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Forum: International Shipping

German "Buch und Presse International" and customs


I am currently trying to find the cheapest way to send books internationally, and the German "Büchersendung" or "Buch und Presse International" is very inexpensive compared to sending parcels.

I recently sent my first Büchersendung to Canada and prepared a CN22 customs form, but when I asked the lady at the post office whether I needed it, she said that there is no need for that form. She also told me that I can't send a Büchersendung that is taped shut, but from the wiki page at I knew that wasn't true and after I told her she begrudgingly accepted the shipment.

Now I am wondering: Do I really not need a CN22 form or was the post office worker wrong about that too? Are there any experienced German bookmoochers that know?


12 years ago


I usually will put a CN22 on all books I am sending outside the EU.

And I am asking others to do so as well, otherwise, I will occasionally have to pick my books up at the customs office (no problem for me, as it is quite close to where I live, but it might not be that convenient for other users). This often happens with books originating from Israel or the middle east... strange, I think.

11 years ago