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Jan Martin Bang : Ecovillages: A Practical Guide to Sustainable Communities

Author: Jan Martin Bang
Title: Ecovillages: A Practical Guide to Sustainable Communities
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 288
Date: 2012-01-01
ISBN: 0863154808
Publisher: Floris Books
Weight: 2.03 pounds
Size: 7.2 x 0.91 x 9.25 inches
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Description: Product Description
The ecovillages movement is a worldwide network of communities whose goal is to integrate with the natural environment as much as possible. Examples include kibbutz, Camphill communities, and others guided by ideas such as permaculture and working with the land as a creative alternative to the wasteful exploitation of mainstream society.

The author explores the background and history of the ecovillages movement, providing a comprehensive manual for planning, establishing, and maintaining a sustainable community. Topics include leadership and conflict management; house design; building techniques; farming and food production; water and sewage; and energy sources and alternative economics. In the final chapter, the author brings it all together with a step-by-step guide to creating sustainable community.

Ecovillages is packed with handy tips, useful insights, and sage advice. Theory is brought to life in a series of striking "living example" case studies from around the world, including Sunrise Farm, Australia; Woodcrest Bruderhof, New York; Camphill Solborg, Norway; Kibbutz Lotan; Findhorn, Scotland; Kimberton Hills Camphill, Pennsylvania; ZEGG Germany; Wilhelmina, Holland; Earthaven Ecovillage, North Carolina; Twin Oaks Community, Virginia; Anghieri, Italy; Kibbutz Ketura; Terre d’Enaille Belgium; Kibbutz Samar; Lebensgarten, Germany; New Bassiasa, Egypt; and Paix Dieux, Belgium.

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