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Forum: Queer Books

gay books

We still have stored way in the back of boxes of books and misc junk, several boxes of gay books, mostly male. No pictures although several covers have explicit pictures. These were older books when we got them 15 years or more ago. The last time we checked they are in good condition, just older paperbacks. Any interest? Prefer to be contact my email:

10 years ago


Sent email yesterday. Hope to hear from you soon! :)
10 years ago
We need to find some profitable way to get rid of these books. They have been stored in an apartment that I have not rented in several years in the downstairs of my home. I have not even seen them in two or three years. I am not willing to pay postage to get rid of them; I will trash them if I can't work out something. I don't remember for certain, but I am guessing there are probably 200 or 300 at least....and possibly more. They were in a store that closed over four years ago and were all in good shape although they were remainders when the store bought them. I think I posted that they are male gay stories, no pictures although the newer ones do have very explicit covers, appearing to be actual photos. I do hate to burn them, although I am not willing to spend any money getting rid of them. Any suggestions/offers?
10 years ago
With your constraints, it seems like it would be better for you to donate locally as the cost-effectiveness of you boxing them up, getting postage estimates, and exchanging costs would be prohibitive. Good luck in whatever you decide.
10 years ago