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Forum: International Shipping

International shipping - addressing

I am now going to reject any mooch that does not provide a name as well as an address. French postal authorities do not accept packages with just an address.
Each time I have to ask for a name and wait for a response to my email, I potentially lose a week's time window for being able to ship the mooch.

7 years ago


is it work now?
5 years ago
I do not understand your comment.

As previously stated, if you mark the book as received, I will smooch the points back to you. I am not prepared to incur the cost of international postage for a book that the post office could not deliver to the given address.

If you do not wish to mark the book received and for me to smooch the points back to you, you will have to wait for six months and then mark the book as lost.

5 years ago