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kendra (USA: NY) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Sara AhmedThe Cultural Politics of Emotion0
Sara AhmedThe Cultural Politics of Emotion0
Sara AhmedThe Cultural Politics of Emotion0
Sara AhmedDifferences that Matter: Feminist Theory and Postmodernism0
Sara AhmedQueer Phenomenology: Orientations, Objects, Others0
Sara AhmedQueer Phenomenology: Orientations, Objects, Others0
Christopher AlexanderA Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction (Center for Environmental Structure Series)0
Kwame Anthony AppiahThe Lies That Bind: Rethinking Identity0
Kwame Anthony AppiahThe Lies That Bind: Rethinking Identity0
Kwame AppiahThe Lies That Bind0
James BaldwinThe Price of the Ticket: Collected Nonfiction, 1948-19850
Jennifer BeerThe Mediator's Handbook0
Jennifer E. BeerThe Mediator's Handbook0
Jennifer E. BeerThe Mediator's Handbook, Revised and Expanded Fourth Edition0
Jennifer E. BeerThe Mediator's Handbook: Revised & Expanded Fourth Edition0
Homi BhabhaThe Location of Culture (Routledge Classics)0
Homi BhabhaThe Location of Culture0
Homi K. BhabhaLocation of Culture, The0
Grace Lee BoggsConversations in Maine: Exploring Our Nation's Future0
Grace Lee BoggsLiving for Change: An Autobiography --1998 publication.0