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Messages: Teachers On BookMooch

Need Assignment Help? Let’s Share Resources and Tips!

Hey everyone,

I’ve noticed a lot of us are struggling with assignments lately, especially with deadlines piling up and the pressure to perform well. Whether it’s finding reliable sources, managing time effectively, or just staying motivated, we all face challenges.

I thought it would be a great idea to start a thread where we can share tips, resources, and even personal experiences related to assignment help

What tools or services have you found useful?
Any strategies that help you stay on top of your work?
How do you deal with the stress of multiple assignments?
I’ve found that sometimes just talking it through with others who are in the same boat can make a huge difference. Let’s help each other out and make this semester a little less stressful!

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and tips!

6 months, 18 days ago
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Can anybody help me?

Hey guys I am planning to start writing a research paper on business subjects, below I have shortlisted 5 business research topics which are trending now. Please suggest to me which idea I should choose.

Impact of Digital Transformation on Business Models
Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Business
Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Markets
The Role of Big Data and Analytics in Strategic Decision-Making
Workplace Diversity and Inclusion: Effects on Organizational Performance
You can also suggest another topic related to my subject area. I am openly looking for suggestions from dissertation helpers.

7 months, 21 days ago
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2 for 1 Leveled Readers

2 leveled readers for 1 point

Over 200 leveled readers available on my inventory: Anne Smoak
Good for use in classrooms, homeschool, private school, tutoring, etc. Grade levels and lexiles included in description.

Anne Smoak
10 years ago
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Substitute Teacher from Colorado

Hi, I'm a substitute teacher from Colorado. I enjoy reading different genres but right now I am reading books about other cultures, and especially memoirs of other people's experiences with other countries or cultures. I am currently reading In the Land of Invisible Women by Qanta A. Ahmed, MD and this is a very good read.

I want to begin Chris Stewart's, Driving Over Lemons series next.

I am also a member of and its a postcard trading site from around the world - many teachers sign up to use this for their classes, so I just thought I would mention it.

14 years ago

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(2 years ago)You are a student and you don't have time. Indeed, time is a limited and valuable resource, and there are so many things you can't find a better excuse to do. We have recommendations for the cheapest writing services!
(14 years ago)Hi, Have you discovered A Wartime Poetry Journal by Effie M. Roberts? It's all written in poetry - quite lyrical, often funny, sometimes sad - full of details of everyday life in WW2 England. I have a copy to mooch. (The writer was my grandmother). Pippa
(14 years ago)You're welcome and hope it helps somehow
(14 years ago)Thanks for sharing the postcard thing. :)
Anyone cleaning out a stash of books for 5th grade?

Hi everyone! I'm Kristin, and I'll be teaching 5th grade this year. Since my primary focus in college was high school English, I am severely lacking books targeting that age. If anyone is clearing out a stash of books for 4-6th graders, I'd love to get some (or all) of them. I'd also love points if anyone is willing to part with them.

I'm in the process of moving , so most of my books are currently in storage (until the middle of next month). I'm hoping to list some of my teaching books and even high school books when I can.
My school is a lower income school, so funding for resources is limited. If anyone can help me out I'd be forever grateful!

Thanks in advance!

11 years ago

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(1 year ago)Thank you for posting such a great article. I’m a Writer by profession and I found that today’s students are curious about how to Dissertation help london . I suggest they take guidance from an expert, they also help them in writing their homework.
(1 year ago)Do you know the cheapest essay writing service? All articles are also checked for plagiarism using well-known anti-plagiarism tools.
(1 year ago)Look for information about the writers on the essay writers service's website. The best services will have information about their writers' qualifications, experience, and areas of expertise.
(3 years ago)It's great that you take care of your students and your school as a whole. I am sure you love children very much, as you are asking for help. I think it's perfectly okay to ask for help. When I was in college, I couldn't write essays. Therefore, I used the services of this company Once I was sitting on an assignment for a very long time and there was only one day left before the deadline. I was very worried, but this team of professionals coped with my task perfectly in a matter of hours. In addition, they offered me a number of free features. I was just happy when I got a good grade.
(3 years ago)Thanks for sharing this with us.
Teachers, are you there?

Hello, out there! Is anybody reading this? I am a retired teacher who just discovered this forum and would greatly appreciate "teacherly" discussion with others in the noble profession.

In my retirement years I work with ESL students and anyone who needs to be tutored gratis. Due to the "plague" I have had to become an online teacher, not quite as much to my liking, but whatever gets the job done.

Fellow teachers old and young, please talk to me!

Hoping to read your MANY replies soon,


4 years ago
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German literature and subject matter books on offer

Cleaning out my parents house about an hour SW of Charlottesville VA in early March. Have about 100 books in German that she brought over in the 1960s and about 200 on German topics and US political topics. Too many too even try to list and cannot store when we sell the house. Contact me and you can come get whatever you want. Maybe donate me a few points if you can.


11 years ago
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I have connected with a few, but I know there must be more in the world of BM. I would love to connect with others :)

14 years ago
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(12 years ago)I am a homeschooling mom!
Foreign Language Teachers

I'm studying to be a French teacher right now. I'm really interested in reading as much as I can about teaching methods and theory. I would love to hear of anyone with moochable books related to FL teaching, languages, French or general teaching that they recommmend. If you have any other books to recommend that aren't moochable, I'd like to hear about them too!


13 years ago
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(13 years ago)Hello Ellen! I am currently applying for an MA, in order to then try the PGCE exam for teaching English to secondary and high school students in France. Hope you found what you were looking for!
vacation and time to read

I just thought I would post to the teacher list to see if there are any teachers out there. Since no one has posted in a while, I thought I would. I am going from a first grade to computer tech teacher in the fall. My students will be 5-8 years old. Anyone know of good books for ideas.

13 years ago

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(13 years ago)thanks for the info. I will check out your website.
(13 years ago)The "Click and Squeak" books may be a bit out of date, but they are fun. Check out my webpages for computer ideas for school:
Hello and Welcome!

Hi fellow teachers! My name is Mel and I am a middle school English teacher. I read a lot of young adult novels. My favorite genres are mystery and historical fiction. I am currently reading the GONE series as well as The Mortal Instruments. I highly recommend both! I am also taking a class on implementing reading and writing workshop. Any tips or advice on implementing the workshop model would be greatly appreciated.

Mel :)

14 years ago

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(13 years ago)I've been able to use lots of books that I've discovered thanks to rings on bookcrossing - for example, I did an EFL course with 13-15 year olds on the theme of self-image, while reading Uglies by Scott Westerfeld... the students enjoyed that a great deal... Right now I'm reading the Young Reader's version of Three Cups of Tea with a class - the controversy blew up after I had ordered the books, so the theme has been changed to "Heroes??"
(14 years ago)I'm a student teacher, desiring to teach Social Studies at the Middle School level. My undergraduate training was in History. I foresee infusing the discussion of literature into my classes. I highly value Reading and learned when I was four. My father taught me! Today, I volunteered at the local public library to mentor adults to read, in preparation for pursuing a G.E.D. You could say I have a passion for teaching and for reading! -- Robert aka "Robertus Minimus" bio inventory
(14 years ago)I am also taking a class on reading and writing workshop for teaching my middle school English classes. I just finished reading WHEN YOU REACH ME by Rebecca Stead. A little too predictable for me but I think my 6th graders would like it. My daughter read IF I STAY and said the writing was good even though the storyline was not her taste - she is 15. I checked out NOTEBOOK KNOW-HOW by Aimee Buckner from the library today. Looking forward to reading that.
Sadie's mom
(14 years ago)I don't have any suggestions for an English, but I do have a few suggestions for pedagogy. I would highly recommend that every teacher read John Dewey's Moral Principles in Education. I also find Rethinking Our Classrooms by Rethinking Schools to be a brilliant compilation.
(14 years ago)Have you read If I Stay by Gayle Forman? That was popular with my kids...I just finished it last was amazing!!!
Lindsay Adams
New to forum group

Hi, my name is Stephanie and I am studing as an early childhood education major. I want to teach third grade, but will gladly take any grade I can get when the time comes. My roommate is also an education major, who hopes to teach kindergarten. And I have a five year old. We are looking to build our library of children's books and even some "how to teach" books. Let me know if you have a selection of either of these, especially children's books! Thanks!


14 years ago

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(14 years ago)You posted this a while ago so I'm not sure if you are still looking or still checking this post, but I do have some books listed that you might be interested in. I homeschool my kids and we have a pretty large home library that I am always "weeding" so mine might be an inventory you want to keep an eye on.
(14 years ago)I'm a teacher--first grade this year. Any books you're looking for in particular? I don't have much on my inventory list but I do have books. JUst don't have time to list much. Let me know
any elementary/primary teachers on here

I'm a primary teacher here in NJ. I'm looking for others who might have books in their inventories related to teaching. Any one?

14 years ago

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(14 years ago)I currently am teaching fifth-grade students and have been recently cleaning out my closets. I have taught everything from K-9th grade. Check my inventory. Teri
(14 years ago)Hi, I start studying primary teaching beginning of next year in Australia, has anyone got any teaching books that they would like to share. Let me know. I am very excited to start learning. Thanks
(14 years ago)I do not see a place on bookmooch to ask this question, so I hope somenone can help me here. I am not getting emails from Bookmooch. For the last 2 days, I go to my memeber page on bookmooch only to discover that someone requested a book from me. The only problem was that I never got a notification from Bookmooch. It has not gone to spam...nothing in that folder. Can anyone help me?
(14 years ago)Hello, I am not a teacher but I am always looking any/everywhere for good deals on books! There is a store near my job that sells used items and there is one booth that has ALOT of childrens books as well as books on activities like you mentioned. I would be happy to check out the inventory for you and look for specific titles. There are alot of reproducible books that look very good. One in particular was on Ecology and sustainability activities and it looked wonderful! I even bought it thinking I could share it with someone. I would be happy to send it to you if you like!
(14 years ago)Er - "all the emails"? ::confused look:: That wasn't me. I just answered your post here, online.
(14 years ago)Dear Gail, thanks for all the emails. You gave me lots of good info. As for teaching books---I 'm not interested in teaching textbooks. I'm more interested in books with ideas about activities--such as scholastics puts out.
(14 years ago)Um - do you mean "how to teach" books, or books for elementary school students? I still have some textbooks in my inventory. Gail
Any preschool or daycare teachers here?

I'm a toddler room teacher at a daycare and was wondering if anyone else works with young children as everyone else seems to be elementary teachers.

14 years ago

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(14 years ago)@ Marie. Oh, yes. I totally know what you mean. Same requirements and same expectations as teachers, but half the pay. It gets to be very frustrating.
(14 years ago)Im not a teacher but a nursery nurse in England - looking after 3 and 4 yr olds - i do the same job as teacher but half the pay!