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Messages: Forum design
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Go to oldest message in this forum
I would like a quick link to the oldest message. As forum administrator for the very active angel request forum, trying to clean out older messages is really trying when you have to scroll through numerous pages.
It would also be great if there was a button for “DELETE AND MOVE TO NEXT OLDEST MESSAGE” or some such. The “RETURN TO FORUM” button takes you right back to the most recent message.
Jenni Canuck
14 years ago 1 comment
(1 year ago) | I wonder how many people in this forum are dead now. It has to be like a quarter, right?
- Jack |
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It would be great if accounts inactive after a certain amount of time (say, five years) are automatically put on vacation and their wish lists are deactivated. I see accounts with and (mostly) without books that have remained dormant for almost a decade that aren’t on vacation, and it stinks when I list a book that’s been wishlisted by these accounts.
1 year ago 2 comments
(1 year ago) | You know, it would also be great if you could filter out books based on who can actually send them to you. There are so many members from the US who refuse to send internationally, and I have to wade through them every time I want to mooch a book. John Bookmooch, fix your site
- Jack | (1 year ago) | I agree, this is a great idea
- Jack |
new forums for new discussions
I've noticed that some people (possibly newbies) have been creating new forums to post a question/suggestion/complaint rather than posting a message in another more appropriate forum. Is there any way for a forum admin to clean up these forums by moving the messages to the appropriate forums and deleting the newly created forum? It would make it faster and easier to read through all the forums. It would also make the messages in question more likely to be answered since some of us only have "my forums" visible and therefore don't see the newly created ones.
14 years ago 2 comments
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New book Browse Topic listing?
Is it possible to add a Poetry book topic to the browsing list? The Literature and Fiction topic is huge, of course, and searching for "poems," "poetry" and what not are a clunky way to try to pull out those books for browsing. Thanks,
14 years ago no comments
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Add "UPDATED" column to the Forums Table
I would like to see a sortable "UPDATED" column included in the Forums table which would show the date and/or time of the last message/comment. It would make it so much easier to scan recent messages/comments and will become more and more relevant as forum usage continues to grow.
If there is a limit to the number of columns, for me at least, the UPDATED info would be far more useful than the forum creation date.
Thanks, John, for the time and effort you put into this never-ending project. Your labour of love is very much appreciated.
Lola Soleil
14 years ago 2 comments
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Bug report: forum comments were not sent by email
I noticed a strange bug when browsing John's official "BookMooch blog" forum: I had received John's "Downtime fun" message itself by email, but the comments people had made to it were not sent to me. I unsubscribed from receiving the forum by email and resubscribed back. Let's see if that corrects the issue. Taneli T
Taneli T
14 years ago 5 comments
(14 years ago) | This is probably a "mis-feature" on my part.
Specifically, I thought that "blogs" should be treated differently from "open discussions" and that people would want to receive only the main topics via email in blogs, but in open discussions, they'd receive topics and comments.
However, given how the forums are actually being used, I think this is not very helpful, so I'll change the email feature for blogs to send all topics and comments, just like open discussions do.
- John Buckman | (14 years ago) | Thanks Rob and Jon for making a comment in the Downtime fun thread. I received none of them in my inbox (and they're not in my spam folder either), so indeed this seems to be a genuine bug that affects either that specific thread or the BookMooch Blog forum as a whole.
Unsubscribing and resubscribing to that forum doesn't fix it.
- Taneli T | (14 years ago) | I made a reply earlier, but so far have had nothing in my inbox.
- Rob | (14 years ago) | Oh, good Rob, I'm not the only one. Now we just need someone to post a new comment to that thread: Downtime fun
I'd hate to leave just a plain "test comment" just to see if the problem was fixed. Have to think of something...
Taneli T
- Taneli T | (14 years ago) | I had the same thing Taneli.
I'd be interested to hear if that sorts out your problem.
- Rob |
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Suggestion: enable filtering messages (posted by me only / by any member)
What I mean, it would be very useful to be able to see only the messages posted by me in a forum. Now, if I want to find some older post I have to go through all the pages in some forum. This would be most useful for people posting to Angel mooches and Inventory deals forums, because when an angel mooch is completed or a deal's time is over, you have to delete it. It would be much faster if I could see only my own posts. Also, if it's not too complicated, there could be an option to filter messages by any member, just by their BM id.
14 years ago 1 comment
new forum feature: move a message to another forum
Forum administrators now have the ability to move a message (and all its comments) from one forum to another. This feature is most helpful when a message thread starts on a forum which really is better served on another forum. A friendly email is automatically sent to the message author letting them know that the forum message was moved. Note that there already exists a feature where a forum administrator can "upgrade" any comment into a full message, when a comment is deemed substantive enough to merit its own conversation.
John Buckman
14 years ago no comments
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(14 years ago) | I just wrote:
 | | the topic does not seem to jump on top in the forum page. |
Oops, seems like I was a bit impatient. I see now that the topic does jump on top in the forum page, but there's a noticeable delay, taking some minutes, before it happens.
- Taneli T | (14 years ago) | John Buckman wrote:
 | | That's how it works now: threads are sorted by the "most recent activity", whether that be the original posted date or the date of the most recent comment. |
Umm... maybe there's a bug, since commenting to an older topic does not seem to change the sorting order of topics within a forum. Like Rob noticed, the topic does not seem to jump on top in the forum page.
Taneli T's inventory (worldwide)
- Taneli T | (14 years ago) | Probably a good idea -- "bumping" threads to the top of the display based on the most recent comments is pretty typical behavior for the phpBB forums many users may be familiar with, and makes it very easy to find and start reading the most active conversations. This would also be a step towards the possible use of "sticky" posts, as discussed elsewhere, permanently at the top of a forum as a sign of their "New here? Read this first!" importance, which is also something comfortable and intuitively familiar to users with a phpBB forum background.
- Miss Smilla | (14 years ago) | Ok, well that comment I just made has made no different to the thread ordering on the page. This topic is still 4th in the list even though it has the most recent comment.
Have I misunderstood how this aspect is supposed to work? Is there perhaps a time delay in the sorting?
- Rob | (14 years ago) |  | | That's how it works now: threads are sorted by the "most recent activity", whether that be the original posted date or the date of the most recent comment. |
That's weird. I could have sworn items with recent comments were lower down the page. Lets see if this comment bumps the whole thread above those that have been posted today...
- Rob | (14 years ago) | Hopefully, you'll find the new format of the forums much easier to read, and to catch up on forums you're following.
- John Buckman | (14 years ago) | I thought that, too. I don't always have time to look through every forum to see where the discussion is taking place. Maybe instead of listing the date created on the all forums page, list the date of the last post? That would let me know at a glance exactly where the action is. :^)
Jenny :^)
- Jenny | (14 years ago) | Great, thanks John!
- Hercules40 (a.k.a. PapaG) | (14 years ago) | That's how it works now: threads are sorted by the "most recent activity", whether that be the original posted date or the date of the most recent comment.
In other words, a recent comment pops a thread to the top.
As to this comment:
It can be quite hard to notice and find topics in which current discussion is taking place without email notifications.
I completely agree, and will be changing the way the main forum page works for members, so that it's easy to keep up to date on what you missed since your last visit. Should be available in the next few days...
- John Buckman |
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Suggestion: Email me when someone mentions me in forum
Now that it's possible to place BookMooch user id's in brackets and create links to our own and to other users' bios easily - like this: Taneli T - it would be useful if I got an email of a message every time someone mentions me this way, regardless of whether I subscribe that particular forum or thread by email or not. This way, I could easily notice a discussion that concerns me and participate in it if I wanted. Otherwise I might never come across a discussion that might interest me too. Thanks! Taneli T's inventory (worldwide)
Taneli T
14 years ago no comments
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forums don't work on ubuntu
the forum seem to be O.K. for Mac but doesnt read or upload in UBUNTU linux. ---------------------------------- your right---- i had to add java codeing to get it working.....its an older system. computers arghh! it loads now. thanks much Miles what it was doing before was bringing up a URL of page not found. now it brings up the page and all the content. Ubuntu software search of free codeings and gave me an upgrade that switched it. now everything loads great! thanks everybody.
fiddle 1
14 years ago 2 comments
new: "your forums" page totally redone
The "your forums" and "all forums" pages have been completely redone. Most importantly, these pages now track when you last visited the forums and only display what's new since then. This should make it much easier to keep up to date with "your forums" For example, if you visited two days ago, only forum statistics for the past 2 days are show. You can change "XX days" choice with the pulldown menu to view any number of past days. The "your forums" page http://bookmooch.com/m/forums now displays in tabular form: 1) number of comments on that forum in the past XX days 2) number of messages on that forum in the past XX days 3) the subject lines of those new messages, each linked to the full message itself The "all forums" page http://bookmooch.com/m/forums_all now displays 1) the number of comments on that forum in the past XX days 2) the number of messages on that forum in the past XX days 3) the date it was created in "3 days ago" format, rather than a hard-to-read date. Note that when you change the "XX days" ago on the pulldown, it is remembered across all these pages, even when you visit later that day: 1) your forums 2) all forums 3) all "recent messages" pages
John Buckman
14 years ago no comments
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as requested: photo/username in forums links to bios
As requested on this forum, I've changed what happens when you click on a BookMooch user name or photo. You used to go to a "forum statistics" page for that user. People didn't find that helpful. Now, you are directed to that member's bio page. If you still want to see their forum statistics, there is a link to that on their bio page.
John Buckman
14 years ago no comments
as requested: comments in a thread are sorted oldest first
As discussed on this forum, I've changed the way comments are displayed. On the "recent messages" overview page, comments continue to be shown in a "newest comment first" fashion. However, if you click on the _comments_ link on a message, all the comments are displayed, and they're displayed in their original (oldest first) order, which makes it much easier to follow the conversation.
John Buckman
14 years ago no comments
new forum feature: email me replies to this message
When you write a new message, there is now a checkbox option that reads: (X) Email me replies to this message A similar checkbox now appears on the "leave a comment" box: (X) Receive this thread by email If you check this option, you'll receive email copies of replies (aka comments) to your message, and only your message. You'll also receive a link in each email to optionally stop the emails (unsubscribe) This feature strikes me as very handy when you don't want to receive all the email from a forum, but do want to hear back about your particular question. Note: this option does not appear if you are set to receive all emails from the forum. You can also choose to receive/stop email for a thread from the pulldown menu when ready any message thread.
John Buckman
14 years ago no comments
sort order and bio page link gone
Ick, yes...some people who are used to "top-quoting" email defaults in clients like Lotus Notes or Outlook may like this newest-first comment sort, but I'm another one who hates it -- it breaks up the logical question/comment-and-response order. Personally I'd prefer the old order, but if you can make the sort toggleable so folks who do prefer reverse order can also sort messages the way they like, that might be best. As for the switch to usernames/icons now linking to forum stats rather than the user's bio page -- that's also suboptimal for my usage patterns. I've mostly clicked on those wanting to see a user's bio, inventory, or wishlist because they sounded like interesting people I might want to friend, had similar tastes so I wanted to see if they had anything good to Mooch, etc.; seeing how active they are on the forums really isn't terribly useful or interesting to me. Two possible ideas -- perhaps you could simply add the forum stats to the bottom of the bio page, and link everything at once that way? Alternately, right now both the username and usericon are clickable, and take you to the same forum stats page. Perhaps instead of the redundant links, pick one of those items to link to the bio page and use the other to link to the forum stats page? (You might need to put in a default "NO USERPIC" placeholder icon for folks who don't have one of their own uploaded to make it a little more visually obvious that there's something clickable there in the photo column, of course...)
Miss Smilla
14 years ago 1 comment
(14 years ago) |  | | some people who are used to "top-quoting" email defaults in clients like Lotus Notes or Outlook may like this newest-first comment sort, but I'm another one who hates it -- it breaks up the logical question/comment-and-response order. Personally I'd prefer the old order |
I'm changing it so that:
- in the overview, the newest comments are displayed first
- if you click on the thread comments link, that page shows you comments in oldest-first order.
Hopefully that combination (overview shows newest first, detail shows conversation order) will be seen as an improvement.
 | | As for the switch to usernames/icons now linking to forum stats rather than the user's bio page -- that's also suboptimal for my usage patterns. |
I'm still tinkering with that, I and I can see where seeing what forums someone is active on isn't all that interesting.
I like your suggestion of making the person's name/photo link to their bio, and putting a link to their forum stats from the bio. That's probably what I'll go for.
- John Buckman |
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show me new messages since last visit
I would love to have something similar to the LibraryThing forum where the first messages are at the top so you can follow the thread, but each time you log in the new messages since your last visit are highlighted in a different color so you can immediately jump to where you last were and read from there.
14 years ago 1 comment
(14 years ago) | I'm working on something like that. What I have now allows you to hide messages & comments older than XX days ago, where you hopefully will set XX to how many days ago you visited.
The reason I haven't done what the LibraryThing forum does, is that it's not clear to me at all how to determine "when you last visited". Is that:
1) when you last viewed the overview of this forum
2) when you last went to the "my forums" page
3) when you last logged into BM
4) when you last wrote a message on this forum
The situation is complicated by the fact that you might opt to get email copies of forum activity, so you're actually "up to date" when you visit the forum, because you've read your email, but the site doesn't know that and thinks your last visit was when you last came to the site.
In other words, it's very complicated.
I'm still working on this, fear not, but my next step is to make it easier to see XX days of activity on all your forums.
- John Buckman |
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