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Joseph Ledoux : The Emotional Brain: The Mysterious Underpinnings of Emotional Life

Author: Joseph Ledoux
Title: The Emotional Brain: The Mysterious Underpinnings of Emotional Life
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 384
Date: 1998-03-27
ISBN: 0684836599
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Weight: 0.85 pounds
Size: 1.2 x 6.12 x 9.25 inches
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Description: Product Description
What happens in our brains to make us feel fear, love, hate, anger, joy? Do we control our emotions, or do they control us? Do animals have emotions? How can traumatic experiences in early childhood influence adult behavior, even though we have no conscious memory of them? In The Emotional Brain, Joseph LeDoux investigates the origins of human emotions and explains that many exist as part of complex neural systems that evolved to enable us to survive.

One of the principal researchers profiled in Daniel Goleman's Emotional Intelligence, LeDoux is a leading authority in the field of neural science. In this provocative book, he explores the brain mechanisms underlying our emotions -- mechanisms that are only now being revealed. Review
Joseph LeDoux, a professor at the Center for Neural Science at New York University, has written the most comprehensive examination to date of how systems in the brain work in response to emotions, particularly fear. Among his fascinating findings is the work of amygdala structure within the brain. The amygdala mediates fear and other responses and actually processes information more quickly than other parts of the brain, allowing a rapid response that can save our lives before other parts of the brain have had a chance to react. He also offers findings and theories on how the brain handles--and in many cases, buries--extremely traumatic experiences. In all, a compelling read about the mysteries of emotions and the workings of the brain.

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