay Adams | (14 years ago) | Finished Hunger Games and read both pick it for me books. Although one of them I skimmed through parts, I must admit.
- Cara |
Pick-It-For-Me-Challenge: January Edition
So now that you have your "person" to chose for, here is a list of catagories you can make suggestions in! I chose to go with a "January" theme for this first month- hopefully this will make it a little easier to chose books for your partner! Here we go! A. Try Something New 1. New Author- have you read someone lately that you'd love to share with a friend? Or an author you've been wanting to read? Suggest them here! 2. New Series- do you have a series that you LOVE and feel others would like too? List it here! 3. New Genre- check out your partners mooch list (keep in mind some of us mooch for the Angel Network though!)- notice they typically read just one genre all the time? Or two? Then suggest a new genre they may not have thought about reading before! B. Better Year- Better You 1. Lose Weight!- check out your partners wishlist, see a book on there that has moochable copies but they haven't mooched it yet? Suggest it here! If none listed, perhaps picks a book that Amazon has listed for a .01 so it's one less book on that person's wishlist! 2. Save $$- suggest a book that you liked (but didn't love, or you feel you wouldn't love) for your partner to check out for free from their library! 3. Enjoy Life More!- pick a book that you feel would be a fun read for your partner! The idea for this catagory is to chose something your partner can read after a hard day at work, or school and they need something to unwind that doesn't take much focus! And yes, cheesy romance novels could apply here! :) Well, there you have it! I hope you all will enjoy this challenge and the categories listed!!! Please try to make your suggestions no later than this Thursday, January 20th, so that we can get started reading!! Also, please make all suggestions using this forum (and not a new message). I look forward to everyone suggestions (I'm sure I'll be adding a ton of books to my reading list!) and if you need help PLEASE email me!!! I've gotten to know most of you pretty well through Bookmooch and I would be happy to help anyone who might need a few ideas for their partner! Happy Reading!!!! :)
Lindsay Adams
14 years ago 8 comments
(14 years ago) | Thanks Andrea :) I know it was tough but sounds like you picked great books. I haven't read any of them but I have heard of a few of them. Thanks for giving it so much thought I'm excited to get started. :) ~amanda
- Amanda | (14 years ago) | Heather--I almost tried that but then I didn't because I didn't know if the URLs would change when it posted or not. At least I know now. Thanks :)
Lindsay--Thanks for the recommendations. Time to do some research...Can't wait :)
- Stephanie | (14 years ago) | Hi Heather!
Thanks for the great picks!!!
I've actually read Jen Lancaster- I love her books!!! Did you know she's publishing a fiction novel that is supposed to be due out this year? I'm so excited about that!! :)
After looking over your list, I'm going to chose:
Gregory Maguire- Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister
Robert Jordan- New Spring (A Wheel of Time Prequel)
I'm looking forward to them!! Thanks so much for the great suggestions!!! :)
- Lindsay Adams | (14 years ago) | For Stephaine:
Sorry it's taken me so long!! I have actually put A LOT of thought into your picks which caused me to rack my brain for days!! Soooo...I hope you enjoy them!! :)
1. New Author: Kathryn Stockett is an author I highly recommend! Her novel "The Help" is widely popular and they are filming a movie based on the book now, I believe. It takes place in the South during the 60's and it is the story of three women who will all touch your heart!
2. New Series: Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer (Last Survivors, Book 1)
The best way I know how to describe this book: the car crash you KNOW you should look away from, but you CAN'T do it! Seriously, I read this book in one night. This book gave me chills the entire time I was reading it! Please, please, please check it out! :)
3. New Genre: Welcome to the world of Sci-Fi/Romance/Mystery! J.D. Robb (Nora Robert's pen name) has created a furturistic world of action, adventure and romance- what could be better right?!?! Plus, there are always copies of these books on Bookmooch! However, I would start with the first one: Naked in Death. I think you'll grow to love the main character, Eve Dallas, she is someone I would love to hang out with!
1. Lose Weight: The Scarlett Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
A classic! I adore this book! And if you want a good laugh- watch the movie "Easy A" with Emma Stone (they are studying this book in high school, in the movie), it's a great Friday night movie! :)
2. Save $$: "Once Dead, Twice Shy" by Kim Harrison
Please, oh please don't waste your money buying this book! It's not worth it!! This is one that you need to visit your local library to get! The story is dull and predictable and the characters really make it hard for you to like them. Save your hard, earned money on a better book! :)
3. Enjoy Life More: "Dewey: The Small Town Library Cat Who Touched the World"
I recommend this light-hearted, feel good novel to you. If your an animal lover at all (regardless of cat or dog) you will love this book! It makes you smile while reading and I love that kind of book after a long day! :)
Well, there you have it! I hope you find something that your interested in to read! :)
Happy Reading!!!
Lindsay :)
- Lindsay Adams | (14 years ago) | Books for Heather:
Apparently I not as cool as Heather and Cara...I couldn't figure out how to do the links :(
A. Try Something New...
1. New Author--Caitlin Kiernan: Daughter of Hounds --I noticed Neil Gaiman on your wishlist and I was once told that when he got his start he worked with this author very closely.
2. New Series--Rick Riordan: The Lost Hero (Heros of Olympus series) --This one is on my TBR list. He is the author of the Percy Jackson series as well.
3. New Genre--Erin Hunter: Into the Wild (Warriors series) --Instead of vampires and werewolves let's try an ordinary house cat who joins a gang of feral cats and trains to become a warrior. This one really seems to be hit lately. My little cousin just got a box set for Christmas and I've been thinking about borrowing them.
B. Better Year-Better You...
1. Lose Weight--Roderick Gordon: Tunnels --I looked through your wishlist and the only books that are moochable you've already tried to get and haven't seemed to work out for you so I picked one that was listed for a penny and that the description sounded interesting lol ;)
2. Save $$ --Barbara Park: Mick Harte was Here --This book is near and dear to my heart. This is definitely one that you can pick up at the library (it won an award here in GA back in 96-97). My teacher read this aloud in class in 2000. A few weeks later we lost my 18 year old brother (who was also my best friend) in a car accident. For weeks, even months this book stayed with me but I didn't know the title. Now ten years later one of our professors last semester helped me track down the book and I read it again. Truly a book that will stick with me forever.
3. Enjoy Life More --Louis Sachar: Sideways Stories from Wayside School --You mentioned that you have read some of Sachar's books and this is on our TBR list as well (mooched it the other day and we're waiting for it to get here) seems like it will be a quirky fun book to read to lighten the mood after a long day of work.
Hopefully you'll find at least one or two that spark your curiousity :)
- Stephanie | (14 years ago) | Well Cara I am going to try my best to pick some good ones for you. I am less experienced in the bookworm world and have not been immersed into as many books, authors, and series. I am excited to be reading again and loving all the great books this group is opening my eyes too. My TBR list is getting longer by the day. So here are my suggestions…
A. Try Something New
1. New Author - I am excited to read a series by the author Robert Liparulo. He is the author of the Dreamhouse Kings series and he sounds like he has several other books worth looking into. So I am recommending him as the new author and leaning toward House of Dark shadows which is the first book in the Dreamhouse Kings series and also on my TBR list!
2. New Series - I saw that you had mooched some of the Animorph series by Katherine Applegate and found the Everworld series. This series is also by Katherine Applegate and sounded like a good series I thought you might like.
3. New Genre - I dicided to go with something random here and I thought of a book I had to read in a college course. Kindred by Octavia Butler was a book I did not expect to be so interesting. Out of all the books based on slavery that we had to read for this class this one stood out to me and I remember its storyline the most.
B.Better Year Better You
1. Lose Weight - I checked out your mooch list and out of the few that have moochable copies I would mooch A Devil in the Details: A Jesse James Dawson Novel. By: K.A. Stewart. Its sounded like a good read.
2. Save $ - Well I tried to think of something I had seen at my library and thought of getting lately that I thought I might like. Stardust by Neil Gaiman came to mind. I have watched the movie and loved it and just saw the book. I hear good things about Neil Gaiman and thought that this would be a good suggestion.
3. Enjoy Life More - Well I just finished reading Holes by: Louis Sachar. I read it when I was younger and have seen the movie many times. I loved picking this book up again. I love the story line and the humor makes me laugh out loud. I love this book and if you haven’t read it or seen the movie I highly recommend it for a good quick read.
I hope you like some of my suggestions and I look forward to seeing what Andrea comes up with for me. :)
- Amanda | (14 years ago) | Hey guys! I just started looking up books to suggest and realized that I feel bad for Andrea because I just started on Bookmooch to join you guys. I had been just watching steph. I am excited about the challenge and just wanted to tell Andrea to recommend anything. I am excited to try anything new. Im sorry my bookmooch account is no help.
- Amanda | (14 years ago) | Recommendations for Andrea:
I am not sure which category these all fall in, but I'll state the reason for my recommendations.
Barbara Bretton : Casting Spells Because you have Charlaine Harris on your wishlist. The first in a series, a cross between cozy mystery and paranormal romance.
Thomas Moore : Soul Mates Since you have some relationship books on your wishlist and you've mooched Care of the Soul (loved that book).
Emma Bull : Finder: A Novel of the Borderlands YA fantasy. For obvious reasons;) A bit harder to find but worth it if you can. Or
Emma Bull : War for the Oaks: A Novel if you can't find the first one, same author.
Jes Battis : Night Child First in an urban fantasy/mystery with a touch of romance series which happens to take place in an alternate universe version of my hometown.
Shanna Swendson : Enchanted, Inc.: A Novel For the "you need a break" category. Laugh out loud funny cross between chicklit and paranormal romance
Deborah Rodriguez : Kabul Beauty School: An American Woman Goes Behind the Veil Probably a library find and because you have some books about Islam on your wishlist.
BTW I have a well loved copy of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho if you would like it. I noticed it was on your wishlist.
I hope you find a couple in there to entice you, happy reading, Cara
- Cara |
I'm not sure I belong in this forum, although I could be accurately described as a bookworm. BUT . . . I don't go for most of the books listed on BM. I detest endless series of formula books which recycle a character and soon you don't remember which book is which. I am against "conspiracies to take over the world" -- what are they going to do with it if they get it. I am also violently allergic to serial killers, vampires, psychics, so-called horror (what can top the Holocaust, Hiroshima & Nagasaki, and casual genocides?), science fiction and sappy (aren't they all, though?) romances. Oprah's choices are not mine at all. So I read mostly old books, often from second hand books shops or thrift shops. Unfortunately as I get older (and I have been at it for over 7 decades) the "old" books get newer and newer, and my choices get fewer and fewer. I forgot to mention "modern" inflated fiction, especially books of more that 300 pages or so. So we stick with the classics. By now, the trash of my youth have become today's classics. And what ever happened to the art of the essay? When my daughter, an only child, was nursery age, she used to sit and tell herself stories. Will I have to write my own books?
14 years ago 6 comments
(14 years ago) | I remember Bewitched with great pleasure. I had often been told I looked just like Agnes Moorhead (in her pre-Bewitched days), and I used to have fun imitating her. I have her kind of voice, as well, and when I would call out "Daahwin!" you could swear it was Endora.
I still look like Agnes Moorhead, with a few wrinkles her and there.
- NinaBryna | (14 years ago) | On Vampires: Let's not neglect the Adams Family (original TV version). And also a kind of funny story: In the later 1950s there was a character on TV who called herself Vampyra. She had long black hair and dresses all in black, straight out of the Charles Addams cartoons in the New Yorker magazine. At that time I happened to have long black hair (which I usually wound in what as known as a chignon), and the fashion was for dark or black tights. I was teaching in a Temple school and usually wore my charcoal gray Chanel (fake) suit and a variety of black tops. Until one Sunday morning, when I was trying to instill in my 9 year olds the story of Moses and the Exodus, one child was frantically waving his hand. "Yes, David?" I asked. "Morah (teacher in Hebrew)," he asked, "when you let your hair down, do you look like Vampyra?"
I thought I still had an old paperback that, inter alia, had all the dope on Vlad and Bathory, but it seems to have disappeared. Vlad is actually considered a great and noble leader by the Romanians. I suppose he had his good points. He killed (and often impaled) a lot of Turks, which was enough to make someone a hero in the Balkans.
- NinaBryna | (14 years ago) | Dear Lindsay,
This book club is a great idea, and you are to be congratulated or having launched it. Your choice of books is admirable, Frankenstein and Dracula (there actually was a Romanian ruler Known as Vlad the Impaler, owing to his habit of impaling anyone he didn't like an wooden spikes in his courtyard, and he was nicknamed Dracula or Dracuil = little dragon) in their day were not considered "serious" literature and gave rise to a long line of movies, a veritable industry, which got sillier and sillier, culminating in Frankenstein's Daughter, the Bride of Frankenstein (Elsa Lanchester, she tuned him down), Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstein (and, I think, the Wolfman) and "Young Frankenstein" and the Rocky Horror show. Dracula lost his Romanian identity, and became a teen-ager, western cowboy, and Roman Polanski turned him into a Jew, complete with accent. I think I saw most of them in my mis-spent youth. And then came Anne Rice et al.
- NinaBryna | (14 years ago) | Dear Heather Rose (what a lovely image),
Generations seemingly don't all gap that much. My mother greatly admired Upton Sinclair
I have to admit to reading the first 2 or 3 Harry Potters. My grand-daughter played Moaning Myrtle ("You haunt a toilet!?") in her drama class presentation. After that they pretty much repeat themselves. I like theme and variations in music but not in literature: best to go on to something else, there is always something waiting.
I did read something by Vonnegut, but I don't think it was Slaughterhouse Five. It was a long time ago. Having been a Jewish child in Vienna during World War II, I have supped full of horrors; no piece of fiction can be anything but banal after the real ting. I find "horror" novels, ghosts and vampires just plain silly.
I read Women in Love, and the Rainbow, and Sons and Lovers, in college. I read Lady Chatterly (expurgated) when I was a teenager. oI find Lawrence's novels tedious and overblown, but his short stories are splendid. I read those in high school and have since reread them with pleasure. There's a paperback called "The Lovely Lady", the title story is a gem!
I notice that I left out of my list, among others, Robert Frost, Emily Dickinson and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (also William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlow). Favorite Dickinson poem:
"I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us — don't tell!
They'd banish us, you know.
How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!"
One of my favorite quotations, most suitable to a member of the Bookmooch family, is by Samuel Johnson: "We love to expect, and when expectation is either disappointed or gratified, we want to be again expecting."
- NinaBryna | (14 years ago) | Authors: Barbara Tuchman, Anne Tyler, Jane Austin, Amanda Cross, Lytton Strachey,Laurie Lee, the Bronte sisters, Sharyn McCrumb, Gertrude Stein, Alice B. Toklas, Arnold Bennet, Tetsuko Kuroyanagi (Translated by Dorothy Britton), Robert VAn Gulik, Geza Vermes, all of Emma Lathen,Max Fimont, Daniel J. Boorstin, Bernard Berenson, Herbert Read, e.e. cummings,Han Suyin, Emily James Putnam, Dorothy Sayers, Aldous Huxley, Honor Tracy, George Orwell, George Eliot, Michael Gilbert, probably all of Rex Stout . . . These are all books I hang onto, and there are a lot more (see Francis Bacon on books and reading). I also read a lot of books in Hebrew, and a few in German and French There is a lot of fluff that I mooch, read and put back in Bookmooch. I am a "clean plate" reader and I finish them all (OK sometimes I skim).
Since I do not have a TV and don't spend much time at the computer (except for work), I read a lot and I've been reading for almost 70 years. I also read "The Giver" recently (borrowed it from my grandchildren), as well as "Herland."
There is definitely ageneratin gap here, but I would like to keep on reading your comments, and possibly some of the books you recommend. Many will probably not be available in Israel, although there are some second-hand book shops selling books in English.
- NinaBryna | (14 years ago) | I have to ask, what do you mean by the "trashy" books of old are now classics?
My reasoning in starting this bookclub was to introduce classic, modern and yes, even Young Adult novels- because this is what is popular now.
I have already chosen two classic novels, Frankenstein and Dracula, so that we (as a group) will have an understanding of how the paranormal/horror genre got started.
For June and July I am planning on getting us ready for our next genre- which is romance. However, I want the group to take a look at Jane Austen because I feel that her writings were the true foundation of romance.
As for "my picks" I do ask for suggestions from the group. Right now there are four of us involved in this bookclub so therefore I base my choices around what they like. As time goes on and when others are involved, the genres will change.
I believe the majority of us read for two reasons; for escape and for knowledge. For me, "fun reads" are my escape and when I formed this club I wanted my members to have an oppurtunity to "escape" out of their everyday lives and enjoy the reads chosen. By incorporating the classics, this will add to our knowledge and make for great debates/discussions.
If you do not wish to take part, I completely understand and appreciate your comments.
- Lindsay Adams |
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Pick-It-For-Me Challenge: January Partner List
Hi ladies!! Welcome to the first "pick-it-for-me" challenge! Here are the partner lists: Lindsay picks for Stephaine Stephaine picks for Heather Rose Heather Rose picks for Lindsay Andrea picks for Amanda Amanda picks for Cara Cara picks for Andrea ***I know some of you were worried about being able to make picks for your person so I thought I would offer a couple of suggestions: use their wishlist! (especially if there are books listed on Bookmooch!) or if your person has listed some of their favorite authors/genres use www.fantasticfiction.com for suggestions! Even better, pick something for your partner that is near and dear to your heart- sharing our favorites should be what this bookclub is also about! :)
Lindsay Adams
14 years ago no comments
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Pick-It-For-Me Challenge!
Hi ladies! So I've decided to spice things up a bit in regards to our bookclub!! Here is what we are going to be doing: Every month we will have a reading challenge PLUS our pick for that month! Now I understand that not everyone will have time to read additional books but I hope that every now and then those people will get to take part in our challenges! :) First reading challenge: PICK-IT-FOR-ME! How does it work? I will ask those who are interested in taking part to respond with a comment to this post. Once everyone has responded (I will give everyone till Saturday!) I will then "partner" those people up! I will then post a list of about 6 different genres or sub-genres (example would be: Paranormal, Young Adult Paranormal, Paranormal Romance). For each genre you will be a book that you love or think that your partner will enjoy! Ideally, it would be great if we could all read each other's picks! However, I know that is not always possible. So therefore, our goal should be to read AT LEAST 2 picks from your list! The best part (besides discovering new books!!) is that we can have discussions all month!! So as your reading post your thoughts! Let us know how it's going and if you are enjoying the book!! I hope everyone will be as excited about this as I am!!! Thanks to everyone for being a part of this bookclub!! :)
Lindsay Adams
14 years ago 6 comments
(14 years ago) | We want to do it, but we haven't read as many books as many of you ladies have and we're afraid that we won't be able to suggest books :(
- Stephanie | (14 years ago) | That's right! You may want to read all 6 but for now I think it's easier to try for at least 2 challenge books and our monthly pick! :)
- Lindsay Adams | (14 years ago) | Ok, so far I have 4 of us "in" and Steph- will you be making 5?
Also, let me clarify about the number of books.
I will be listing 6 genres and you will make 1 rec per each genre. So your "person" will have 6 books to chose from to read and hopefully they will be able to read at least 2 of the choices made! :)
I'll be partnering people up either tonight or tomorrow afternoon- to give others a chance to respond if they would like! But please let me know no later than mid-afternoon tomorrow! :)
- Lindsay Adams | (14 years ago) | I have recently discovered Catherine Aird. It is very old-fashioned and British. There is a Detective Inspector Sloan, who solves the mysteries. He is not a mass of neuroses, is not carrying on a tortured romance with one of his colleagues, has a sense of humor and does his job competently. I am now re-reading The Stately Home Murder for the fun of the narrative. As these books were written in the 1970s, there isn't a computer in sight, and no pseudo-scientific jargon. I spent about 8 years as a uniformed (voluntary) policewoman, and I can tell you, that in the main, this is closer to real everyday police work than most of the best sellers, with their blood and core and steamy sex scenes. As you say, we read books for escape and knowledge. I would add, amusement. Aird's books fill that bill for me, at any rate.
- NinaBryna | (14 years ago) | I'm in.
- Cara | (14 years ago) | Ok Lindsay, I just want to be sure I understand how this is working...say that four people decide they want to participate...6 genres x 4 people = 24 suggestions (correct?) now are we suppose to pick at least 2 of our partners 6 suggestions or any 2 out of the 24 (or however many)?
- Stephanie |
Let's Get Discussing City of Bones!!! :)
Hey ladies! Sooo...what did you think??? Instead of listing in-depth questions to answer I thought we'd just start off simple (especially since it's a holiday weekend!)- did you like or dislike the book? Favorite characters? Least favorite? Any surprises?? Are you going to keep reading the series?? Let's get talking! :) Lindsay
Lindsay Adams
14 years ago 3 comments
(14 years ago) | I was going to suggest the group read Need :)
- Stephanie | (14 years ago) | If you guys want another sexy, loveable werewolf....check out Nick in the Need series! Total hottie! :)
- Lindsay Adams | (14 years ago) | If you haven't read the book yet, delete this email SPOILERS BELOW!!!!
Ok, I'll start first then! :)
At first, well with in the first 90 pages, I thought for sure I was going to hate this book. It literally took me a week to get through Part 1! I couldn't see a plot forming, I was getting ticked off at the main character, Clary, and sometimes even Isabelle and Jace. And especially Alec!
But then I got to Part 2, and needless to say...I loved this book! Suddenly we had a plot with Clary's mom disappearing, the lock on Clary's mind, the love triangle relationhip, freaky Dorthea and so on.
For me, from Part 2 till the end- it read like a more grown up Harry Potter novel. I can't lump this book in with the Twilight series and it wasn't exactly like the House of Night series- so I think HP is a good fit! You have different families throughout the book, different species of characters, the Institute- which seemed like Hogwart's to me, and although Hodge was clearly no Dumbledore- he did show affection, although still misguided man, for his students. Although, I do have to wonder- did Hodge never think to question why Valentine (also could be known as "He Who Must Not Be Named" ) wanted Jace so badly??? Clearly he must have known that V had a son??
A few things did bother me with this book though- did Clary or even Jace never think to question who her father was once they visited Mangus? Also, the sexual nature of the book made me think not every parent would be happy with their child reading this book (that's just the teacher/future parent coming out in me!). And when Mangus warned Clary about the Shadowhunters, did Clary not think to follow up about that? There were several things mentioned throughout the book that were not developed it seemed to me, but perhaps they will be as we continue on with the series- I know I can't wait to read the second book now, I want Clary's mom to wake up!!!
On a side note- didn't you love Simon?? Especially when Simon turned into the mouse??!?!? I thought that part was so funny!
Well this should get us rolling, let me know what you guys thought!!!! :)
- Lindsay Adams |
A little about me...
Hi everyone! My name is Stephanie. My partner, Amanda {Manda}, of 2 years (as of Jan 2, 2011) and I are both early childhood majors (year and a half to go!). We are both 20 years old and have a 5 year old son (from my previous relationship). We also have two pets Mario {big fat white cat} and Red {a sissy Pit bull/Terrier Mix}. I hope to teach 3rd grade and she wants to teach Kindergarten. We both have always loved to read, but sometimes struggle to find the time to read for pleasure instead of just school. This past semester we had a children’s literature class plus our lil man is finally interested in books and reading (we read like 4 books a night with him). Manda and I have recently started taking turns reading in the car. The first book we did it with was Bridge to Terabithia for our class, now we're reading Holes. We’ve been trying to decide what book we would like to read next and it looks like it’s going to be The Hunger Games. I’m excited to be a part of the group! Can’t wait to start reading the January pick!
14 years ago 2 comments
(14 years ago) | So I had put a hold on the only copy of The Hunger Games that our library had (it is currently checked out). I've been super excited to start reading it! Manda came home from work on Monday night and suprised me with it! :) She got it for like $5 where she works. We just finished Holes today so I'm even more excited to get started reading it!
- Stephanie | (14 years ago) | Welcome Stephanie!! You do have a busy life! I can sympathize with that! :) I teach middle school here in KY and currently working on getting my Master's in Education...I do not get as much free time for "fun reading" as I would like! However, I do like reading the books my students enjoy- mostly Young Adult novels. It helps me to bond with the students and have A LOT of discussions! :)
I think you will really enjoy the Hunger Games series, I loved them all! This book was the cause of multiple debates in my classroom..haha.
Happy Reading!!! :)
- Lindsay Adams |
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December Pick!!!
Hi everyone!!! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are getting ready to have a Happy New Year!!! Did anyone happen to read our pick, Frankenstein, for December? If so, what were your thoughts about the book? Was it your first time reading it? Or your 2nd, etc? Sorry I am late in posting the discussion for this month!! This holiday season has been a little hetic!!! Happy New Year!!!!! Lindsay :)
Lindsay Adams
14 years ago 1 comment
(14 years ago) | Thank you so much for your comments, Heather! You summed up my thoughts, and I'm sure others in the group, perfectly!
This is truly a thought provoking novel. The idea that something "created" could have the feelings of a human is amazing. I completely agree that Shelly was before her time but that is partly why I wanted us to read these types of novels for our bookclub, to have an understanding of where this paranormal genre wave comes from. It did not appear overnight, these books have been with us for a long time- but because they are classics, many of us chose to overlook them.
The idea that something (the Creature) could be created for evil but instead shows us compassion and go against the grain, isn't that the basis for most paranormal/paranormal-romance novels?
My thoughts are that Shelly would not want us to get wrapped up in the "romance" of it all (although I do feel the connection needed to be pointed out) but instead to focus on how the Creature made each of us feel. This character points out our flaws (as Heather previously mentioned) and perhaps brings them to light a little more-so then what we would want. But it also shows us how we need to be accepting of those who are different and perhaps not alientate others so often. I believe that is more-so the message that Shelly would want us taking away from this novel.
And Heather, I was a slacker as well! I have read this in high school and college (and yes, I still own my copy as well!) and while I should have read it last month, with the holidays the time just got away from me! So you're not the only one! :)
Now, for our January pick! This is truly a wonderful, fast-paced, will keep you up at night read! I know because I've read it twice and that is how I felt both times after I finished! I really hope you all can find time this month to read and post something about the book. It is truly worth your time to read this!
Happy Reading!!! :)
- Lindsay Adams |
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Hey there! I'm new to the group (and BookMooch in general) I was just wanting more info on how this group works. Thanks!
14 years ago 1 comment
(14 years ago) | Hi Stephanie!!!
Welcome to our group!
If you look at the recent messages you will see a listing of books chosen for the group to read. For December we were to read "Frankenstein" and for January we chose to read "The Hunger Games." After January's pick I will be posting a new message for suggestions about future books.
Generally, I post questions about each of the books however, due to the holidays I will just have a general discussion in regards to Frankenstein.
Please feel free to give suggestions about books you would like to read! No genre is off limits!
Also, there is an introduction message that allows you to tell us a little about yourself!
Again welcome! Please let me know if you have any other questions!
Lindsay :)
- Lindsay Adams |
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In Response to Heather Rose...and discussion for all!!!
Hi Heather! Thanks for taking part in the discussion! I read through your responses and kept nodding my head as I was reading! I, too, found myself not liking Tally, then liking her, then wanting to yell at her and then finally liking her again! The same thing with the book, I loved the book don't get me wrong!, but I found myself just shaking my head at the idea that you must be a "Pretty" in order to have a great life. This concerns me because I see our society, including our school system, developing this attitude. For example, I LOVE watching Dancing with the Stars on ABC! I'm addicted to this show! However, a few seasons ago there was a controversy involving a Lane Bryant ad and the show- the Lane Bryant ad wanted to run during DWTS but the show would not sell advertising rights to it because it represented "plus-size" models and the producers/ABC felt this would be a turn-off to viewers. When I read about this I was livid! Who is to decide what body type watches this show? Can only size 0 women like this show? I see more and more of this idea developing in so many people. Women and men are supposed to conform to the ideal body type and act a certain way. Gone are the days in which we are allowed to develop our own personalities and images. I do not believe the media, parents, etc truly understand the effect these things have on our youth. It is truly sad. On a brighter note, I hope you enjoyed the book! It sounds like you did at least! :) So what does everyone else think??? Agree? Disagree? Post your thoughts! And remember, I will be posting another discussion board for our November pick "City of Bones" I hope everyone has had a chance to read this, it is a great book!!!
Lindsay Adams
14 years ago no comments
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