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Nancy Rue : "B" Is for Bad at Getting into Harvard (Raise the Flag Series)

Author: Nancy Rue
Title: "B" Is for Bad at Getting into Harvard (Raise the Flag Series)
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 224
Date: 1998-06-01
ISBN: 1578560330
Publisher: WaterBrook Press
Weight: 0.15 pounds
Size: 5.1 x 7.5 x 0.5 inches
Edition: 1
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Previous givers: 3 Laura (USA: MA), Kathleen (USA: FL), gypsy (USA: MI)
Previous moochers: 3 ^Mary^ (USA: FL), Word Of Life Library (USA: CA), Nicole (USA: CA)
2Abi (United Kingdom), Kath (USA: NH).
Description: Product Description
Raise the Flag Series Book 2 A diverse group of high school girls faces the challenges of standing up for what they believe is right. You’ll cheer them on and learn more about yourself in each book of the Raise the Flag series!

One of the two editors-in-chief of the King High newspaper, Norie runs with the “high achiever” crowd: kids who participate in things like the Academic Olympics…and cheating rings.

As a Christian who has recently rededicated her life to God, Norie doesn’t want to be a part of it. But stress builds as her friends pressure her to help them. Even worse, Norie’s dad wants her to study more instead of spending time with her prayer partners, the Flagpole Girls. He desperately wants her to get into Harvard. But with the change in the grade curve, that’ll never happen unless Norie starts cheating, too. Now if she’s going to resist the temptation—and avoid being framed by the very kids she’s trying to stop—she’s going to need prayer, and her Christian friends, more than ever before.

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