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Forum: Food For Thought

What would you do?

I decided to start up this forum to get discussions going on thought-provoking books. I've always been a fan of thought experiments, and lots of Sci-Fi novels get my neurons firing pretty well.

I've been on an apocalyptic fiction bent recently, and in many cases the books deal quite a bit with people's reactions to extreme crises. You have the father in Cormac McCarthy : The Road (Oprah's Book Club) (Spoiler Alert) who refuses to give up even when hope seems completely lost, while his wife completely gives up on everything fairly early on...not to mention the vast majority of people in the book who have taken to eating each other to survive. Themes often repeat themselves in other books as see very similar ideas in Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle : Lucifer's Hammer .

These and many other books in the same vein got me thinking about how I might react in an extreme situation. Would I fight to preserve something of the values and cultural upbringing I've had...would I give in to depression and/or suicide...would I abandon ethics and morality for expediency?

I'm not sure I can answer, though I rather hope I would opt for the foremost...maybe you can never know without being so tested.


Rebel Sun
14 years ago


In my long life (currently zeroing in on 69 years) I've noticed hordes of individuals who said, "In case of name of hypothetical situation I would do description of hypothetical actions because details of personal ethics/morals." And I have wondered, "How can they know what they would do in a situation they've never experienced?" I myself have been surprised at my responses to new situations. So in my (somewhat) new-found wisdom, I refuse to predict what I would do in a hypothetical situation.
Lou Jones
13 years ago
I tend to agree with Lou here. Although at 30 I have a lot less life experience than him (her ?), I did experience one or two of those "In-this-situation-I'd-do-X" situations. In all honesty I didn't react at all the way I would have said I'd react if someone told me it was going to happen to me. There are a few things that kick in when an emergency happen. I'm talking life and death emergency here. Some emotions prevent you from thinking the way you normally do. The adrenaline keeps you going 2 to 3 times as long as your physical shape normally allows to, but when it falls, you fall too.

It may be a lot of fun to discuss all of this and I encourage you to go for it, but I can assure you that if one said hypothetical situation you already discussed was to happen, you can be almost certain you'd never react the way you anticipated. I would also wish you never have to deal with one of these situations, for your own mental and physical well being.

11 years ago