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Charles N. Seashore : What Did You Say?: The Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback

Author: Charles N. Seashore
Title: What Did You Say?: The Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback
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Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 211
Date: 1997-01-01
ISBN: 0965043002
Publisher: Bingham House Books
Weight: 0.97 pounds
Size: 6.14 x 9.13 x 0.71 inches
Edition: 0
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1Bruno Caimar (Brazil).
Description: Product Description
Offering opinions is the second most necessary ingredient for human life. Studies show that we can go only three minutes without air, perhaps three days without water, maybe three weeks without food. . . and but three hours without offering somebody our suggestions, responses, or critiques. A perennial "hot" topic in management circles is the process of giving, getting and analyzing advice. This brief and engaging book can be of use to anyone who has to interact with other people. You'll enjoy the "read" so much that you may not realize how much you have gained - all in words of one syllable! How to offer feedback when asked (or hired) to do so. Why feedback tells more about the giver than the receiver. How feedback is distorted or resisted by the receiver's point of view and defense mechanisms. And in dozens of enjoyable vignettes, how humans have struggled to understand each others' responses.
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