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Anders Henriksson : Non Campus Mentis

Author: Anders Henriksson
Title: Non Campus Mentis
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 176
Date: 2002-03-21
ISBN: 0761129790
Publisher: Workman Publishing Company
Weight: 0.33 pounds
Size: 5.0 x 7.08 x 0.45 inches
Edition: Reprint
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1Peter Corlett (United Kingdom).
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Mangled Moments of Western Civilization from Term Papers & Blue Book Exams

Did You Know:
  • Cesar was assassinated on the Yikes of March when he is reported to have said, "Me too, Brutus!"
  • Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Truman were known as the "Big Three"
  • Rasputin was a pheasant by birth
  • Judyism had one big God named Yahoo
  • Westward expansion ended at Custard's Last Stand
  • Marie Curie won the Noel Prize for inventing the radiator
  • The Civil Rights movement turned the corner with Martin Luther Junior's famous "If I Had a Hammer" speech Review
Be prepared to weep as you read Non Campus Mentis: World History According to College Students, a horrifically hilarious compendium of actual North American college student essays. Learn about the victims of the Black Death (who "grew boobs on their necks"), the Automaton Empire, Martin Luther King's famous "If I Had a Hammer" speech, the Iran Hostess Crisis, Zorroastrologism (the "duelist" religion "founded by Zorro"), and Joan of Ark, Noah's wife, at rest on Mt. Arafat. Meet Dim El Sum of Korea, the Vestigal Virgins, "dedicated to burning the internal flame," and Hitler, who "shot himself in the bonker." Did you know a position as "lady-in-mating helped a young girl's chances for a marriage," and "the assignation of Archduke Ferdman gave sweet relief to mounting tensions," or that "the major cause of the Civil War is when slavery spread its ugly testicles across the West"?

Well, you'd better buckle down and learn, then! --Tim Appelo

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