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Messages: You Never Know What You May Find....

Just today....

I bought an old encyclopedia from a thrift shop here in Florida,to use as a basis for an altered book and inside was a business card from Michigan with the American League Detroit (where I was raised in Michigan)Entire season of home and "abroad" games (now called away games). The year of that season was 1959. Two years after I was born. That's an old bookmark!

VelcroDog (in Florida)
13 years ago

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(3 years ago)There are different parameters for everyone to judge everything. The same is with the online market. Everyone has a different opinion about different online shopping stores in Pakistan. There are many things that sum up to make an online shopping store best of all. But some points are that powerful that they take the game.
jims mtihsa
(13 years ago)I was going through a dictionary that used to belong to my father-in-law. Guess what I found. A small piece of paper .On it was a schoolish handwriting . Name, grade and name of school. Written by a sixth grade girl in 1985. That girl went on to marry . She married me! My wife comes from a family of 5 children and it was I who just happened to "inherit" the dictionary with her scribbled 25 years old note.

i've found a few things , one thing i found was a military release certificate from the 1950's

14 years ago

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(3 years ago)So i hope you agree with me when i say: “The polish and shining is a major deciding factor when it comes to the looks of a car” As fellow car enthusiasts, we know how much that glossy shine matters for your car. Whether it be metallic paint or a standard one, aerolon tech shine review on groomyourcar a car should always look good. Unfortunately normal polishes can loose their luster in a very short time and can also damage your paint in some cases. It sucks when your love and care backfires.
jims mtihsa
(14 years ago)I once found a very lovely bookmark... looked hand made, crocheted cross. with the initial K. Just so happens my last name starts with K. so I kept it. Found the book at a rummage sale
Weird Thing in A Book Package

Inside the packaging of a book I mooched recently was an EPT pregnancy test in its' own envelope. It was addressed from EPT and to someone else in a different state. The receipent address was not the person who had sent me the book. Anyhow I do not know how it got in there, but since it was already addressed and had prepaid postage I just stuck it in the mailbox. Very odd indeed!!

Sandi Mitchell
13 years ago
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(3 years ago)Hello! I was in a state of depression after divorcement. The biggest achievement I've made as a result from therapy with this site is how much strength I've as a single father of five, confident in love again as I am now in a healthy and loving relationship (see info about the definition romantic attraction here), and to live in the moment not dwelling on my hard past!!!
Charity shop book

A couple of years ago we were in a charity shop in Dunoon when a German book caught my eye. It clearly had a dustjacket at one point but it was missing so it was just a plain green-grey textured book with a faded title (My *something* Aunt).

I picked it up to see if it had an inscription, because I collect books with interesting ones but I can't remember if there was because stuck in between the pages was a really old photo. A Zeppelin flying over some hills and houses with a place name written on the back and a date around 1939.

It cost me about 50p and I was paranoid the whole time I was paying for it that the picture would fall out and the guy behind the till wouldn't let me have it.

It's incredible to think that it was taken just before the Second World War and I would love to know more about the picture, the book and the person who owned them.

13 years ago
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(13 years ago)I keep on meaning to dig it out and scan it in. I'm in the middle of sorting through my book collection so I'm sure I'll come across it soon. :-)
From the Friends of the Library sale:

At the FoL sale today, I got a copy of a well-illustrated biography of Darwin that had a ticket to the Velasquez exhibit at the National Gallery (2007) in London used as a bookmark.

Also bought a copy of a Lonely Planet book, Tales from Nowhere, with a $1 banknote from the Central Bank of Belize for a bookmark - very colorful, with Queen Elizabeth on the front and a coral reef plus a strip of jungle with tapir and toucan on the back.

Margaret H.
6 years ago
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Found in Eragon by Christopher Paolini

I just mooched this book and found two things in it: An advertisement from a sanctuary for farm animals in New Jersey, and a race car bookmark.

7 years ago
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Found in The Real Food Revival

I bought a copy of The Real Food Revival from my local Half-Price Books. When I got it home and investigated it further, I found a coupon from the now defunct chain Borders Books. It was for 25% off any one book, and it expired it 2005.

Also, in a copy of Little Women, I think it was, that I recently mooched off the site, I found an advertisement for a book signing at a local book store.

7 years ago
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Found in library book years ago

Years ago in a library book(I forget what book) I found a small booklet of mini posters ripped from an American Girl Magazine. I also forgot what I did with the posters.

7 years ago
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Not very exciting, but I live in hope..

I have found bookmarks before, but about a year ago I got a book, I think it was 2nd hand from Amazon, and there was a picture of a group of girls, a bit like a camp or class photo, I'm guessing it was taken during the 90's!!

11 years ago

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(7 years ago)I received a mooch request! It's been a few years and so long I forgot my password and finally got in. Hope this site is still going strong.
(10 years ago)I often get some tea to drink while reading, I don't know why and I'm more of a coffee person but still it's a very nice gesture. As for myself I sometimes add Belgian chocolates to the books I'm sending ^^
The weardest things you find in books...

I've just found an ultrasound test picture made at University Hospital of Hartlepool. It says early pregnancy in the margin, and it's made a year ago, so the baby must already be born. I found it in a used copy of Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult which is mostly about pregnancy, so this is kind of fitting for a bookmark:)

11 years ago
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(11 years ago)Cool!
I never found anything in a mooched book,

but maybe someone has found something in one of my give aways. I know I unintentionally get things stuck in my books, because the last couple times I returned a book at the library, the employee returned things to me including a bookmark and a sample of hand lotion.

11 years ago
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Wierdest thing found in a book....

I recently found a credit card inside a book that I was browsing (at a thrift store) I'd love to say that it was a book on managing one's personal finances but unfortunately it was just a thriller...

11 years ago
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I ordered a copy of Irmgard Weitlaner- Johnson's book on Mexican Indian textile designs from Amazon via BookMooch. When it arrived, there was a bookmark from one of my favorite bookstores in Oaxaca enclosed. Bookseller telepathy?

Margaret H.
12 years ago
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Found in a copy of A Woman's Passion for Travel, edited by Marybeth Bond, ordered from Amazon via BookMooch. Sorry, I didn't notice which essay the paper was in; it's written on a 3 x 5 page from a notepad from the Hotel Auersperg in Salzburg:

1 tbl. salt plus pinch
3 tbl. grated (?)onion
3 tbl. parsley
1 tbl. gr. (?)coriander
1/4 tsp. cayenne
1 tsp. cumin
Smash to paste
Mix: grill

Margaret H.
13 years ago
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Hidden Treasures

I had ordered a book online (from I believe) on Audrey Hepburn-it was titled "How to Be Like Audrey" for those who are wondering. Anyway, as I was leafing through the book one day, I noticed there was a three leaf clover stuck between two pieces of wax paper. I know four-leafs are supposed to be lucky, but I consider this a good luck charm. Totally unexpected, but cute all the same.

I love finding surprises inside books!

Rebecca E.
13 years ago
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Recent finds

Last week, I've bought a used book, and only when I brought it home, I noticed that there are two photos inside it. One shows flowering shubs of someone's garden, and another is a snapshot of an Asian-style watercolour. There's a name on one of the photos, but no address, and they don't look very important, so I'll probably throw them away.
Also, as I was leafing through the same book later, I found a theatre ticket from 2009 December.

13 years ago

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(13 years ago)Thanks for the link. You've been very lucky:) A lot of people have signed books, but here the author himself is writing about one of his creations. Awesome!
(13 years ago)I was very excited when I found it as Heinlein is one of my favorite authors. If you are interested here is a link to an scanned image of the postcard i found.
(13 years ago)A very interesting find! It probably has some collector's value, I'd guess?
(13 years ago)I just picked up a copy of the worlds of Robert Heinlein and found what appears to be a postcard from Heinlein to the owner of the book discussing the plot of one of Heinlein's novels. So far this is the oddest thing I have found in a used book.