block users
I couldn't find if this has been requested below, but it would be good to be able to block (or somehow highlight) users that you've had a negative experience with or say, received books that reek of smoke that affect your allergies, so that you wouldn't request from them again. Sometimes it's hard to tell with the usernames.
2 years ago no comments
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Deactivate wishlists for inactive accounts
If an acciunt is inactive for more than a year, please can the wishlist be de-activated. I list books and they show as being on wishlists but then are for inactive accounts. I'm not suggesting that the wishlists are emptied, but there must be a way to mark them as inactive
5 years ago no comments
Binding in search criteria
It would be nice to be able to specify the binding in the Advance Search criteria. I have so many books right now that I don't have room for any more hardbacks. An alternative would be to show the binding in the search results - then I would only need to click on the paperbacks to add them to my wish list. Thanks!
Greyhound Lover
5 years ago 1 comment
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(5 years ago) | I went through the blanks and some give books. 2 did not. ONE of these I then did as hand entering the book. BookMooch told me that it had an ASIN number (this is Amazon's item number and should be the same as the ISBN). So I added this book.
Yet that number 641488997650 is not found with a google search nor an ASIN lookup (which looks at the US lookup). So I think that a database is corrupted somehow. As this is an actual item which I have I am sure it is not a user error.
I leave it in my inventory to see if it gets fixed in some update or another.
- marcus petz | (5 years ago) | I have noticed when I add books that are in Amazon's database BUT not available to buy on Amazon - just the books we would want to mooch then the title, picture and name returns as blank.
- marcus petz |
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Date last book sent
I'd like a clear indication on a member's summary profile of the last date that a book was sent. I don't mind waiting for a while, and understand that some people don't get many mooches, but when I see someone with a number of pending books to be sent, I wonder how active they are and whether it's worth trying to mooch. As I can only get to the post office once a week, my own profile might occasionally put others off from mooching, so it would be nice to show that I last sent books x days ago.
6 years ago 1 comment
(6 years ago) | I second this! Right now, I use their most recent feedback to try to determine this, but I think it would be helpful to know just with a quick look at their profile.
- Britt |
(6 years ago) | French comic books are called "albums", but I can't list them because BM says this is a phonographic record!
- jacquie |
More (internet) security features
How about https being added to bookmooch? Also the login email sends username and password in clear text. Both makes me woder if it is save to use bookmooch, it does not seem very secure to me. :/ If this is the wrong place, I'm quite new, please tell me where to request such a feature, thanks. :)
6 years ago no comments
Requested book not wishlistable
I can hand enter a book I am giving away. BUT there is a book I want. It has an ISBN and I know the title and name. When I search on ISBN 10 or 13 or the title it is not found on any Amazon search. I cannot add it as a Wishlist book - as only books on Amazon can be added. YET I can hand list it as a book I am giving away. I did this and then was told that this book existed on Amazon (yet not on the Amazon search engine THROUGH this website NOR directly through the Amazon websites). Well whatever I agreed to add this book. The book then appears with no title, no author name - only the ISBN - which is useless. I then find I can search and find this book BUT I cannot add it to my wishlist!! So there are a lot of issues here - adding pictures of the book I want, wishlisting a book WITHOUT having to go through Amazon - why do we want to be beholden to Amazon?? And the issue I see a lot which is non-English books not being found. m
marcus petz
6 years ago 2 comments
(6 years ago) | Yes I do. I use the software called DataCrow to catalog what books I read and it allows several booklists to be indexed for free:
It uses and Google Books and Amazon options and Amazon Kindle store.
There are others but I am not sure if they have open APIs - I think some must like Adlibris, Worldcat
BUT ultimately I think we should connect with OpenLibrary:
and interface with them.
- marcus petz | (6 years ago) | This is not meant to be a criticism of your suggestion or to contradict what you are saying. I agree that more complete data would be an improvement. Do you know of a good alternative to Amazon's databases? I think that is a big part of the issue. Any organization that is not a library is usually expected to pay for access to most book databases and I don't think it is a low fee. Amazon cut bookmooch off of its .com feed a while back but it can still use the and other feeds. I hope there are good sources, but I am unaware of them. For my own wishes or posts that are missing data, I try to add the author and title in a book review so that anyone viewing the page can see it.
- Sarah |
(6 years ago) | It does exist. I had it for awhile. It was useless, and it cost me a US Dollar to get it. Not worth it!
- Janice B | (6 years ago) | There’s no app!
- abe | (6 years ago) | I think it does exist, at least on play store. I checked some time ago. But it's not a good app and, moreover, I nearly remember you have to pay for it.
- libbr |
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(7 years ago) | John has always refused this request. He wants to keep the site just for books. Audio books are okay. There used to be an informal trading site on a yahoo group of Bookmooch members who traded other things, but it seems to have died out. You can always post a note in your status message noting that you have some CD's or DVD's that you would be happy to include in a Mooch for some extra points. I don't think that would be against the TOS.
- Cara |
Goodreads Connection
I would like a direct connection to Goodreads so any reviews I have posted there can be seen here. I would like to see my friends and their reviews as compared to what's available on Bookmooch. I would like to be able to scan with Goodreads and add to Bookmooch inventory. The possibilities are endless.
Mdme. deMarigny
10 years ago 13 comments
(7 years ago) | Thank you Sarah! I have error logging on the app now so I got an email about the error. It's something unique to your shelf I think. I'll get to the bottom of this ðð
- Stephanie | (7 years ago) | I got this error: "An unhandled lowlevel error occurred. The application logs may have details."
Here is the shelf I was trying to use:
- Sarah | (7 years ago) | Ok, I've done a lot of work on it in the past week. I tested it out particularly on Firefox 53 and it works! Let me know if it works now!
- Stephanie | (7 years ago) | I'm using Firefox 53 - and yes I am able to log in to GR just fine.
- Sarah | (7 years ago) | Hi Sarah,
Thanks for the update. Would you mind telling me what browser & version you are using?
These newer authentication methods need to be on a new browser to work. And just to confirm, you are succefully logging into goodreads, it shows you a list of all your shelves, then you click one, and it breaks. Right?
If your shelves are public, could you give me a link to the shelf you are trying to send over? Thanks!!
- Stephanie | (7 years ago) | yes the error happened after i logged in and selected a shelf. The book icon is actually an open bracket and a closing bracket, but that is how you make a link to a book in this forum. Anyway, I just tested it again and on a few other shelves, but they all returned the same error.
- Sarah | (7 years ago) | Hi sarah,
So it showed you all your shelves, and you clicked the one that said wishlist, and then that's the error it gave?
- Stephanie | (7 years ago) | I tried it on my wishlist shelf and I got this error: Internal Server Error
undefined method ` ' for nil:NilClass
WEBrick/1.3.1 (Ruby/2.3.3/2016-11-21) at
- Sarah | (7 years ago) | Hi Sarah! I built that feature for you. Now there's a view to let you choose which shelf you want to send to bookmooch.
- Stephanie | (7 years ago) | totally! I can build that for you. I'm thinking a little dropdown of your shelves, and you can pick which one you want to send over to bookmooch.
- Stephanie | (7 years ago) | I use To Read as my list of books I already own but have not read yet. I use another shelf (wishlist) for the books I need to buy/mooch. Is there a way to pick the shelf for import?
- Sarah | (7 years ago) | Ok great! I built the app, here it is:
Message me with questions or comments! I'm happy to add more features if people need them! Right now it takes your to-read Goodreads shelf and puts them all on your Bookmooch wishlist.
- Stephanie | (7 years ago) | Hi all,
I'm an app developer and I use both Bookmooch and Goodreads. I had a list of 300 books on my to-read shelf on goodreads. I wanted to add them all to my wishlist on bookmooch. So I made a way to do a one-click transfer.
If I put this online, would people use it?
- Stephanie |
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Edit reviews
I use the 'review' section to comment about a book's position in a series, or occasionally to add the summary information from the back cover if it's not extracted from the Amazon feed. It's annoying that any data entered cannot be edited; one has to copy, delete, paste and edit...
7 years ago no comments
posting limits
A suggestion I think might help things- it seems like a lot of newbies get very excited, post all the books they have, get dozens of requests and then get overwhelmed and just stop responding or using the website. What if there was a limit on how many books you could have in your inventory for, say, the first month? Maybe 10 at any given time? I think that would be less overwhelming and lose less members. Just a thought.
8 years ago 2 comments
(8 years ago) | ah, i didn't even think of that! so maybe adjusted limits for national vs international- 10 books vs 30 books. i've just run into a lot of cases where people put up a ton of books, get requests for each one and then just give up and don't send any of them.
- Britt | (8 years ago) | Ten books is only one point. That's of no use to those of us who have to mooch internationally - three points.
- jacquie |
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Changing the way book # of * works
This feature is useful for multiple mooches but is nonsensical when some of the books have been marked as despatched. Please can it be changed so that if more books are mooched after the initial mooched have been posted, then the counter re-sets Thanks Gill
8 years ago 1 comment
(8 years ago) | This is a really annoying feature. Books that have been sent but not yet received are still shown as pending. The counter should be reset once books have been marked as sent.
- jacquie |
(8 years ago) | Hear hear! If a mooch request is rejected, the book is removed from one's wishlist. If one then puts the book back on the wishlist, one appears to be at the bottom of the wishlist for that particular book even though (apparently) wishlist mails are sent randomly.
- jacquie |
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"books mooched"
I'm not sure why I'm even bothering with this, since they've made it clear they won't be updating the website at all, but here goes. I really wish that books I never received did not count in my "books mooched" list and number. There are quite a few that were rejected, lost or canceled due to non-response but it looks like I successfully received every book. Wishful thinking, I guess, but it's something that's always bugged me.
8 years ago 1 comment
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Browse: random old inventory selection
Utopia, but I may as well ask! I'd like to see a "highlight old inventory" selection similar to the 'recent' book feed. This would randomly select books that have been in inventories for say more than a year and highlight them in the same way as the 'recent' feed does. The advantage of doing this would be to draw attention to books that are languishing in inventories, and hopefully have them mooched. I suspect that many books that have been in inventories for a long time are there because they're not recent fiction, possibly even bordering on the obscure. These are the books that one doesn't go searching for, but which, if brought to the attention of the right person who has points to spare, will attract moochers. The advantages would be: - moving old inventory, therefore releasing points into circulation - finding good homes for some books that may never return to BookMooch because they are a little specialised - putting those books back into BM circulation when they've been read, keeping book turnover - spending points Utopia, but maybe worth looking at? Jacquie
11 years ago 4 comments
inactive members and inventory
I would like to see members that are inactive for say 100 day or more have their inventory invisible until active again. It's a pain to see something moochable and find out the member has been inactive for long time. The book is not really moochable with that in the way.
8 years ago 1 comment
(8 years ago) | there is a method to make their inventories invisible (albeit a complicated one). simply mooch a book from them, when they don't respond after at least 7 days, cancel the request with the reason of "the owner did not respond". that will "vacation" their inventory.
- Britt |
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