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Messages: BookMooch Journals

Anyone still around?

Anyone still interested in journalling?

7 years ago

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(5 years ago)Hello. Just thought I'd add a note about journals. If you have any that you no longer want, just let me know and I'll ask for them. I have both a UK and a US address, so I can ask either way. thanks. Jenny
(7 years ago)I have 2 as well.
(7 years ago)Hi Donna, I've requested them from you. Thanks so much!
(7 years ago)Thanks, they were listed for a long time while my account was set to send anywhere and still they weren't requested. I'll make the change now.
(7 years ago)Donna, I'd be glad to request them but you have your settings set to only within the UK. If you change it to "ask me first" I'll request them. Debbi
(7 years ago)I have two journals that I want rid of. I've had them for years and no-one has requested them.
(7 years ago)Oh! I get it! Thanks!
(7 years ago)BookMooch journals are different. They're not blank books, but journals that have been created, and in which different members of the BM community have added their own entries.
(7 years ago)DO I just type "journal" to request blank books? I am particularly looking for blank hardback embossed journals from Longmeadow Press, which are hard to find now(and I've been using exclusively this type since the 1990's). See my avatar photo for the books I crave...
(7 years ago)Hello everyone, glad to see you! I'm trying to get caught up with journaling myself! I have 3 I need to get out and I'm glad to see some journals are moving. I would like to request some, but can't with a clear mind until I am caught up.
(7 years ago)I'm in...
(7 years ago)Yeah I would like to be able to send some out again or add to someone else's.
(7 years ago)Journalling seems to have hibernated.
I also have some journals in my inventory.

(7 years ago)Should also add I have six journals in my inventory if anyone is interested.
(7 years ago)I Journal from time to time. So many great journals appear to be lost or stalled.
It's a ___?! journals

I'd like to put a shameless plug in for my It's a ___?! series of journals. There are four of them and you can click the link below to go to them from here.

I think they would be fun for everyone because you can make the entry in so many ways - from something very artful, to a wiki type entry to (what I call a Flat Mickey entry, named after the journal by that name) where you just pose the ?! you got and take pictures and maybe write a description of what is happening. Loads of fun. Just about any age (with some supervision) could make an entry. Multiple family members could make their own individual entry. Check it out!

Bookmoochers [BMJAERIS00009] aeris : BMJournal: It's a ___?! Dinosaur Edition">BMJournal: It's a ___?! Dinosaur Edition
BookMoochers [BMJAERIS00011] aeris : BMJournal: It's a ___?! Farm Animal Edition">BMJournal: It's a ___?! Farm Animal Edition
Bookmoochers [BMJAERIS00012] aeris : BMJournal: It's a ___?! Sea Life Edition">BMJournal: It's a ___?! Sea Life Edition
Bookmoochers [BMJAERIS00010] aeris : BMJournal: It's a ___?! Wild Life Edition">BMJournal: It's a ___?! Wild Life Edition

If you click one of these links you can scroll down and view the current slideshow to get an idea of some of the entries. I'm actually finishing the Sea Life journal up and meant to have it done 2 months ago - but I really think I'll manage to finish it this weekend. Sigh just not enough time for journaling - I need to retire from my job!

Best wishes,

10 years ago
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Adding new journaling friends

Who's managing friend requests? I mooched back a journal from dichroic (Finland), username thlaspi. She seems to have reactivated her account, as she's asked to mooch two books and a journal from me. However, how do I know whether she's a journaling friend? With so little journaling activity, another one who's active is surely a plus?

9 years ago

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(3 years ago)การเดิมพันเป็นเกมที่ได้รับความนิยมมากที่สุดและทำเงินได้ในปัจจุบัน Empire 777 เป็นหนึ่งในการเดิมพันคาสิโนออนไลน์ที่มีผู้เล่นมากที่สุดในเอเชีย ดังนั้นสิ่งที่คุณรอ
(3 years ago)I like this journal. Nice
(9 years ago)Jacquie, I'm managing friend requests. We need to go back to the Facebook journalling group to discuss this. Frankly, I didn't log in there anymore because no one was around but I'll meet you there in the next day or so. In the meantime I'll email you on this. Best wishes, Debbi (Sorry I'm not logged in as the Library Charity, I will try to get back on that also)
Bookmoochjournal website

For anyone who may have noticed that the links to wasn't working, the problem has now been fixed.

I'm trying to get caught up enough to add and update a few slideshows.

I also want to find time to update the journaling info on bookmoochjournals website which we all know is terribly out of date.

I hope the new year finds you well and feeling like working on journals! A few are moving around, let's see if we can get even more going!

Best Wishes,

Bookmooch Journal Library Charity
8 years ago

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(8 years ago)Thanks Chen, good to hear from you!
Bookmooch Journal Library Charity
(8 years ago)My address is in Thailand now, will update it soon. Still have 2-3 journals with me.
BMJournal: Pirates and Buccaneers - now available

Available for mooching.

8 years ago
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BMJournal: Orange You Glad I Said Orange - now available

BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Orange You Glad I Said Orange

Sitting in my inventory and ready for mooching.

8 years ago
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(8 years ago)Orange you glad I'm saying hi? BMJL just friended Diane. (grin)
Bookmooch Journal Library Charity
Can someone mooch the journals I have in my inventory?

I'm moving and don't want to take them with me

9 years ago

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(9 years ago)Thanks, I'll send it soon
(9 years ago)Thanks. Should probably check with the journal owners if they want the journals back? A lot probably have different addresses or are inactive on Bookmooch.
(9 years ago)I mooched 3, including one of mine. Waiting to see if Gill wants to mooch the Pink journal. If she doesn't, I'll mooch it for the BMJL Charity. Thanks again Chen!
(9 years ago)I'll check it out, thanks!
Out of the Books - back in circulation

I've been checking my BM stocks and found that BM Journal "Of the Books" was on the shelf but not listed in my inventory. My apologies to anyone who's been waiting for this journal.

9 years ago
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Sending journals home

Hi, would you please take a look at my inventory (jacquiegatine) and see whether any of the journals listed are yours. I am going to have to move house and am beginning to pack up books. It is a good opportunity to return journals to their owners.

9 years ago
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(9 years ago)Hi Jacquie, I don't see that you have any of mine. Am I missing something? I guess I'll check with you before sending the journal you requested to make sure of your address. Good luck! Debbi
Anyone still here?

pretty empty

9 years ago

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(9 years ago)I miss having the time I had a few years ago. I still love journalling tho! I'm working on 3 right now which I hope to have done in 2 weeks.
(9 years ago)I have TONS of journals. I've been in grad school and still don't have a lot of time, but I'd love to see things get going again. :) Journaling is SO much fun and I miss it! Jenny
(9 years ago)I have some journals in my inventory that have been circulating for years.
(9 years ago)I've created two journals but they're circulating. I have several journals in my inventory, if anyone wants to mooch them.
(9 years ago)I've tried to wishlist all of my journals to get them back if they become available, but don't know if I added them all. If anyone has any that are mine, I'm happy to mooch them back. Let me know.
(9 years ago)If the journal owner has put an email address in the journal, putting that into the search box on BM should find their profile. Otherwise look in BM for the first person who "gave" the journal. They will almost certainly be the owner. Go to their page and message them. Sorry out of touch with the jargon -- been too long! Hope that helps. Gill
(9 years ago)How do I find journal owners so that I can try and ask them to mooch back their journals that I have? I want to cut down on the stuff I'm going to have to move.
(9 years ago)Replied via peoplepc Debbi Gill
(9 years ago)Gill, there you are! I'm not ignoring you on Facebook... just can't be online that much. It's been a really bad couple of weeks too. If Jacquie lets me know who is ignoring her I'll at least look into it. Will try to catch up with you later. I don't even have time to go back (nor did I on the last post) to log in under the Journal Charity to make this post. Over the summer, it should be a little better. Best wishes, Debbi
(9 years ago)I feel guilty not being able to devote my time to journalling at present, but having written a novel after being challenged to by the author for whom I edit (for the love of it), I needed time to write. Then came the huge decision to rehome all our many animals and declutter and renovate and put our beautiful holding on the market and move more than 600 miles, plus a ferry into rental accommodation whilst finding our new home in the north. I've been decluttering for 8 months and we have been on the market since Easter, fingers crossed we sell this summer. Renovations and repairs have kept us busy over the last winter and I have had to pare everthing back whilst we are still here. I'll add the link to our place so you can see what we are leaving, and hopefully when we are settled I may be able to take up journalling once more. Meantime those journals of mine that had sat on a shelf unrequested have been donated to a home-schooling project. Other people's have been returned as much as possible, and I have a small number which are due to be passed onto Jacquie Clegg when she is next in the UK, packed up safely somewhere! I'd love to come back to a vibrant journalling scene and know you are in safe hands with Deborah and her small team of assistants. (*slide show does not always work on i-pads) Gill
(9 years ago)I'm still here but haven't had much time. The last 3 weeks have been busy and this is the first time I've been online except at work. Yes, journalling has been slow. I don't have the time Gill had ( or I should say seemed to be able to create out of mid-air) and frankly, as she noted several times...rising postage costs seem to have put a damper on things. Still, even if there is not a lot going on now I feel eventually that could change. I am slow - but all journals I have will go out. I don't know who has requested journals that hasn't recieved a response but without more information can't look into it. Certainly, any one who loves "this journalling thing" is welcome to actively promote interest and use their ideas to get things going again. Me, I love the idea of journalling so much I'm willing to take it - even if it is a shadow of its' former self - in the hopes things will pick up. Gill really did a fantastic job of helping to protect our journals from disappearing at a rate that caused many people to give up. Now - how do we promote the idea and get things going again?
(9 years ago)I was wondering the same thing myself. Is anyone still journaling? If anyone has created a journal, then I strongly recommend mooching it back. I've tried mooching journals recently and unfortunately have had no success.
Cold as Ice

I've had this journal in my inventory for awhile. It has so many possibilities - I think the entries in there are very nice too!

10 years ago
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(10 years ago)I'm not having luck posting the slideshow - one more try...seems the best I can do at this moment is post the link
New Shelfholder

I'd like to welcome Bast who has just taken over the bmjstates shelf account. She has been journaling for several years now and has already helped out on several occasions. The shelf has moved from LA to VA and is actually in a much better geographical location now. Please join me in welcoming her!

Bookmooch Journal Library Charity
10 years ago

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(10 years ago)I'm afraid everyone is too busy with their summer activities! Me included!
(10 years ago)I also hope that Monika will show up here shortly and post as the new shelfholder for the west coast (bmak) account.
(10 years ago)Congratulations Bast!
Completed journal

I've just reserved Hannah's cows journal for her, having scanned all the pages. Debbi will add the slideshow during the next month, so those who contributed and anyone else interested can see the completed journal's slideshow at Cows, Cows, Cows
Author: Hannah and Bookmoochers


10 years ago

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(10 years ago)Grand job, Debbi. No word from Hannah yet, although I reserved it for her and sent the email straight away.
(10 years ago)What a grand journal!
(10 years ago)Here it is! Of course it is also on the actual journal page.
Bookmooch Journal Library Charity
(10 years ago)Awww, there is just too much to do! I have to say I'm hoping I'll get it done this weekend!
Bookmooch Journal Library Charity
(10 years ago)Thank you so much for all your hard work Debbi!
(10 years ago)I'm hoping I'll get this done tomorrow.
Calling all journallers!

It's been a blast, but I have decided in the face of gathering age and commitments that the time has come for me to step down from working on the journal library and posts.
Debbi has been doing an increasing amount of the work in the last two years, ably assisted by Jacquie in France, and Jenny in Alabama. They will now step up and fulfil the necessary rôles in the library: listing new journals, chasing up missing or overdue ones, adding slideshows, enroling new members.
Please take the project onwards from strength to strength and give them your help and inspiration. Gill Tennant in Wales/Cymru UK

Bookmooch Journal Library Charity
10 years ago

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(10 years ago)Please all give Debbi and her trusty henchwomen your support. It is a difficult job to do but a necessary one to keep journalling functioning. Start by recommending all your requesters join this forum! Jacquie is doing a grand job of listing currently available journals periodically (which takes an age), and there may be the first flutterings of a resurgence of interest in journalling after lean times.
(10 years ago)Just so everyone knows the Charity has not been abandoned I'm have logged in and am monitoring the email account. Debbi
Bookmooch Journal Library Charity
(10 years ago):-) DIolch yn fawr iawn. Today I shall get my house in order. Gill
(10 years ago)Gill, You're too funny I guess you'll get your stay of execution. We all need more time and as long as just an oversight. We all have to kinda help keep each other honest to some extent because things can be overlooked. That's why I relist journals right away when I get them because it's too easy to forget and even when I think I'm doing that it's not %100, sigh. But anyway, if someone requests it and I haven't worked on it yet, then I can put it at the top priority of my to-do list - and get it done within a week or two. I'm afraid to wish for more time because I'm scared I'll get it in a monkey's paw kinda way (e.g., you want more time? Fine - you're fired!) LOL Anyway I can't wait to see the rest of the Cows! entries. Debbi
(10 years ago)Thank you for your kind words, Debbi. I had good antecedents in Kenneth Samson and Alicia Edwards. In my turn have tried to make journalling more inclusive by involving shelf-holders as I didn't want to be a one-man (woman) band, and also more exclusive by making it more like a membership club. I only ever received one complaint about that idea, and that was from someone who had already kept and lost journals belonging to other creators. Since the rules of journalling originally laid down clearly state that the creator of a journal retains ownership and it should be returned to that creator when asked by that person or when completed whichever is sooner, then I felt the protection offered by journallers agreeing to a set of simple requests in order to qualify as a journaller made perfect sense. Unfortunately it has not offered journals, nor journallers the protection I hoped it would, simply I believe because many journallers are unaware of it, or too lazy to check their requester is a 'member': i.e. has the journal library logo in their friends' list. It is a simple matter to check before accepting a request - rechecking even if you have already sent to that person. One thing I did that took many hours regularly was to check that journallers were still active on BM, had not kept the journals belonging to others, had relisted promptly. Those infringing big time would be defriended for the protection of the innocent. That reminds me you need to bug me, Debbi, I have at least one journal overdue for relisting: it is yours and you sent it to me! Mea culpa We all transgress at times of stress, and we are all human, even the library staff, so I hope people will just "'Fess up". Understanding, sympathy and compromise usually follow an appeal for clemency, so I am hoping Debbi will forgo the pleasure of beginning her reign with my summary execution for my crime. ;-) I would ask all journallers to help as much as they can: spread the word about checking requesters are bmjl friends, and active. If they are not, let Debbi, Jenny or Jacquie know. Also encourage all journallers you interact with to subscribe to this low-traffic forum showing the maximum available number of days' messages, and to likewise check requesters' status, so journals can return safely home, with slideshows on the journal's page so all contributors can check what the completed journal looked like, and the creator, whether still active or not, has a fulfilled and completed idea! On that last I have Hanhel's 'Cows! cows! cows!' which arrived here today from a journaller in Asia who told me it was full. I'll add to the inside cover, scan the whole and send the pics. to Debbi to add to the slideshow at her leisure and then it will be sent home to Hannah. Thanks to all who made such a range of delightful entries in it. Completed journals have been so few and far between that it is an achievement to have two in five years to send back home. I hope more will now achieve that goal. I shall be around as a journaller from time to time, especially when my first novel is finished. I'm busy revising it now, and keen to start the next idea lining up behind it. Then perhaps it may inspire a new journal too! Gill T.
(10 years ago)Gill, You did a fantastic job - I never could have done what you did - when you had to take over without warning and lacking any passdown. Heck - I'm not sure I still have a real grip on it but I'll do my best to continue on. I'm going to do my best to start getting the Charity page updated (so I can taylor that to what I'm able to do - I certainly won't be able to keep up with the email on a daily basis) and we all know I need to work on the Wordpress journal to update rules and FAQs. I know you'll come back and post here as a journaller and look forward to seeing you here and hope I don't have to bug you too much. (grin) Debbi
(10 years ago)Thank you Garnet, It has been a pleasure. I'll still be on BM and may find time to journal, but for the moment my writing is taking up my time. It has been lovely getting to know so many and so varied a group of people as the journal community here.
(10 years ago)Gill, I want to thank you for all the fantastic work you have done over the years for Bookmooch Journals!! The personal encouragement you gave me will always be appreciated.
Available journals - 12th April 2014

BMJournals are not a regular books. You should be a friend of the BM Library bmjl

Acceptance, Respect, Love - BMJournalers : BMJournal- Acceptance, Respect [BM123099724184938040] Love>
A Little Guide to Stress-Free Living - Rena Rossner : A Little Guide to Stress-Free Living - BM Journal>
Book of the Woman - jfit and BookMoochers : BMJournal: Book of the Woman>
Four Seasons: Spring - BM Journalers/lahochstetler : BMJournal- Four Seasons: Spring>
Four Seasons: Summer - BM Journalers/lahochstetler : BMJournal- Four Seasons: Summer>
Library Love - Julzddm [BM120811955765270523] Contributors : BM Journal - Library Love>
My Favourite Fairies - Bookmoochers : BMJournal My Favourite Fairies>

3, 4, 5 - Gill T. [BM1332278108492554644] Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal 3, 4, 5.>
Anything and Everything Mexican - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Anything and Everything Mexican>
Casting a favourite book - Gill T., BMJournal Library Charity and Bookmoochers : BMJournal Casting a favourite book>
Childhood Songs of Life - Debi Hoggan [BM1215538585675314495] Other Bookmoocher Friends : BMJournal - CHILDHOOD SONGS OF LIFE>
Children’s Voice - Youth of BookMooch : BM Journal: Children's Voice>
Domestic Animals in Landscape Postcards - bmjl [BM1337703404847082646] Bookmooch Journal library friends : BMJournal Domestic animals in landscape postcards>
Don’t Stop Me Now! - Bookmoochers : BMJournal Don't stop me now! >
Favorite Movie Lines - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Favorite Movie Lines>
H is for Coming Out Tonight - bmjl and Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal H for coming out tonight>
Joke Postcards from Around the World - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Joke Postcards From Around the World>
Life Under Water - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Life Under Water>
My Favourite Sound - Gill T. [BM1297431369527773128] Bookmoochers : BMJournal My favourite sound>
My Favourite Taste - Gill T. [BM1297867628244067823] Bookmoochers : BMJournal My favourite taste>
Nature, time and patience are three great physicians - Bookmoochers : BMJournal Nature, time and patience are three great physicians>
Our Favourite Bookplates - Gill T. [BM1321715171883750969] Bookmooch journallers : BMJournal Our favourite book-plates>
Pattern Journal - Gill T. [BM1307552741699573180] Bookmoochers : BMJournal Pattern Journal>
Postcards of Britain: Eire, Northern Ireland & Wales - bmjl : BMJournal Postcards of Britain: Eire, Northern Ireland [BM1328886860773493463] Wales.>
Postcards of Britain: Cumbria & The Lake District - bmjl : BMJournal Postcards of Britain: Cumbria and the Lake District>
Postcards of Eastern Europe - Gill T. [BM1332318669924783562] Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of Eastern Europe>
Postcards of France - Gill T. [BM1331934352467326386] Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of France>
Postcards of France – landscape - bmjl [BMJL00PCF2] Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal Postcards of France ~ landscape>
Postcards of Germany/Deutschland durch Postkarten - bmjl and Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards - Postcards of Germany/Deutschland durch Postkarten >
Postcards of Italy 3 - bmjl [BMJL00PCI3] Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal Postcards of Italy 3.>
Postcards of Spain - Gill T. [BM1332318064325291487] Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of Spain>
Postcards of the Caribbean Islands, Mexico, Central & South America - Gill T. and Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of the Caribbean Islands, Mexico, Central [BM1329667070834097907] South America. >
Postcards of The Netherlands - Gill T. [BM1331935970377040239] Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of the Netherlands>
Simply Human - Bookmoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Simply Human>
Sweet and Sour: (on your) Marks, get set, Cook! - Bookmoochers : BMJournal Sweet and sour: (on your) Marks, get set, Cook!>
The Book of Love - jfit : BMJournal: The Book of Love>
The Droghte of March- Bookmoochers : BMJournal March - the droghte of March>
There’s Nothing Funny About Getting Old - Gill T. [BM1295604626450282551] Bookmoochers : BMJournal There's nothing funny about getting old.>
Thursday - Bookmoochers : BMJournal Thursday>
Wednesday - Bookmoochers : BMJournal Wednesday.>

Brown Gets Down - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Brown Gets Down
The Poetry of Carl Sandburg - jfit and Bookmoochers : bmjournal: The Poetry of Carl Sandburg>
Your Favorite Internet Meme - desultory and bookmoochers : BMJournal Your Favorite Internet Meme>

A Hogworts Journal - jfit and BookMoochers : bmjournal: A Hogworts Journal>
Illustrated Nursery Rhymes - Gill Tennant [BM1279199328144383276] Bookmoochers : BMJournal Illustrated Nursery Rhymes>
Monty Python - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Monty Python>
My Favourite Smell - Gill T. [BM1297849939469023851] Bookmoochers : BMJournal My favourite smell>
Ng is for … - Gll T. [BMJL0000ng] Bookmooch Journal Library friends. : BMJournal ng is for...>
Postcards of Paris - Gill T. and Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of Paris>
Postcards of the Middle East and Asia - Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of the Middle East and Asia.>
Three Wordless Melodies - Gill T. [BM1302562849964895011] Bookmoochers : BMJournal 3 wordless melodies>
Tiny Art Words - BM Journalers + Erin Partridge : BM Journal: Tiny Art Words>

48 (and counting) things to do with children on a dry sunny day - Bookmoochers : BMJournal 48 (and counting) things to do, with children, on a dry, sunny day Volume Two>
Any One Topic - Dewey: BM Journal : Any One Topic>
Churches in Portrait Postcards - Gill T. [BMJchurchestf] BMJournal Library friends : BMJournal Churches in Portrait Postcards>
Ff is for… - Gill T. [BMJL0000ff] BMJournal Library friends : BMJournal ff is for..>
Herstory – Women of Distinction - BM Journallers + twiglyt : BM Journal: Herstory - Women of Distinction>
January – the Blackest Month in All the Year? - Bookmoochers : BMJournal January - the blackest month in all the year?>
May, the Darling Buds of May - Bookmoochers : BMJournal May - the darling buds of May>
Postcards of Britain: East Anglia and the Wash - bmjl : BMJournal Postcards of Britain: East Anglia [BM1327958671889608324] the Wash. >
Postcards of Britain: the South-West - bmjl : BMJournal Postcards of Britain: the South-west>
Princess Qualities - Bookmoochers and JanieBM : BMJournal: Princess Qualities>
Savoury and Sweet: take a gill of milk and a dozen eggs - Bookmoochers : BMJournal Savoury and sweet: take a gill of milk and a dozen eggs>
There’s nowt as queer as folks - Gill T. [BMJtnsqaf01tf] BMJournal Library friends : BMJournal There’s nowt as queer as folks>
Turn Over a New Leaf - Gill T. [BM1288737327490187777] Bookmoochers : BMJournal Turn over a new leaf.>

101 Ways To Simplify Your Life - BMJournalers [BM122660289024285637] LJCrowe aka Joy Found : BMJournal: 101 Ways To Simplify Your Life Altered Book>
Adopted Animals - Flamingo6684 : BMJournal: Adopted Animals >
A for ‘orses - bmjl [BMJL000001] Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal A for 'orses>
A History Journal: Native Americans - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - A History Journal: Native Americans>
A History Journal: The Celts - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - A History Journal - The Celts>
Alliterative Sentences - Hannah and Bookmoochers : BMJournal: Alliterative Sentences>
A Nice Cup of Tea or Two - Gill T. [BM1296237779652654282] Bookmoochers : BMJournal A nice cup of tea or two.>
Animals in Landscape Postcards - bmjl and Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal Animals in landscape postcards>
A Perfect Breakfast - Gill T. [BM129163141672979512] Bookmoochers : BMJournal A perfect breakfast.>
Anything and Everything American, Deep South Edition/Y’all Come!! - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Anything and Everything American, Deep South Edition / Ya'll Come!!>
Anything and Everything American, Eastern Edition. Yankee Doodle Dandy! - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Anything and Everything American, Eastern Edition. Yankee Doodle Dandy!>
Anything and Everything American, Midwest Edition, Heartland of America - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Anything and Everything American, Midwest Edition, Heartland of America>
A Wine Journal - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - A Wine Journal>
Before I Go – A Bucket List - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal: Before I go..... a bucket list>
Being Human - Bella [BM1269479776662429169] Bookmoochers : BMJournal - Being Human>
B for Mutton - bmjl [BMJL000002] Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal B for mutton>
Black attack - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Black Attack!>
Blooming Beautiful - Bookmoochers : BMJournal Blooming Beautiful>
Bookmarks Left Behind – Forgotten Scraps of Life - bookmoochers and carlyexactly : BMJournal: Bookmarks left Behind - Forgotten Scraps of Life>
Butterflies Are Free to Fly - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Butterflies Are Free To Fly>
By Candlelight - lahochstetler and bookmoochers : BM Journal- By Candlelight>
Can You Figure It Out?? - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Can You Figure It Out??>
Castles - Gill T. [BM1322513043220001575] Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Castles>
Check it out! - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Check It Out!!>
Cityscapes - Bella [BM1269479343803638765] Bookmoochers : BMJournal - Cityscapes >
Cold as Ice (Vol 2) - Gill T. [BMJColdAsIce2] BMJournal Library friends : BMJournal Cold As Ice volume two>
Colours that are but Skin-deep: in the pink - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: The Little Chihuahua Book>
Dd is for …- Gill T. [BMJL0000dd] Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal dd is for...>
D for ‘mation - bmjl [BMJL000004] Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal D for 'mation>
Earliest Memories - Bookmoochers : BMJournal Earliest Memories>
Endangered Species - prosegirl and other creative bookmoochers : BMJournal - Endangered Species>
Extinct Animals - prosegirl and other creative bookmoochers : BMJournal - Extinct Animals>
Faces - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Faces>
Favorite Limericks - BookMoochers : BMJournal :Favorite Limericks>
Feel Better - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Feel Better>
Fire Meditations - BMJournalers : BMJournal: Fire Meditations>
Flora’s Feast - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Flora's Feast>
Flowers of Meadow and Vale - Gill T. [BM1303473382758470953] Bookmoochers : BMJournal Flowers of meadow and vale>
F for ‘fescence - bmjl and Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal F for 'vescence>
Geckos on Parade - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Geckos on Parade>
G for Police - bmjl and Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal G for police>
Great Ideas and Inventions - Grace Hall and BookMoochers : BMJournal: Great ideas and inventions>
Haiku to You (Birthday Books vol 30 of 41) zenfish : bmjournal: Haiku to you (Birthday Books Vol 30 of 41)>
Hello Kitty - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Hello Kitty!>
Horses from Head to Tail - Bookmoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Horses, from head to tail>
I Love the 90s - auburnkelly : BMjournal: I love the 90s>
Inspired by Rubber Stamps – Christmas Edition - Grace Hall and BookMoochers : BMJournal: Inspired by Rubber Stamps – Christmas Edition>
International Stamps of BM - Jan Wolf and BookMoochers : BookMooch Journal : International Stamps of BM>
It’s Such a Perfect Day - Hannah an Bookmoochers : BMJournal: It's such a perfect day>
Itsy Bitsy Red Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Dragon - BM Journalers [BM1230675520578625525] LJCrowe aka Joy Found : BMJournal: Itsy Bitsy Red Chinese Zodiac: The Year Of The Dragon>
Lazy Days of Life - Debi Hoggan [BM1204915143361027454] Other Bookmoocher Friends : BMJOURNAL: LAZY DAYS OF LIFE>
Let Me Eat Cake! - Peggy van Rooyen : BMJournal Let Me Eat Cake!
Libraries of the World – World of the Libraries - teresasa [BM130272656737429051] Bookmoochers : BMJournal: Libraries of the World - World of the Libraries>
Lighthouses - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Lighthouses>
Little Book of the 1960s - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: The Little Book of the 1960s>
Little Dogs We Love - Jan Wolf and fellow BookMoochers : BMJournal : Little dogs we love>
Local Heroes - Gill T. and Bookmoochers : BMJournal Local Heroes.>
Mad About Plaid - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Mad About Plaid>
Mammock Pie – Uses for Surpluses and Gluts - Gill T. [BM1291282710617686869] Bookmoochers : BMJournal Mammock pie - uses for surpluses and gluts.>
Mellow Yellow - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Mellow Yellow>
More Important Things To Do - Erin Partridge [BM1211351508861198848] All of YOU : More Important Things To Do BMJournal>
Morning, Mid-Day, Afternoon - Gill Tennant and Bookmoochers : BMJournal Day: morning, mid-day, afternoon.>
My Favorite Animal - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - My Favorite Animal!!>
My Favourite (sixth) sense - Gill T. [BM1298152473696181592] Bookmoochers : BMJournal My favourite (sixth) sense>
My Favorite Species - Bookmoochers and aeris : BMJournal: My Favorite Species>
My Favourite Texture - Gill T. [BM129795332654147760] Bookmoochers : BMJournal My favourite texture>
My Own Dictionary - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - My Own Dictionary>
My Sweet Cupcake - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: My Sweet Cupcake>
Nature Will Have Her Course - Bookmoochers : BMJournal Nature will have her course>
Nothing Special - pearlofthestars and hopefully more : bm journal nothing special>
Nothing to Fear - BM Journalers + Erin Partridge : BM Journal: Nothing To Fear>
Now you Live in Japan or would like to… or at least like Japanese stuff a lot - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Now You Live in Japan* or would like to...or at least like Japanese stuff a lot>
One Spirit - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - One Spirit>
Party Time! - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Party Time!>
Pirates and Buccaneers - Gill T. [BMJPirates1tf] BMJournal Library friends : BMJournal Pirates and buccaneers>
Postcards from Around the World - Bookmoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Postcards from Around the World>
Postcards of Africa - bmjl and Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of Africa >
Postcards of Austria - Gill T. [BM133301862187793055] Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of Austria>
Postcards of Canada - Gill T. and Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of Canada>
Postcards of Germany 3 - bmjl [BMJL00PCG3] Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal Postcards of Germany 3.>
Postcards of Nordic Lands: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden & Territories - Gill T. and Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of Nordic Lands: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden [BM1328999731448137826] territories.>
Postcards of The Netherlands – Landscape - bmjl [BMJL00PCN3] Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal Postcards of the Netherlands ~ landscape>
Postcards of the United States - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Postcards of the United States>
Postcards of Winter Scenes - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Postcards of Winter Scenes>
Postcards Tell the Story - jfit and BookMoochers : BMJournal: Postcards Tell the Story...>
Punch and Jokey, a journal for visual humour - Punch magazine and Bookmoochers : BMJournal Punch and Jokey, a journal for visual humour. >
Remember to Laugh - BMJournalers : BMJournal: Remember to laugh>
Roses are Red - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Roses Are Red>
Rust - Jan Wolf and other BookMoochers : Book Mooch Journal - RUST>
Sandcastles of Life - Debi Hoggan [BM1208306110294924519] Other Bookmoocher Friends : BMJournal - SAND CASTLES of LIFE>
Selfies - BMJournalers : BMJournal: Selfies>
Super Simple Fast Recipes - BookMooch Cooks : BMJournal - Super Simple Fast Recipes>
TBR Piles of Life - Debi Hoggan [BM1214515441357693743] Other Bookmoocher Friends : BMJournal -TBR PILES OF LIFE>
The Best Thing I Ever Ate - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: The Best Thing I Ever Ate>
The Book of Postcards: Random - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: The Book of Postcards: RANDOM>
The Delight of White - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: The Delight of White>
The Journal of Lists - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - The Journal of Lists>
The Little Book of All About Fairies - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: The Little Book of All About Fairies>
The Little Book of My Favourite Flower Fairy - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: The Little Book of My Favorite Flower Fairy>
The Little Book of Surprising Strangers -
Snofferol and the BookMoochers : The Little Book of Surprising Strangers BMJournal>
The Little Book of Things That Bug Us - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: The Little Book of Things That Bug Us>
The Little Chihuahua Book - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: The Little Chihuahua Book>
The Purple Book of the Lady - Marina and Bookmoochers : BMJournal:The Purple Book of the Lady>
What’s that on your Mirror? - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - What's That on Your Mirror?>
Winnie-the-Pooh - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Winnie the Pooh>
Women Who Inspire Us - Gill T. [BM1299956001728931559] Bookmoochers : BMJournal Women who inspire us.>
Wonderful Fabulous Recipes I Love - Cathy Hogue [BM1293222365878139233] the Bookmooch Journal-ers : BMJournal-- Wonderful Fabulous Recipes I Love>
Word Play - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal: Word Play>
Yes! - Erin Partridge [BM1255746020930249117] Bookmooch Journalers : YES! a bookmooch journal>
Your Favorite Feline - jfit and BookMoochers : BMJournal: Your Favorite Feline>

10 years ago

Recent comments:[write a comment]
(10 years ago)If you have any pictures you want to add to the slideshows let me know Jacquie!
(10 years ago)bmjl : BMJournal Postcards of Britain: the South coast, home counties and midlands of England. now available to mooch.
(10 years ago)bookmoochers and carlyexactly : BMJournal: Lavender's Blue, Rosemary's Green available to mooch.
(10 years ago)BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Mellow Yellow available to mooch.
(10 years ago)BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Black Attack! available to mooch.
(10 years ago)BM Journal My Hometown jfit and BookMoochers : BMJournal: My Hometown now available to mooch.
(10 years ago)The Book of Hills [Gill Tennant and Bookmoochers : BMJournal The book of hills] now available to mooch.
(10 years ago)People of BookMooch : BMJournal - Flat Mickey also jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - What My Momma Used to Say... now moochable from tennantfamily
(10 years ago)Rena Rossner : A Little Guide to Stress-Free Living - BM Journal now also available to mooch.
Calling all journallers with journals listed or requested.

Can I ask that all journallers add the following as a review to journals they receive (unless it already appears as a review) that way we may spend a little less time chasing up stalled and lost journals and stop people being devastated by the loss of the journals they have created:
This is a BMJournal not a regular book. You should be a friend of the BM Library bmjl http://bio:bmjl If you wish to join the project, type bmjl into the friend request block. A BMJournal is not yours to keep, the library returns it when completed and a slideshow made, to its creator. You mooch it, make an entry within two weeks of receiving it and relist it by the same number. Before sending it on make sure the person requesting is also a friend of bmjl by checking their friend list for the logo.

If you add the brackets <> with the words FONT COLOR=RED inside the brackets (no spaces between the brackets or the words) at the start of this text and the same but FONT COLOR = BLACK at the end, your message will show up well in red. The library link says http: followed by // and then /m/bio/bmjl with no spaces between these.
(Sorry, I can't type the exact string as BM will convert the HTML commands and you won't be able to see the directions anyway. If this is too confusing for you, please mail me and I will send you the exact string to copy and paste.)

Bookmooch Journal Library Charity
10 years ago

Recent comments:[write a comment]
(10 years ago)That's good to hear!
(10 years ago)Brilliant- sort of half back now. Gill
Bookmooch Journal Library Charity
(10 years ago)Good to see you back, hope you had a great vacation!!
(10 years ago)Please also let your moochers know about this forum. It would be nice for it to have more traffic and comments by all our journalling friends.
Bookmooch Journal Library Charity
(10 years ago)Awesome idea! It's something that will reallly help people notice it is a journal...but only if we follow it up by making sure requestors see it. I just had a journal request today from a non-journaller and I have this in my condition notes so it's not foolproof!
New slideshow added

BMJournal Faces did not have a slideshow. I added it just a few days ago:

jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Faces

10 years ago

Recent comments:[write a comment]
(10 years ago)Debbi is doing sterling work adding slideshows. I wonder if any other Bookmooch journallers have taken photos to add to the slideshows?
Bookmooch Journal Library Charity
(10 years ago)How wonderful!! I'm excited to see all the entries. The slideshow is great! Thanks. Jenny
Question for Jacquie

I saw a musical last night - would the tickets be good for your Tickets Please - Music journal Jacquie Clegg-Hullah : BMJournal - Tickets please! music of all sorts">? It seems like it would but the thought didn't occur to me until this morning.

10 years ago

Recent comments:[write a comment]
(10 years ago)OK - so when we make an entry it would actually be good to leave some room for additions - or if we only make entries on the right hand side then the left side would be left for additions. What do you think of that - do you want me to add a sticky note to the journal to clarify?
(10 years ago)Sorry, Kar-bie, the "do not deface..." comment is standard BM journal-ese and shouldn't be there for this series.
(10 years ago)FOR THIS SERIES OF JOURNALS ONLY - please add comments on anyone's page. My idea was that if, for example, someone had seen the same film in a different place, they could add their ticket to the page for that film, and comment.
(10 years ago)I can see your orignal comment says "Please, however, do not deface or alter someone else's contribution." So I presume you mean that all comments should go on a new page.
(10 years ago)I like that idea. If someone wants to make a comment on an earlier entry are they supposed to add it to that person's entry or just comment on it on their entry's page - or another page?
(10 years ago)Exactly! I was hoping with this journal that we'd be able to find the tiniest of coincidences - that someone from the BM community had seen the same film, theatre or musical performance, exhibition - anything that requires an entrance ticket - but perhaps at a different time and in a different place. I wasn't thinking that we'd necessarily be able to find the tickets, but I wanted to create a slightly different sort of journal, where people could comment on other entries, saying whether they'd seen the film, play, exhibition, but somewhere else. With this journal I wanted people to add to other entries, as well as creating their own.
Calling all journallers!

I spent a whole day yesterday trying to track down journals that went missing over the last year yesterday and am not a tenth of the way down the list. It is a frustrating and thankless job as most that go missing stay lost forever.
Journal creators: what you do with your own journals is, of course, up to you, but I am letting you know too as I assume you do not want your journal to be unrecoverable.
PLEASE All journallers:

1. Please do check the logo (shown on the right of this message) is in the friends' list of those you agree to send to at each request, and

2. if it is not, ask them to mail bmjl and wait for the logo to appear before agreeing to send. (This may take a while, because a simple click of a link does not show that the information has been read and will be acted on.)

3. Check the recipient is active before sending if you have delayed posting.
Recently an ex-Bookmoocher in Australia contacted me to say a journal she had requested over a year previously had arrived. Meantime she had stopped wanting it and had left Bookmooch. As there are NO active journallers I can see in the whole of Australia, and the reason the journaller had left was that she can no longer afford postage, it meant the potential loss of the journal.

4. Please do your best to make sure journals do not get mislaid. Keep them together in a box, on a shelf, and remember they are someone's creation which they hope to see completed one day!

In the past the library personnel and personal friends of mine have knocked at doors, spent a lot in postage and many, many hours trying to keep journals circulating and slideshows updated. Please lend us your support in this if you want journalling to flourish.

Bookmooch Journal Library Charity
11 years ago

Recent comments:[write a comment]
(10 years ago)Just adding to my last post: I found this from a year ago that I used when a non-jounaller requested a journal "This is a BM Journal not a regular book and you don't appear to be a journaller. You can read about journalling and see if you want to become a member here: BookMooch Journals and remember: This is a BMJournal not a regular book. You should be a friend of the BM Library bmjl bio:bmjl if you wish to join the project. (type bmjl into the friend request block) Journals are not yours to keep. You mooch it, make an entry within two weeks of receiving it and relist it by the same number. Before sending it on make sure the person requesting is also a friend of bmjl by checking their friend list." Certainly that could also use some work but I think it's the right idea.
(10 years ago)Good ideas - all of them! Loosing your journal is very sad and I know nothing is %100 guaranteed but there are things that all of us can do to keep journals from being lost due to know issues. One of these is sending a journal on to regular bookmoochers. Another is not packaging journals up securely enough. It is twice as important to package adequately than on a regular book because you have lost the value of the entries, not just the cover price of the book - and those entries are not replaceable! But back to the first, I am actually beginning to think that if someone mooches a journal, and they are not a friend of the Charity AND they haven't contacted the Charity or you (the person it is requested from) FIRSTHAND... THEN you should Reject the request with the following explaination: "This is a BMJournal, not a regular book. If you would like to join the project contact userid bmjl at bio:bmjl and request to become a friend of the journal Charity. After this is done and you say that you understand the rules of journalling you may request this journal again."
Available journals - 3rd March 2014

Please add any additions as comments to this post.

A Little Guide to Stress-Free Living –

Acceptance, Respect, Love - BMJournalers : BMJournal- Acceptance, Respect BMJournalers : BMJournal- Acceptance, Respect [BM123099724184938040] Love Love
Book of the Woman - jfit and BookMoochers : BMJournal: Book of the Woman
Four Seasons: Spring - BM Journalers/lahochstetler : BMJournal- Four Seasons: Spring
Four Seasons: Summer -
Library Love -
My Favourite Fairies - Bookmoochers : BMJournal My Favourite Fairies

3, 4, 5 - Gill T. Gill T. [BM1332278108492554644] Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal 3, 4, 5. Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal 3, 4, 5.
A History Journal – The Celts -
Anything and Everything Mexican -
Casting a favourite book - Gill T., BMJournal Library Charity and Bookmoochers : BMJournal Casting a favourite book
Childhood Songs of Life - Debi Hoggan Debi Hoggan [BM1215538585675314495] Other Bookmoocher Friends : BMJournal - CHILDHOOD SONGS OF LIFE Other Bookmoocher Friends : BMJournal - CHILDHOOD SONGS OF LIFE
Domestic Animals in Landscape Postcards -
Don’t Stop Me Now!
Favorite Movie Lines - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Favorite Movie Lines
H is for Coming Out Tonight - bmjl and Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal H for coming out tonight
Joke Postcards from Around the World - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Joke Postcards From Around the World
March - The Droghte of March- Bookmoochers : BMJournal March - the droghte of March
My Favourite Sound - Gill T. Gill T. [BM1297431369527773128] Bookmoochers : BMJournal My favourite sound Bookmoochers : BMJournal My favourite sound
My Favourite Taste -
Nature, time and patience are three great physicians -
Our Favourite Bookplates - Gill T. Gill T. [BM1321715171883750969] Bookmooch journallers : BMJournal Our favourite book-plates Bookmooch journallers : BMJournal Our favourite book-plates
Pattern Journal -
Postcards - Postcards of Germany/Deutschland durch Postkarten - bmjl and Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards - Postcards of Germany/Deutschland durch Postkarten
Postcards of Britain: Cumbria & The Lake District - bmjl : BMJournal Postcards of Britain: Cumbria and the Lake District
Postcards of Britain: Eire, Northern Ireland & Wales - bmjl : BMJournal Postcards of Britain: Eire, Northern Ireland bmjl : BMJournal Postcards of Britain: Eire, Northern Ireland [BM1328886860773493463] Wales. Wales.
Postcards of Eastern Europe - Gill T. Gill T. [BM1332318669924783562] Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of Eastern Europe Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of Eastern Europe
Postcards of France - Gill T. Gill T. [BM1331934352467326386] Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of France Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of France
Postcards of Italy 3 - bmjl bmjl [BMJL00PCI3] Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal Postcards of Italy 3. Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal Postcards of Italy 3.
Postcards of Spain - Gill T. Gill T. [BM1332318064325291487] Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of Spain Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of Spain
Postcards of the Caribbean Islands, Mexico, Central & South America - Gill T. and Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of the Caribbean Islands, Mexico, Central Gill T. and Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of the Caribbean Islands, Mexico, Central [BM1329667070834097907] South America. South America.
Postcards of The Netherlands - Gill T. Gill T. [BM1331935970377040239] Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of the Netherlands Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of the Netherlands
Sweet and Sour: (on your) Marks, get set, Cook! - Bookmoochers : BMJournal Sweet and sour: (on your) Marks, get set, Cook!
There’s Nothing Funny About Getting Old -
Thursday - Bookmoochers : BMJournal Thursday
Wednesday - Bookmoochers : BMJournal Wednesday.
Children’s Voice -
Eat Poop You Cat – Vol 1 - Hannah and Bookmoochers : BMJournal: Eat Poop You Cat - Vol. 1
Postcards of France – landscape - bmjl bmjl [BMJL00PCF2] Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal Postcards of France ~ landscape Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal Postcards of France ~ landscape
Everything There is to Love about Chocolate - Hannah and Bookmoochers : BMJournal: Everything there is to love about chocolate!
I’m a Legal Alien - Hannah and Bookmoochers : BMJournal: I'm a legal alien
Life Under Water - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Life Under Water
Playing House -
Postcards of Snowy Weather - Hannah and Bookmoochers : BMJournal: Postcards of Snowy Weather
Simply Human - Bookmoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Simply Human
The Book of Love -
The Book of Love - jfit : BMJournal: The Book of Love
Brown Gets Down - Brown Gets Down - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Brown Gets Down
Button, Button, Who’s Got the Button -
Colours that are but Skin-deep: in the pink - Gill T. Gill T. [BM1292669769952422818] Bookmoochers : BMJournal Colours, that are but skin-deep: in the pink. Bookmoochers : BMJournal Colours, that are but skin-deep: in the pink.
For the Birds -
Rust -
Super Simple Fast Recipes - BookMooch Cooks : BMJournal - Super Simple Fast Recipes
The Poetry of Carl Sandburg - jfit and Bookmoochers : bmjournal: The Poetry of Carl Sandburg
The Reading Woman -
Tickets, Please! - Film -
What My Momma Used to Say -
Your Favorite Internet Meme - desultory and bookmoochers : BMJournal Your Favorite Internet Meme
A Hogworts Journal -
Gorgeous Goats -
Tickets, please! Music of All Sorts - Jacquie Clegg-Hullah : BMJournal - Tickets please! music of all sorts
Your Birthday November - Bookmoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Your Birthday November 30
3 Wordless Melodies - Gill T. Gill T. [BM1302562849964895011] Bookmoochers : BMJournal 3 wordless melodies Bookmoochers : BMJournal 3 wordless melodies
48 (and counting) things to do with children on a dry sunny day - Bookmoochers : BMJournal 48 (and counting) things to do, with children, on a dry, sunny day Volume Two
72 (and counting) things to do, with children, on a wet, windy day, Volume One -
72 (and counting) things to do, with children, on a wet, windy day, Volume Three -
A Flying Visit to the United States thro’ Postcards -
Any One Topic -
Anything and Everything Welsh / Cymru am byth! -
Beautiful Butterflies -
Castles in Picture Postcards -
Churches in Portrait Postcards - Gill T. Gill T. [BMJchurchestf] BMJournal Library friends : BMJournal Churches in Portrait Postcards BMJournal Library friends : BMJournal Churches in Portrait Postcards
Days to Remember – Celebration! -
February – Februeer doth cut and shear -
ff is for … -
Gerard Hoffnung -
Herbs, heavenly and hellish -
Herstory – Women of Distinction -
If Music be the Food of Love… -
Illustrated Nursery Rhymes - Gill Tennant Gill Tennant [BM1279199328144383276] Bookmoochers : BMJournal Illustrated Nursery Rhymes Bookmoochers : BMJournal Illustrated Nursery Rhymes
January – the Blackest Month in All the Year? - Bookmoochers : BMJournal January - the blackest month in all the year?
Magic Moments -
May - the Darling Buds of May - Bookmoochers : BMJournal May - the darling buds of May
Monty Python - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Monty Python
My Favourite Children’s TV Programme -
My Favourite Sight -
My Favourite Smell - Gill T. Gill T. [BM1297849939469023851] Bookmoochers : BMJournal My favourite smell Bookmoochers : BMJournal My favourite smell
ng is for … - Gll T. Gll T. [BMJL0000ng] Bookmooch Journal Library friends. : BMJournal ng is for... Bookmooch Journal Library friends. : BMJournal ng is for...
Oh yes, wait a Minute Mr Postman -
Pirates and Buccaneers - Gill T. Gill T. [BMJPirates1tf] BMJournal Library friends : BMJournal Pirates and buccaneers BMJournal Library friends : BMJournal Pirates and buccaneers
Postcards of Britain: East Anglia and the Wash - bmjl : BMJournal Postcards of Britain: East Anglia bmjl : BMJournal Postcards of Britain: East Anglia [BM1327958671889608324] the Wash. the Wash.
Postcards of Britain: the South-West - bmjl : BMJournal Postcards of Britain: the South-west
Postcards of Germany -
Postcards of Italy -
Postcards of Italy 2 -
Postcards of Paris – Landscape -
Postcards of Paris - Gill T. and Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of Paris
Postcards of Switzerland -
Postcards of the Middle East and Asia - Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of the Middle East and Asia.
Princess Qualities -
Savoury and Sweet: take a gill of milk and a dozen eggs - Bookmoochers : BMJournal Savoury and sweet: take a gill of milk and a dozen eggs
Seasons of mists and mellow fruitfulness -
September – September blow soft -
Sunday -
Surf and Surfing -
The Best Thing I Ever Ate - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: The Best Thing I Ever Ate
There’s nowt as queer as folks - Gill T. Gill T. [BMJtnsqaf01tf] BMJournal Library friends : BMJournal There’s nowt as queer as folks BMJournal Library friends : BMJournal There’s nowt as queer as folks
Tiny Art Words -
Transport Through Postcards -
Turn Over a New Leaf - Gill T. Gill T. [BM1288737327490187777] Bookmoochers : BMJournal Turn over a new leaf. Bookmoochers : BMJournal Turn over a new leaf.

A BookMooch Book about South Africa -
A for ‘orses - bmjl bmjl [BMJL000001] Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal A for 'orses Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal A for 'orses
A History Journal: Native Americans - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - A History Journal: Native Americans
A Nice Cup of Tea or Two - Gill T. Gill T. [BM1296237779652654282] Bookmoochers : BMJournal A nice cup of tea or two. Bookmoochers : BMJournal A nice cup of tea or two.
A Perfect Breakfast - Gill T. Gill T. [BM129163141672979512] Bookmoochers : BMJournal A perfect breakfast. Bookmoochers : BMJournal A perfect breakfast
A Wine Journal - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - A Wine Journal
Adopted Animals - Flamingo6684 : BMJournal: Adopted Animals
Alliterative Sentences - Hannah and Bookmoochers : BMJournal: Alliterative Sentences
An Alphabet of Birds - Bookmoochers : BMJournal an alphabet of birds.
An Amazing Story Written by International BookMoochers - Hannah and Bookmoochers : BMJournal: An amazing story written by international bookmoochers
Animal Postcards - Hannah and Bookmoochers : BMJournal: Animal Postcards
Animals in Landscape Postcards - bmjl and Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal Animals in landscape postcards
Anything and Everything American, Deep South Edition/Y’all Come!! - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Anything and Everything American, Deep South Edition / Ya'll Come!!
Anything and Everything American, Eastern Edition. Yankee Doodle Dandy! - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Anything and Everything American, Eastern Edition. Yankee Doodle Dandy!
Anything and Everything American, Midwest Edition, Heartland of America - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Anything and Everything American, Midwest Edition, Heartland of America
B for Mutton - bmjl bmjl [BMJL000002] Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal B for mutton Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal B for mutton
Before I Go – A Bucket List - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal: Before I go..... a bucket list
Being Human - Bella Bella [BM1269479776662429169] Bookmoochers : BMJournal - Being Human Bookmoochers : BMJournal - Being Human
Blooming Beautiful - Bookmoochers : BMJournal Blooming Beautiful
Bookmarks Left Behind – Forgotten Scraps of Life - bookmoochers and carlyexactly : BMJournal: Bookmarks left Behind - Forgotten Scraps of Life
Business Card Journal - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Business Card Journal
Butterflies Are Free to Fly - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Butterflies Are Free To Fly
By Candlelight -
Can You Figure It Out?? - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Can You Figure It Out??
Castles - Gill T. Gill T. [BM1322513043220001575] Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Castles Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Castles
Check it out! - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Check It Out!!
Cityscapes - Bella Bella [BM1269479343803638765] Bookmoochers : BMJournal - Cityscapes Bookmoochers : BMJournal - Cityscapes
Cold as Ice (volume two) - Gill T. Gill T. [BMJColdAsIce2] BMJournal Library friends : BMJournal Cold As Ice volume two BMJournal Library friends : BMJournal Cold As Ice volume two
D for ‘mation - bmjl bmjl [BMJL000004] Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal D for 'mation Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal D for 'mation
dd is for …- Gill T. Gill T. [BMJL0000dd] Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal dd is for... Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal dd is for...
E for Brick - bmjl and Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal E for brick
Earliest Memories - Bookmoochers : BMJournal Earliest Memories
Endangered Species - prosegirl and other creative bookmoochers : BMJournal - Endangered Species
Extinct Animals - prosegirl and other creative bookmoochers : BMJournal - Extinct Animals
F for ‘fescence - bmjl and Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal F for 'vescence
Faces - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Faces
Favorite Limericks - BookMoochers : BMJournal :Favorite Limericks
Feel Better - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Feel Better
Fire Meditations - BMJournalers : BMJournal: Fire Meditations
Flat Mickey - People of BookMooch : BMJournal - Flat Mickey
Flora’s Feast - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Flora's Feast
Flowers of Meadow and Vale - Gill T. Gill T. [BM1303473382758470953] Bookmoochers : BMJournal Flowers of meadow and vale Bookmoochers : BMJournal Flowers of meadow and vale
Geckos on Parade -
Gives Me Hope - desultory and bookmoochers : BMJournal Gives Me Hope
Great Ideas and Inventions - Grace Hall and BookMoochers : BMJournal: Great ideas and inventions
Horses from Head to Tail - Bookmoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Horses, from head to tail
I Challenge You to Use this Stuff - Hannah and Bookmoochers : BMJournal: I challenge you to use this stuff!
Inspired by Rubber Stamps – Christmas Edition - Grace Hall and BookMoochers : BMJournal: Inspired by Rubber Stamps – Christmas Edition
It’s a Funny - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - It's a Funny!
It’s Such a Perfect Day - Hannah an Bookmoochers : BMJournal: It's such a perfect day
Itsy Bitsy Red Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Dragon - BM Journalers BM Journalers [BM1230675520578625525] LJCrowe aka Joy Found : BMJournal: Itsy Bitsy Red Chinese Zodiac: The Year Of The Dragon LJCrowe aka Joy Found : BMJournal: Itsy Bitsy Red Chinese Zodiac: The Year Of The Dragon
Lazy Days of Life - Debi Hoggan Debi Hoggan [BM1204915143361027454] Other Bookmoocher Friends : BMJOURNAL: LAZY DAYS OF LIFE Other Bookmoocher Friends : BMJOURNAL: LAZY DAYS OF LIFE
Let Me Eat Cake! - Peggy van Rooyen : BMJournal Let Me Eat Cake!
Libraries of the World – World of the Libraries - teresasa teresasa [BM130272656737429051] Bookmoochers : BMJournal: Libraries of the World - World of the Libraries Bookmoochers : BMJournal: Libraries of the World - World of the Libraries
Lighthouses - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Lighthouses
Little Book of the 1960s - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: The Little Book of the 1960s
Little Dogs We Love - Jan Wolf and fellow BookMoochers : BMJournal : Little dogs we love
Living in the Leftie Mirror - Hannah and Bookmoochers : BMJournal: Living in the Leftie Mirror
Local Heroes - Gill T. and Bookmoochers : BMJournal Local Heroes.
Mad About Plaid - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Mad About Plaid
Missing Words: mixtionary - Gill Tennant Gill Tennant [BM1337614951976990170] Bookmooch Journal Library Friends : BMJournal Missing words mixtionary Bookmooch Journal Library Friends : BMJournal Missing words mixtionary
More Important Things To Do - Erin Partridge Erin Partridge [BM1211351508861198848] All of YOU : More Important Things To Do BMJournal All of YOU : More Important Things To Do BMJournal
Morning, Mid-Day, Afternoon - Gill Tennant and Bookmoochers : BMJournal Day: morning, mid-day, afternoon.
My Favorite Animal - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - My Favorite Animal!!
My Favourite (sixth) sense - Gill T. Gill T. [BM1298152473696181592] Bookmoochers : BMJournal My favourite (sixth) sense Bookmoochers : BMJournal My favourite (sixth) sense
My Favourite Texture - Gill T. Gill T. [BM129795332654147760] Bookmoochers : BMJournal My favourite texture Bookmoochers : BMJournal My favourite texture
My Hometown -
My Own Dictionary - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - My Own Dictionary
My World - Bookmoochers : BMJournal My World
Nature Will Have Her Course - Bookmoochers : BMJournal Nature will have her course
Nothing Special -
One Spirit - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - One Spirit
One Word - Hannah and Bookmoochers : BMJournal: One Word
Party Time! - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Party Time!
Postcards of Africa - bmjl and Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of Africa
Postcards of Art and Fun - Hannah and Bookmoochers : BMJournal: Postcards of Arts and Fun
Postcards of Austria - Gill T. Gill T. [BM133301862187793055] Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of Austria Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of Austria
Postcards of Britain: the South Coast, Home Counties and Midlands of England - bmjl : BMJournal Postcards of Britain: the South coast, home counties and midlands of England.
Postcards of Canada - Gill T. and Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of Canada
Postcards of Germany 3 - bmjl bmjl [BMJL00PCG3] Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal Postcards of Germany 3. Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal Postcards of Germany 3.
Postcards of Nordic Lands: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden & Territories - Gill T. and Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of Nordic Lands: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden Gill T. and Bookmooch Journallers : BMJournal Postcards of Nordic Lands: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden [BM1328999731448137826] territories. territories.
Postcards of The Netherlands – Landscape - bmjl bmjl [BMJL00PCN3] Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal Postcards of the Netherlands ~ landscape Bookmooch Journal Library friends : BMJournal Postcards of the Netherlands ~ landscape
Postcards of Things That Make You Go “Awww” - Hannah and Bookmoochers : BMJournal: Postcards of Things That Make You Go "Awww"
Postcards of Winter Scenes - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Postcards of Winter Scenes
Postcards Tell the Story - jfit and BookMoochers : BMJournal: Postcards Tell the Story...
Punch and Jokey, a journal for visual humour - Punch magazine and Bookmoochers : BMJournal Punch and Jokey, a journal for visual humour.
Recommendations on books - deanna bmjournal : Bookmooch journal
Roses are Red - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: Roses Are Red
Sandcastles of Life - Debi Hoggan Debi Hoggan [BM1208306110294924519] Other Bookmoocher Friends : BMJournal - SAND CASTLES of LIFE Other Bookmoocher Friends : BMJournal - SAND CASTLES of LIFE
Slugs and Snails and Puppy Dogs Tails - Bookmoochers : BMJournal Slugs and snails and puppy dog tails
Stories of Untold Love - Hannah and Bookmoochers : BMJournal: Stories of Untold Love
TBR Piles of Life - Debi Hoggan Debi Hoggan [BM1214515441357693743] Other Bookmoocher Friends : BMJournal -TBR PILES OF LIFE Other Bookmoocher Friends : BMJournal -TBR PILES OF LIFE
The Book of Hills - Gill Tennant and Bookmoochers : BMJournal The book of hills
The Book of Postcards: Random - BookMoochers and aeris : BMJournal: The Book of Postcards: RANDOM
The Great Ancestor Project -
The Journal of Lists - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - The Journal of Lists
The Little Book of Surprising Strangers - Snofferol and the BookMoochers : The Little Book of Surprising Strangers BMJournal
The Merry Go Rounds of Life - Debi Hoggan Debi Hoggan [BM1208537662922742735] Other Bookmoocher Friends : BMJournal - THE MERRY GO ROUNDS OF LIFE Other Bookmoocher Friends : BMJournal - THE MERRY GO ROUNDS OF LIFE
What’s that on your Mirror? - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - What's That on Your Mirror?
Winnie-the-Pooh - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal - Winnie the Pooh
Wonderful Fabulous Recipes I Love - Cathy Hogue Cathy Hogue [BM1293222365878139233] the Bookmooch Journal-ers : BMJournal-- Wonderful Fabulous Recipes I Love the Bookmooch Journal-ers : BMJournal-- Wonderful Fabulous Recipes I Love
Word Play - jfit and BookMoochers : BMjournal: Word Play
Your Favorite Feline - jfit and BookMoochers : BMJournal: Your Favorite Feline

11 years ago

Recent comments:[write a comment]
(10 years ago)Thanks! All updates to this list are welcome.
(10 years ago)Jacquie, I meant to post earlier and thank you for the list. Have you noticed that quite a few of us have been doing our best mooching and sending journals on and I'm afraid there's been quite a bit of change to your list already!