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: Complete Idiot's Guide to Calligraphy

Title: Complete Idiot's Guide to Calligraphy
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 256
Date: 2001-03-23
ISBN: 002864154X
Publisher: Alpha
Weight: 1.05 pounds
Size: 8.43 x 0.51 x 10.79 inches
Edition: 1
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Description: Product Description

You’re no idiot, of course. You know that calligraphy enhances everything from elegant invitations to official documents. The art of beautiful handwriting has been around for centuries, and those who have mastered it have a skill that’s both lucrative and enjoyable. You’d love to learn the finer points of calligraphy—but when it comes to putting pen to paper, you’re all thumbs!

Say “so long” to chicken scratches! The Complete Idiot’s Guide® to Calligraphy will show you, stroke for stroke, how to master pen and ink to produce projects worthy of the most sophisticated scribe. In this Complete Idiot’s Guide®, you get:

  • The history of beautiful handwriting—calligraphy past and present.
  • Tools of the trade—essentials for setting up a workspace and getting started.Practice makes perfect—tips and exercises to keep you in line.
  • Fun with fonts—six full alphabets to round out your expertise.
  • Design 101—how-to’s for creating and carrying out your own calligraphy projects, including wedding invitations, bookmarks, and more!
  • Taking your skills to the next level with ornamentation.
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