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Buying online instead of shipping myself - waddaya think?
Hi I am considering returning to active use of bookmooch. I have found a good local alternative. Here's the catch: shipping stuff abroad is really expensive for Swiss residents. Often, most of the time, actually, it's cheaper to buy a used book online (say, on amazon.com) and have it delivered directly to the moocher. I remember doing this once or twice, but I think I asked the moochers for permission. For clarification, here's how it worked: Someone from the US mooched a book from me. The cost of shipping from Switzerland was about 12$. The cost of the same book on amazon.com was 5$, shipping included. So I ordered the book and had it delivered to the person in US. It worked just fine. I selected one of the better maintained copies and paid a few extra ยข to make sure the quality matched the one I had. What do you think of that? Would you mind if I did that to you?
13 years ago

I personally wouldn't mind, although you would have to only do this with books you actually had a copy of otherwise since you can't offer books you don't have a copy of. I would make sure you have the full agreement of the moocher because you can't actually guarantee the condition the same way you can in you have the book in hand. You could also send new books from Bookdepository for less than the cost of postage for many books. I've been tempted to do that with domestic mooches here in Canada when the price to mail the book has exceeded the cost of the book new. If the moocher doesn't have a concern about condition, Betterworldbooks has free shipping to many places as well. I don't know whether TPTB would feel that this is against the TOS of Bookmooch.
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Well, I don't intend to do this on a big scale although I see how one could make a business of it. For fellow economists out there: it's an arbitrage opportunity. I have stated something along those lines in my profile so anyone who mooches from me is forewarned that I might resort to this option. QUOTEwhen the price to mail the book has exceeded the cost of the book new /QUOTE The benefit here, IMHO, is that this would actually increase the volume of available books via third parties. It's a pity that many books are never traded because of high shipping cost. And it would be a boon to moochers in exotic destinations.
It's a bit like integrating amazon.com or BetterWorld used books into bookmooch. A quick scan of the TOS did not reveal any clause that requires me to actually own a book. Though it may say so otherwise. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I am aware that because of the potentially business-like nature of this proposal this might be regarded as a violation of the bookmooch spirit. However, if it means that the number of available books increases, how could one object? That's just me being pragmatic.
When you add a book to your inventory, the message is "this book is now listed as a book you own and are willing to send" or something like that. I think the expectation is that people are not listing books they, in fact, do not own. I am not sure how anyone would be able to tell if that is what someone was doing. If ordering books online and having them sent to people who mooch from you works for you financially, and everyone is happy with the transaction, I don't think it would cause a problem, but I don't speak for the people in charge and others might feel differently.
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The logic of this is lost on me. If I don't already have a book to give away, why spend money buying a copy of a book someone else wants to send to them? I'd rather spend my limited funds buying a book that _I_ want to read! I've actually done this recently; I was stalled in a series I'd been reading, so bought the unavailable book and read it. It was mooched immediately I listed it, and so were the next two that I then read. My buying one book for myself actually subsequently liberated an extra two from my TBR shelves.
@jacquie I think the reason it might make sense for some people financially, were if they were in a country where English used books are hard to get and expensive to order through the Internet. (Prior to Betterworldbooks free shipping to Canada, for example, Amazon.com shipping added $7 to the price of a used book). If they bought a book from Amazon.com or Betterworldbooks to mail to a U.S. address, it would be cheaper than the cost of postage from their country, and they would get three points that they could, in turn, use to mooch a book internationally from someone in the Bookmooch community who would be willing to mail a book to them. Hope that made sense.
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I've thought about this but at the same time I'm hesitant because of the Domestic/International aspect. When you buy a book from Amazon you are usually sending the book domestically and I feel that it wouldn't be right to get more than 1 point from it (because the higher point cost for international mooches is supposed to be to cover shipping). But then, what about BookDepository for instance? I think John mentioned this some time ago... does anybody remember what was said then?
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 | | I've thought about this but at the same time I'm hesitant because of the Domestic/International aspect. When you buy a book from Amazon you are usually sending the book domestically and I feel that it wouldn't be right to get more than 1 point from it (because the higher point cost for international mooches is supposed to be to cover shipping). |
However, in this case you are also paying for the book + postage rather than just the postage, so I think it's a valid thing to do. I wouldn't be at all bothered if someone purchased a book from a local online dealer and had it shipped to me directly. As long as the condition is ok, what difference does it make to the receiver? They have paid their points, they have got their book. Rob
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In one way or another, you are always paying for the book as well as the postage (in Amazon marketplace the book itself only "costs" 1 cent!)... The thing is whether you are paying for International or Domestic postage, right? I personally think that it should be the same for a giver inside the US or outside it to use this system (buying a used book from Amazon marketplace directly to a US moocher), as the costs would be the same for either person... Now if the moocher wants to send the giver a couple of extra points for the book that would be up to him/her. I think that there should be some guidelines regarding this as it could be an interesting way of getting more books in the system.
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I'm the original poster and would like add some thoughts to this. I have just bought a book instead of sending it (7$ instead of 18$). Now my profile clearly states that I will exercise the option of buying a book locally at my discretion. However, I currently only have books in my inventory that I actually own. Right now, I'm only considering adding books that I don't own if I'm low on points. Then I'll add something that is highly wishlisted. The whole idea of buying v. shipping myself is only interesting as long as there are books available for mooching that I actually want. Why should I accumulate points if I cannot spend them? I have also considered the fairness issue. It does seem a bit extreme that one should get three points for a book that costs 4$ to ship from amazon. That would be 1.33$ per point. If you do this kind of thing domestically, it means 4$ per point. This is not fair. However, if you compare it per book, the picture looks different: Since I'm in Switzerland, if I get three points, I'll most likely have to spend three points to get a new book. There is a real issue here that will influence whether bookmooch will gain in popularity as a platform for trading books. Like it or not, but bm is a marketplace, the attractiveness of which depends on the quality of supply. If there is insufficient supply, lots of folks will shop elsewhere. But of course, here the whole bm pricing system is in question. Currently, there is a strong bias towards adding lighter and thinner books to inventory in the arrangement, where all books cost the same. I'm not a fan of this system at all. I think it severely limits the number of available books. John also launched a debate on whether to include books from commercial vendors in his post "A Dangerous Idea". I am not sure what the best course of action is. I like the idea of international mooching a lot. That's why I'm here. I would like this wonderful platform for much longer.
Hi Boris, I think it's an interesting idea. You might just give it a try and see. The thing is, you might find it's not worth it to go with the books everybody wants...when I calculate my point value, I include the cost of the book, which you are not doing. So, for me, an older book from Amazon costs about $4. Which means if I am sending things overseas, they can be worth up to $12 for me to be "even" if you will. I like to keep my value down, as you say, BM is a marketplace, and looking at that functionality, I like to think that my books are costing no more than $5. But perhaps you could try this and see if it works out. There are tons of copies of some mysteries out there, that I suspect are on people's wishlists. The problem is, of course, that the wishlists are even less accurate than the inventories, because when an Inventory is vacationed, its corresponding wish list is not. (See the Library Thing discussion about that..it's fascinating.) But a careful trial of 10 or so books you think might be desirable and appropriately priced would be worthwhile. And really, who *cares* where the book comes from. If the moocher wants a book, and they're willing to spend a point or three to get it, they know they had the option to buy it, and are not doing so...
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I still haven't worked out why this would make sense, other than as Tria suggested, if ratio becomes a problem. If a book that I really want isn't available on BM, then I'd rather spend 4 euros on buying that book and therefore reading something on my wishlist, rather than buying a book I'm not going to read to increase my number of points.
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