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Messages: horror books

Nightmare Hall #2 & #9

Both of these books aren't on anyone's wish list, so I thought that I would post these here to see if any young adult horror fans would be interested.

Nightmare Hall #2: The Roommate
Nightmare Hall #9: The Night Walker

Both books are by Diane Hoh.

14 years ago
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I want to unload some Stephen King (5 books, good/fair condition)

I have Cujo, Misery, Salem's Lot, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, and Thinner. All fair-to-good condition. I don't want them anymore. I also have Intensity by Koontz in pretty good condition.


14 years ago
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Shaun Hutson, Stephen King

I have a couple of spare copies of Pet Sematary and 2 books by Shaun Hutson if anyone is interested.

11 years ago
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(11 years ago)Sorry for delay in replying :) One is Slugs, and the other I think is Dominion. Of interest? Let me know. x
Arthur Herzog's The Swarm

Description (from Amazon's product description):
MARYVILLE, N.Y. Sept. 26 (AP)—A family of five on an outing in an isolated spot by a stream were attacked by bees here.
Mr. and Mrs. William Peterson died as the result of bee bites. Their three children were also attacked, one, Karen, age 12, severely.
The local coroner, Dr. David P. Znac, speculated that both adults had allergies to bee bites, which can be fatal. About 30 deaths a year in the U.S. are attributed to bites from bees, wasps and hornets.
What caused the bees to attack is not known.

This was the beginning, barely noticed. Then the terror began to spread—terror that was to erupt into a national panic as the strange, seemingly purposeful murderous attacks of a new and vicious species of bees began to mount. Against this background, a band of scientists draw upon their knowledge to fight an enemy they only partly comprehend in a desperate race against time.

Built around one of man's most haunting fears—that the forces of nature will overrun his defenses and exterminate the human race—The Swarm is a vividly imagined masterpiece of chilling adventure.

14 years ago

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(14 years ago)I wondered - Oof looks a lot like Ollie, my Maine Coon. She's only 14, not a patch on Oof's longevity yet. I love the giant paws and Thumper back legs, but that powerful, long tail is the living end. She sweeps things off of tables all the time and when she hears them fall gives me an accusatory look that seems to imply that I shouldn't own so many self-toppling objects. Viking cats rule, or, you know, conquer and settle, whichever.
(14 years ago)National Lampoon once did a fake letter from Stephen King, giving the plot from his latest book: Boo! Boo! Boo! Boo! f### Boo! f### Boo! Oof is a mutt, but shows all the traits of either the Maine Coon, or Norwegian Forest Cat in her lineage, including big furry feet, jackrabbit back legs, brushy tail, aggressive friendliness and talky, albeit with a hideous yowl. She turned 23 in April...pretty good for a viking cat.
(14 years ago)Someone really ought to, though I'm not sure how that would go...perhaps a series of asides. Still, prepare to be dazzled - Is that a Maine Coon cat in your picture?
(14 years ago)Bees have teeth? Stings are bad enough, but when they GNAW on you, that's just spite. Did they ever make a Mystery Science Theatre 3000 for books?