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hi! im lisa, only new to this book mooch! a friend recommened i join. i love true stories and real life! i am a HUGE fan of cathy glass and martha long books, well worth a read!! if any one has similar intersets and can recommened a good book please let me know! thanks
14 years ago

Hi, Thanks a very much for the recommandations! I have managed to moouch one of Torey Hayden's books, cant wait untill it arrives to get stuck in! Just finished Dave Pelzer's 1st two books, A child called it and The lost boy, very sad stuff. As a mother to 4 lovely kids myself i cant understand how a mother could treat a child so wrongly and more disturbing, how a father could stand back and allow it to happen.Have moouched his 3rd one, A man named Dave, hoping to have it soon!
hi joey and me, hope you enjoy the rest of Cecelia Ahern's books! If you do let me know as she does be in one of my local bookshops regularly and i would have no problem sending you a signed copy of one of her books if you like!
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