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Points analysis

Name: JPix (United Kingdom)
User ID: jpix
Points: 15

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
7.9 -1 6.9 deducted points for mooch request 038533348X Peter J (United Kingdom) 2023/04/20
8.9 -1 7.9 deducted points for mooch request 0140241558 Barny (United Kingdom) 2023/03/25
9 -0.1 8.9 removed book from inventory 1250089824 JPix (United Kingdom) 2023/03/24
9.1 -0.1 9 removed book from inventory 1250034183 JPix (United Kingdom) 2023/03/24
9.2 -0.1 9.1 removed book from inventory 1250024633 JPix (United Kingdom) 2023/03/24
9.3 -0.1 9.2 removed book from inventory 1948818396 JPix (United Kingdom) 2023/03/15
8.3 +1 9.3 gave points for mooch request 0241373336 elliemay (United Kingdom) 2023/01/07
8.2 +0.1 8.3 added book to inventory 0241373336 JPix (United Kingdom) 2023/01/02
7.2 +1 8.2 gave points for mooch request 0140126716 Claire (United Kingdom) 2022/12/22
6.2 +1 7.2 gave points for mooch request 014119023X monkeygirl (United Kingdom) 2022/11/30
6.1 +0.1 6.2 added book to inventory 0586008357 JPix (United Kingdom) 2022/11/29
6 +0.1 6.1 added book to inventory 014119023X JPix (United Kingdom) 2022/11/29
9 -3 6 deducted points for mooch request 2070412881 Andrea_ca (France) 2022/11/21
12 -3 9 deducted points for mooch request 2266128566 Andrea_ca (France) 2022/11/21
13 -1 12 deducted points for mooch request 1405277041 PurpleSu (United Kingdom) 2022/11/21
14 -1 13 deducted points for mooch request 0099512793 Nellerance (United Kingdom) 2022/11/10
15 -1 14 deducted points for mooch request 0786868716 Nellerance (United Kingdom) 2022/11/10
14 +1 15 gave points for mooch request 0679750096 Russell (United Kingdom) 2022/10/09
13 +1 14 gave points for mooch request 0358211581 Russell (United Kingdom) 2022/10/09
12 +1 13 gave points for mooch request 0008237646 Susan Botham (United Kingdom) 2022/10/09
11 +1 12 gave points for mooch request 0440421241 pookledo (United Kingdom) 2022/10/08
10 +1 11 gave points for mooch request 0552552399 pookledo (United Kingdom) 2022/10/08
9 +1 10 gave points for mooch request 0439994136 sunnysum (United Kingdom) 2022/10/08
8.9 +0.1 9 added book to inventory 0358211581 JPix (United Kingdom) 2022/10/07
8.8 +0.1 8.9 added book to inventory 0440421241 JPix (United Kingdom) 2022/10/07
8.7 +0.1 8.8 added book to inventory 0552552399 JPix (United Kingdom) 2022/10/07
8.6 +0.1 8.7 added book to inventory 0439994136 JPix (United Kingdom) 2022/10/07
8.5 +0.1 8.6 added book to inventory 0008237646 JPix (United Kingdom) 2022/10/07
8.4 +0.1 8.5 added book to inventory 0140126716 JPix (United Kingdom) 2022/10/07
8.3 +0.1 8.4 added book to inventory 1948818396 JPix (United Kingdom) 2022/10/07
8.4 -0.1 8.3 removed book from inventory 1444900048 JPix (United Kingdom) 2022/07/28
8.5 -0.1 8.4 removed book from inventory 0586034862 JPix (United Kingdom) 2022/04/25
7.5 +1 8.5 gave points for mooch request 160942168X HistoryNerd (United Kingdom) 2022/03/07
6.5 +1 7.5 gave points for mooch request 1847083196 Nellerance (United Kingdom) 2022/03/02
6.4 +0.1 6.5 added book to inventory 1847083196 JPix (United Kingdom) 2022/03/01
6.3 +0.1 6.4 added book to inventory 160942168X JPix (United Kingdom) 2022/03/01
7.3 -1 6.3 deducted points for mooch request 0812974492 Dori (United Kingdom) 2022/02/05
7.4 -0.1 7.3 removed book from inventory 014751228X JPix (United Kingdom) 2022/02/01
7.5 -0.1 7.4 removed book from inventory 9780399256769 JPix (United Kingdom) 2022/02/01
7.6 -0.1 7.5 removed book from inventory 9780142422076 JPix (United Kingdom) 2022/02/01
7.5 +0.1 7.6 added book to inventory 0679750096 JPix (United Kingdom) 2022/01/22
7.6 -0.1 7.5 removed book from inventory BM1298066550781736181 JPix (United Kingdom) 2022/01/15
7.5 +0.1 7.6 added book to inventory BM1298066550781736181 JPix (United Kingdom) 2022/01/15
7.4 +0.1 7.5 added book to inventory 014751228X JPix (United Kingdom) 2022/01/15
7.3 +0.1 7.4 added book to inventory 9780399256769 JPix (United Kingdom) 2022/01/15
7.2 +0.1 7.3 added book to inventory 9780142422076 JPix (United Kingdom) 2022/01/15
7.1 +0.1 7.2 added book to inventory 1250089824 JPix (United Kingdom) 2022/01/15
7 +0.1 7.1 added book to inventory 1250024633 JPix (United Kingdom) 2022/01/15
6.9 +0.1 7 added book to inventory 1250034183 JPix (United Kingdom) 2022/01/15
6.8 +0.1 6.9 added book to inventory 0586034862 JPix (United Kingdom) 2022/01/15