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Forum: International Shipping

Patience! International shipping takes time

Please, if you've requested a book internationally, be patient.
Most of us who ship internatinally necessarily send books by the cheapest possible rate, which is therefore much slower than airmail. Just because you haven't received a book a week after it was sent doesn't mean that the book wasn't sent or that it's lost in the post, and it's not necessary to nag the sender for proof of despatch either.
I've just happily marked as received three books that were sent to me from Malaysia, posted in September 2011. They've taken almost nine months to make the journey to France, but they're here now.

12 years ago


Yes indeed. The Canada Post donkey cart and rowboat system can take the entire 4 months allotted for international mooches if not more.
12 years ago
Even Priority Mail boxes and envelopes from the U.S. can take up to 30 days to arrive overseas!
Mary Spurgeon
12 years ago
I had something sent from the UK to the East Coast of the US, and it took four months as well. Sometimes they just toss the books in the back bin, and they don't get loaded for weeks and weeks.
12 years ago