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Messages: Frugal Readers
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Thought I would start this forum for anyone from Frugal Reader who would like to reconnect. Babs here(from frugal) On BookMooch I am sandollar. Hope everyone is well. Hope to see some people here soon!
14 years ago 17 comments
(14 years ago) | Hi, this is flutterbella, also from frugal reader. Hope that everyone is doing well and I am looking to reconnect with some old friends. You can also find me on Paperbackswap.com as Flutterbella13.
- Deanna | (14 years ago) | hi leela4
- leakey387 | (14 years ago) | Hullo. I was Leela4 at FR.
- Leela4 | (14 years ago) | Hi WandaH, It is good to see other X-members again. Let's stay in touch.
- Clara | (14 years ago) | Hi. I was also WandaH at FR. This is my first venture back into bookswapping since FR disappeared. Glad to see familiar names.
- WandaH | (14 years ago) | Thanks Leaky, I wish you a wonderful weekend as well.
- Clara | (14 years ago) | hi Clara I enjoy keeping in touch with former FR members .have a great holiday week-end
- leakey387 | (14 years ago) | Hello I am also a FR member until they closed. My nickname is avinclara. I look forward to keep in touch with you.
- Clara | (14 years ago) | I'm trying to find a former FR MEMBER AUCTION DAZE USA they always had good books wondering if they are on bookmooch also
- leakey387 | (14 years ago) | it is in the middle 90's everyday this week.
came back from fl 2 weeks ago had a grandso0n get married.right now no trips planned un til maybe in Aug trying to decide if I want to go.
So what is going on in your life.here it is just cut the grass water the garden.
Oh I just started taking ZUMBA lessons i love the dancing and boy do I work up a good sweat.
Keep in touch
have you read any good books lately?
- leakey387 | (14 years ago) | Hi LakeyLady!
Great to hear from you. How are you doing? Well, I hope. Any more trips planned? Is it really hot in Texas right now?
Babs aka sandollar
- sandollar | (14 years ago) | Hi Babs,
I'm lakeylady here also glad to see a familar face
- leakey387 | (14 years ago) | Hi! Babs, this is a great idea. I was afraid the only way the ex-Frugal Readers would be able to connect would be on the Yahoo Group (which is great also). I was "parkwood" on FR, am "parkwood" on PBS and here on BookMooch. I seem to be collecting a lot of points here on BookMooch just like I did on FR. Am having a hard time finding books I really want here, but I keep trying! Thanks for starting this forum!! Peg (Margaret McDaniel)
- Peg McDaniel | (14 years ago) | Hi Sstone!
I remember you from frugal. Glad you are here on BookMooch. I like it here much better than PBS. It seems friendlier somehow. Nice to reconnect!! Babs aka sandollar
- sandollar | (14 years ago) | Hi Becky:
No, you are not losing your mind. I was writing in the open discussion forum, but then I realized I could create a separate forum, so I did that so it would be easier for frugal readers to find. Babs aka sandollar
- sandollar | (14 years ago) | Hi Babs, This is beckyt from Frugal Reader --- my name here is beckyt as well. I think I am losing my mind. Just a couple of days ago I looked at some forum posts on here about Frugal Reader and there were several comments --- did I really see that??? Hope you are well. Becky
- BeckyT | (14 years ago) | Hi, Babs. I was Harley on Frugal Reader and sstone here on BookMooch.
- Susan |
Hey Again!
Hi Again any of you frugal readers. Not much action on this particular forum, but I hope people are joining in on the other forums! Summer is always a hectic time, so not much time online. Just wanted to keep the forum open, and say, hey! Is any one else out there??? Babs aka sandollar
14 years ago 8 comments
(14 years ago) | I like going to forums. But I mostly stay to the chat on PBS. It is a lot of fun. We talk about books and other things. I am so excited that I am reading a lot more books this summer.
- Clara | (14 years ago) | Hi all, I'm still here -- barely:-) I can't keep up. Trying to do more reading and less forum hopping. (dcw888)
- Denise | (14 years ago) | I'm not on BookMooch often - I'm not very successful at mooching here, a lot just don't respond to a request. Also the books I've sent overseas either got lost or the receiver never marked them. So I use PBS more for trading, and for forums I'm always on Shelfari's Play Book Tag group, and I do check Big Fish and the Yahoo group.
- annapi | (14 years ago) | I never got a chance to use the forum cause I was busy at other forums lol. I am reading more books this summer. I have yet to go somewhere and have fun. However, I will be going to Washington for one week at the end of August. Hopefully I'll be able to enjoy the sites while there.
- Clara | (14 years ago) | Hi everyone! Summer is busy, but great. I have done quite a bit of reading though. I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying summer.
Lost a few credits from FR, but I miss the forums more than I do the lost points.
- jen | (14 years ago) | How many credits did you loose from Frugal Reader?
- Clara | (14 years ago) | I am still here. I just wish there were more of us interested.
- Clara | (14 years ago) | I catch up on the BookMooch forum every few *weeks*, so I'm not one who can hold much of a conversation. On the other hand I'm a "member" of this thread, so I always check it when I do catch up.
- Leela4 |
other connections?
>I was afraid the only way the ex-Frugal Readers would be able to connect would be on the Yahoo Group Are there any other sites we have in common? I'm on the aNobii cataloging site.
14 years ago no comments
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frugal reader
So does anyone know what happened. I had lots of points to spend and books to send and suddenly the site disappeared.
14 years ago 2 comments
(14 years ago) | Basically he couldn't beat the problems and gave up. He could have been more courteous about it, but there you are.
The killer was probably the search vs slooow problem. FrugalReader couldn't have a really good search engine unless the site was also allowed to suffer from a major slowdown that made it impossible for dialup users and a trial for everyone else. At the end of 2009 this problem suddenly hit a LOT of websites that had search engines, and a lot, including FR, were subsequently disbanded or abandoned.
BookMooch was also hit by it. But the owner had the time, resources, and just plain cleverness to figure out the cause was a small number of webcrawlers. He managed to ban them.
- Leela4 | (14 years ago) | Yes, the owner let the certification for the site lapse, so the site just went down. No communication fromm the owner. Everyone lost all their points, wish lists, everything. Sorry to be the bearer of this news. Sandollar.
- sandollar |
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