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Vivi Anna : Inferno

Author: Vivi Anna
Title: Inferno
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 256
Date: 2006-12-01
ISBN: 0758214960
Publisher: Aphrodisia
Latest: 2020/06/27
Weight: 0.35 pounds
Size: 5.4 x 8.1 x 0.7 inches
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Description: Product Description
The sexiest, smartest, leather-clad hell-raiser ever to walk the post-Apocalyptic Earth is always on the prowl for enemies and sexual conquests. But now Kat is chasing something very different - and far more dangerous. She's caught a killer virus and only one man has the cure - a scientist called Onyx who dwells in the deadly city of Inferno. If she's going to make it there alive, she'll need the help of Hades, her favourite lover - a man who's big, mean, and hotter than hell. But he won't help her for free - he wants her body and her heart, and he's not going to settle for anything less than a lifetime of pleasure. Because once they enter the Inferno, they may never come out again.
Reviews: Tara (USA: MO) (2008/12/04):

The World...

The after-effects of the nuclear blasts were devastating. At ground zero everything was destroyed. Things were minutely better the farther away they were, but the entire world was changed forever. 200 years later things were beginning to return to their former state, but the devastation is still very much felt. Mutants, both human and animal, are still littered through the planet, probably forever. Without the protective ozone layer surrounding the earth, the mid-day sun would literally fry anything unprotected from its rays within hours.

Seven months ago Kat walked away from Hades convinced that if the Dark Dweller's virus running through her veins took over, she'd be too dangerous to be around. Ever since, she's been searching for a cure, and now she may have found one...but she needs Hades' help to get into Inferno City to get it.

Hades was devastated to watch the only woman he's ever loved ride out of his life, but going up north and getting far away from ground zero has been a dream of his for years and he is determined to follow it. Hades got his house in the north, all four seasons...but he still misses Kat. Finally he's stopped dreaming about her every night, but he still feels her absence keenly.

It took him much longer than it should have to notice that there was someone in his house, he'd lost his edge. Seeing Kat sitting at his kitchen table at first shocked him, she'd changed. Her hair was short and her eye was no longer white; the virus running through her system had healed her blindness...and she was asking him to go with her to Inferno. He didn't think he could do it, at least that was his plan before the Dark Dwellers came to his village, hard on Kat's heels to take her back to Baruch. Kat was the only one that had ever defied him, and he'd break her to his will, even if he ended up killing her in the process. No one defied him, ever.

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