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Pick-It-For-Me-Challenge and The Hunger Games!

Hi everyone!!!

Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!!

Just wanted to touch base and see where everyone stood on their reading for the challenge and The Hunger Games?

Post updates here and we will try to get some discussions going!!!

Lindsay Adams
14 years ago


Finished Hunger Games and read both pick it for me books. Although one of them I skimmed through parts, I must admit.
14 years ago
No problem! I hope you enjoyed Need! :)
Lindsay Adams
14 years ago
I've enjoyed the Need series as well. I've read all three and dying to read the next. I love the characters who are very real and strong. They don't whine about what's wrong, they just do something about it!
13 years ago
I read and enjoyed one of my "pick it for me" books: Stardust by Neil Gaiman. I have read other Neil Gaiman books before and really liked this one. It was like a kindler, gentler Neil Gaiman with lots of familiar fairy tale elements. I enjoyed it very much. The other one I tried was The House of Dark Shadows by Robert Liparulo. I'm afraid I didn't like this one as much. I have trouble with books that depend on the plot device of one character keeping information from other character(s) which if the information had been shared would have kept all kinds of problems from happening. And a man deliberately putting his children and wife in a potentially dangerous situation without telling them *really* bugs me. Hunger Games is being carried around by lots of kids in my school. I look forward to the discussion.
13 years ago