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My personal favorites are...
My personal favorite authors would have to be Louis L'Amour, Clive Cussler, and Mark Twain. My favorite books by those authors are most likely (although it is very hard to choose!) Son of a Wanted Man by L.L., The Navigator by C.C., and Roughing It by M.T. I also really like books by Zane Grey. I highly, HIGHLY recommend all of these books and authors. I'm soon going to be reading Cussler's book Polar Shift for the Spring Reading Challenge here on Bookmooch. If it is anything like his other books, then I know it will be great. Does anybody else here like any of these authors? What are your favorite books by them?
8 years ago
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I've never actually heard of him, but I really like Westerns, so long as they aren't too crude. I've tried to read some that were just so awfully smutty I couldn't get past the first chapter. Louis L'Amour, Zane Grey, and Will Henry write really good Westerns. Are Lee Hoffman's books basically clean, except for the language? Foul language doesn't bother me so much in a Western, since they actually talked like that back then.
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The books sound really good. I'll have to give her a try some time. Thank you for sharing this info with me! :-D
I really enjoyed reading Zane Grey novels in my teens. I ended up with a bunch of his books when my dad was about to get rid of his book collection, and I thought I'd give them a try. My favorites were The Mysterious Rider, Nevada, Raiders of the Spanish Peaks, To the Last Man, The Trail Driver and West of the Pecos. I read some J. O. Curwood at the same time, since there were some of his books in the same mix. I didn't care for them as much though. I've also read some Louis L'amour, but can't remember spesific titles.
I just recently finished reading Grey's The Mysterious Rider for the first time, and it was pretty good. I think my favorite, however, would have to be Zane Grey : The Light of the Western Stars. That one's really good.
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