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Michael T. Dolan : Walden

Author: Michael T. Dolan
Title: Walden
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 135
Date: 2006-09-15
ISBN: 0977937909
Publisher: Conversari House
Weight: 0.4 pounds
Size: 5.43 x 0.0 x 8.11 inches
Amazon prices:
1Chloe & Kaitlyn (USA: CA).
Description: Product Description
Written by Michael T. Dolan, WALDEN deconstructs higher education, the struggle for individualism, and the parade of conformity in one fell swoop of a very sharp pen. In the tradition of the great angry young men novels, WALDEN presents a humorous, shocking and thoroughly modern take on a young man's struggle for self. Tucked into one day, you ll find the grand themes of love and death, revolution and freedom, hope and enlightenment. And you ll find the Who and the Stones, back before they were doing Hummer commercials, CSI theme songs, and Microsoft jingles. Pick up a copy today, and join the revolution that is WALDEN. Says author Iain Levison, author of A Working Stiff's Manifesto: WALDEN is a story about the seamier side of campus life, a life far removed from the smiling faces on the college brochures. Mike Dolan has crafted a powerful and evocative story, full of anger, frustration and misdirected emotion, about a young man caught up in the anonymous and soul-crushing world of the educational system. Should be required reading for all college freshmen.
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