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Chaim Potok : The Chosen

Author: Chaim Potok
Title: The Chosen
Moochable copies: No copies available
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 271
Date: 1968-1
ISBN: BM122996815735280861
Publisher: Fawcett
Previous givers: 1 Ray Feather (United Kingdom)
Previous moochers: 1 Nichola (United Kingdom)
Description: Growing friendship between two Jewish boys from different sects or factions, and how the respective fathers assist and threaten it. Set in WW2 New York, concerned with the aftermath of the holocaust and the divisions created in the Jewish community by the rise of Zionism. Much of the text is centred on Talmudic interpretation and commentaries,which, to a non Jew and athiest, seems bizarre but interesting, especially since goyim, the derogatory term used here by Jews is also applied to the Zionist by the Hasidic sect.Reminds me of the way the left used to tear each other to pieces at one stage.

Very well written.