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Colin Wilson : Crimes of Passion, the Thin Line Between Love and Hate

Author: Colin Wilson
Title: Crimes of Passion, the Thin Line Between Love and Hate
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 224
Date: 2006-01-01
ISBN: 1862004994
Publisher: Sevenoaks
Weight: 1.0 pounds
Size: 6.9 x 8.5 x 0.6 inches
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Previous givers: 2 BayShine (USA: CA), alison ernst (USA: NY)
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Description: Product Description
Jealousy, revenge and lust are among the oldest motives for murder. When passions run high, spurned lovers can act without a thought for the consequence. Crimes of Passion chronicles over 60 emotionally charged cases in which the heart ruled the head, invariably with fatal consequence. Some are spur-of-the-moment rages from betrayed partners that have elicited sympathy from judge and jury; others more carefully planned acts of revenge and spite that have shown and received no mercy. Crimes of Passion covers cases including the shooting of baseball player Eddie Wiatkus, the Lana Turner scandal, the murder of Dr Tarnower of Scarsdale Diet fame, the trials of OJ Simpson and Scott Peterson. The result is a chilling and compelling insight into what happens when love turns to hate.
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