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Samuel W. Gilbert : The Riemann Hypothesis And The Roots Of The Riemann Zeta Function

Author: Samuel W. Gilbert
Title: The Riemann Hypothesis And The Roots Of The Riemann Zeta Function
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 158
Date: 2009-01-22
ISBN: 143921638X
Publisher: BookSurge Publishing
Weight: 0.85 pounds
Size: 6.9 x 9.9 x 0.5 inches
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Description: Product Description
The author demonstrates that the Dirichlet series representation of the Riemann zeta function converges geometrically at the roots in the critical strip. The Dirichlet series parts of the Riemann zeta function diverge everywhere in the critical strip. It has therefore been assumed for at least 150 years that the Dirichlet series representation of the zeta function is useless for characterization of the non-trivial roots. The author shows that this assumption is completely wrong. Reduced, or simplified, asymptotic expansions for the terms of the zeta function series parts are equated algebraically with reduced asymptotic expansions for the terms of the zeta function series parts with reflected argument, constraining the real parts of the roots of both functions to the critical line. Hence, the Riemann hypothesis is correct. Formulae are derived and solved numerically, yielding highly accurate values of the imaginary parts of the roots of the zeta function.
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