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85 Books (mostly for young readers) just posted - Deals offered
Please, check out my Inventory. I just posted 85 books. The vast majority are books for young readers, but I have some novels for adults and a few parenting books posted, as well. And, I am offering deals, if you mooch more than one book from me. The deals are: 4 books for 2 points, 6 books for 3 points, 8 books for 4 points, etc. Thank you.
Lori B
4 years ago no comments
Stupid Christmas
I just finished stupid Christmas if anybody wants it.
4 years ago no comments
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Just added a bunch of books!
Hey everyone, just added several books to my inventory. I'm going to be shipping out Friday, so check it out. On top of Westerns, fantasy, thriller and romance I just added the first book of the Hunger Games and The Percy Jackson series.
4 years ago no comments
Inventory plug
Just put down my side of the mountain if anyone is interested.
5 years ago no comments
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Fern Michaels - Sisterhood series
I have quite a few of the Sisterhood series in my inventory. Would love them to continue to circulate through BookMooch rather than going to a charity shop.
6 years ago no comments
Inventory adjustment
I’ve got the “international cryptozoology society journal” & I’m willing to give it to someone for at least 1 mooch point, or best offer.
7 years ago 1 comment
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Romance books
On my inventory I have romance books, there are occasionaly some magazines for card makers and a couple of other magazines and lots of books by Nora Roberts: Minna
7 years ago no comments
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Sports auction catalog
Hi all, i have a sports and Americana auction catalog in my inventory, perfect for sports fans. It's in good shape, so i don't want to toss it. I'd just like it to go to a fan so if you mooch it, ill smooch your point right back and send it on. Thanks!
7 years ago no comments
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3 new books!
I've got 3 new items on my list of books to give away!
7 years ago no comments
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Management Books
I've listed quite a few management books, all new or almost-new copies. Several are wishlisted, but seem to be only sought after by accounts that are on vacation. If you're interested, please mooch before I send them to a charity.
7 years ago no comments
Man, Myth and Magic magazines
I have four editions of the Man, Myth and Magic magazines from the 1970's. They are Volume 1 Numbers 1, 5, 7 and 8. You can see what they look like here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man,_Myth_%26_Magic_(encyclopedia) If anyone is interested, let me know and I will manually add them to my inventory. Since I am in Canada, I can make a deal for the four of them for 4 points (smooch back 2 points for each magazine) for international moochers. They are in pretty good condition considering their age. Some discolouration on the covers. One of them has the first page missing in part.
7 years ago no comments
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make me a deal
Make me a deal on my inventory, no reasonable deal denied.Thank you.
7 years ago no comments
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30+ Books seeking homes!
I am completely out of credits right now so I need some mooch requests! As of now I have over 30 books, many of which are brand new/like new condition, though you'll have to read the condition notes. I've got lots of books for the middle grade audience, but also plenty of books for adults! I've got a few manga (Japanese comic) books (translated to English of course), a few books about near-death/afterlife experiences, children's historical fiction/biographies, some Christian books. Just check it out!
7 years ago no comments
Check out my inventory!
As of now I have 19 wonderful books looking for new homes! Lots of middle grade stuff but also books for adults. Homeschoolers might want to check it out because I have lots of biographies and historical fictions that could be useful! Just haven't gotten a request in a while and could use some points.
7 years ago no comments
10 for 5
Mooch 10 books from me and I will smooch 5 points back to you. John Vernon Scott
John Vernon Scott
8 years ago no comments
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large print
i know large print can sometimes be a bit hard to find on here, so i wanted to put it out there that i have a couple of large print books in my inventory Iroquois Stories by Joseph Bruchac A Friend of the Flock by John McCormack feel free to mooch away!
8 years ago 1 comment
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older mysteries
I've recently added some older mysteries/classic mysteries. Open to all deals.
8 years ago no comments
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YA books and some travel
I have just added several YA books to my inventory and they are mostly series books. I also have two Not For Tourists books that are actually great for tourists! One is for New York City and one is for Los Angeles. They are a few years old but maps don't change that much! They are similar to the A-Z guides that have an entire city of maps throughout the book. I am only getting rid of them because I have a newer version of each one. Lastly I have tons of extra envelopes, so feel free to mooch those as well and I will send them along.
8 years ago no comments
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