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Laurell K. Hamilton : Obsidian Butterfly (Anita Blake Vampire Hunter 9)

Author: Laurell K. Hamilton
Title: Obsidian Butterfly (Anita Blake Vampire Hunter 9)
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 704
Date: 2010-02-04
ISBN: 0755355377
Publisher: Headline
Weight: 1.06 pounds
Size: 1.73 x 5.12 x 7.8 inches
Edition: 0
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Previous givers: 1 Lorraine (United Kingdom)
Previous moochers: 1 lotuscandy (United Kingdom)
Description: Product Description
Paperback. Pub Date :2010-2-1 Pages: 391 Publisher:. Headline Book Publishing An Anita Blake. Vampire Hunter. novel I was covered in blood. but it wasnt mine. so it was okay Edward is a hit man Hespecialises in. monsters. Vampires. shape-shifters. anything andeverything. There are people like me. Anita Blake. who do itlegally. but Edward doesnt sweat the legalities or. hell. theethics. He is an equal opportunity killer. I may be one of the fewfriends that Edward has. but its like being friends with a tameleopard. It may curl on the foot of your bed and let you pet itshead. but it can still eat your throat out ...

Amazon Review
Obsidian Butterfly, the ninth of Laurell K Hamilton's Antia Blake Vampire Hunter novels, is not quite the mixture as before, concentrating as it does on Anita's occasional partnership with the stone-cold killer Edward rather than on her love for werewolf Richard and vampire Jean-Claude. Edward brings her down to New Mexico when Ted, his legal bounty hunter secret identity, is called in on an investigation he cannot handle. Some creature hitherto unknown in this world, where mere monsters are commonplace is transforming victims into skinless, bloody automata and no one has any idea why.

Hamilton provides the usual thrills, moments of perverse eroticism and extreme supernatural ickiness; she also delves rather more deeply than usual into what makes her heroine tick and into Anita's fears that she may be becoming too like the sociopathic ruthless Edward for her own sanity and salvation. The stark desert terrain of New Mexico is neatly visualised--the novel's background is effectively used as a counterpoint to the heroine's fears and uncertainties. As usual, Hamilton does an effective job of delivering what her audience have come to love and, for once, she gives them a little bit more. --Roz Kaveney

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