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Forum: Hard Science Fiction anyone?

Greg Egan

How about Greg Egan? He writes very challenging, high concept SF. It's not hard like Clarke but it is very satisfying.

14 years ago


I,ve read Axiomatin and Schild's Ladder. I loved the first but I have mixed feelings on the second. Any book in particular you could suggest? ^_____^
Il Gobb
14 years ago
Well 'Shild's Ladder' was one of my favourites so maybe I'm not the best person to make that recommendation! If you also like a bit of cyberpunk I'd suggest 'Quarantine'. Since you liked his short stories there is another recent collection called 'Oceanic', which I've just mooched myself a copy of.
14 years ago
My first Egan book was "Schild's Ladder". My eyes are still sore :D
A lot of exotic quantum physics and a disturbing lack of plot. Near the end is incredibly cryptic. A challenge, but not a fair one... don't know if i hate it or simply haven't understood it.
I loved waaaaaaay more Axiomatic.
Il Gobb
14 years ago