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mona (Philippines) : friends

Friends of: mona (Philippines)

Alicia (USA: VA)

ae.dalrymple (USA: NY)

Alu (Philippines)

Aoife (Belgium)

Art Seblis (Philippines)

Kathereen (Philippines)

Marie (Philippines)

Bon Mot (USA: VA)

dianne (Philippines)

booklover78 (USA: NY)

boredandcrafty (Philippines)

Babing (Philippines)

czar (Philippines)

Cheche (Philippines)

Chikoy (Philippines)

CZ (Philippines)

Alex A (Philippines)

dementia (Philippines)

Kat (USA: KS)

dvocrafter (Philippines)

cecille (Philippines)

Winna (Indonesia)

fria (Philippines)

geze2s (Canada)

Georgia (USA: NC)

grinningghoul (Philippines)

Amy (USA: PA)

Haryati (Brunei Darussalam)

Iris (Philippines)

islandhopper (Philippines)

Brigitte (Philippines)

Jill (USA: CT)

Tobias (USA: FL)

Joel G (Philippines)

Juan Ice (Philippines)

Leena Lintila (USA: SD)

Lenie (Philippines)

Lilybell (USA: OH)

LisaI (USA: TX)

maggie (USA: MA)

Patti (Philippines)

oel_3 (Philippines)

Okonski (Deutschland)

giggles (USA: OH)

Paula (Canada)

Peter Alderson (USA: NY)

Rachelle (Philippines)

pivnoj (Philippines)

sam mijares (Philippines)

ScreamingBanshee (Canada)

Jemmm (Philippines)

Betty (Canada)

sumthinblue (Philippines)

Freddy (Singapore)

Vikoulina (USA)

sTEDdy (United Kingdom)

loree (Philippines)

Mary (USA: TX)

Zenith (Philippines)

What this person's friends have to say about 'mona (Philippines)':

ae.dalrymple (USA: NY): "See? I do have friends. They're just in the Philippines."
Art Seblis (Philippines): "excellent journalist, mooch from her and have her autograph the books. :P"
Jill (USA: CT): "Looking forward to being friends!"
Joel G (Philippines): "Mona, the Flippers and Bookmoochers miss you lots already! Hope you can show up in the next get-togethers! :-)"
Peter Alderson (USA: NY): "Thanks for mailing the book so quickly. It will be interesting to see how long it takes to arrive. No problem though as I have plenty of book to read. I am also a heavy reader and have a pretty large collection that I have accumulated over the years. In fact I am in the process of entering them in to a "Book Collector" program that I recently purchased. Thanks again. - Peter"
sumthinblue (Philippines): "Fellow Flipper Mona!!! :) "