(3 years ago) | I am still active and also had a paper published last year about BookMooch - you can read it for free here:
It is true that it has been suggested it needs updating, but it mostly functions. So please do add and mooch away.
I have some ideas how things could be improved, but to do that we need some active people who are able to make changes. At the moment John, who started it holds the keys to the kingdom and it is unclear if he will allow that.
- marcus petz |
(3 years ago) | Hi, I'm new to Bookmooch. I have been on Paperbackswap since 2008.
Hoping to learn how to add books for swapping here, as well as how to add to my wishlist. Right now I'm not finding it to be as user-friendly as PBS.
- honeybunches75 |
(4 years ago) | Hi,
Wish I'd known about this years ago. I have no sense of how popular book mooch once was, or is today...but does anyone have an opinion on whether it has properly promoted itself thru social media?
- Tom Leland |
(4 years ago) | Hello and welcome! I usually check to see how many people have a book on their wish list before listing. That will give you a general idea of how quickly a book may be mooched.
I still enjoy bookmooch even if it isn't as active as it was when I joined.
- Aunt Bean |
(4 years ago) | Hi, just learned of book mooch, added some books...but just saw people writing about how inactive it all was...am I wasting my time?
- Tom Leland |
(4 years ago) | Someone messaged me from in bookmooch and I couddn't even tell who it was. If it was Someone who responded on here a year ago, please let me know.
- Danielle |
(5 years ago) | Hello, I am sad that so few people actively participate in the forums on bookmooch and there is reduced trading too. I was in a reading forum that was so much fun for a few years, but never garnered more than 3 participants at a time. It finally just died off. It was a seasonal reading challenge.
I am glad there are still people dedicated to bookmooch!
- Aunt Bean |
(6 years ago) | Hello! I love the idea of this community so much and I'm really sorry to see so little activity and so many inactive members. Hope everyone is getting good books somewhere else then!
- Blurbie |
(6 years ago) | A few still here.
I don’t trade as much either. I stopped reading as much for a while.
Then I started reading again in a few book clubs. But I found I couldn’t find the titles we were reading.
- Danielle |
(6 years ago) | is anybody still here??
It seems like everyone vanished or just got tired waiting around for their wishlist.
I just haven't had the money to pay for shipping, but I can come back now and pick up where I left off.
My daughter and I have still been trading books - we find them cheap at thrift stores and then trade with a used book store, and then distribute whatever is not wanted by the used book store to various places such as our local community center library or "little free library" kiosks around the area.
but, if anybody is still out there, come on back and participate again!
- enn |
(6 years ago) | That great!
- kinhdonem |