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wendy reynolds (United Kingdom) : member bio

Name: wendy reynolds (United Kingdom)
Userid: wendyrey

Inventory: 0
Points: 153.8
Mooched/given: 500/378
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 1.21:1

Wishlist: 747
Feedback: +372
Smooches: 3
Charitable gifts: 4
Charity received: 6
Friends: 5
Cancelled requests: 59
Books receiving lost: 7
Books sending lost: 5
Rejected requests: 2

Will send: worldwide
Joined: 2006/09/17
Last here: 4748 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United Kingdom

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
All my books are British editions and may have a different cover or ISBN to that illustrated. Most are paperbacks. All are in good , some very good condition. If the edition or cover matters to you please email to check before mooching.
As a rule of thumb if a book will cost more than £3 to send by air mail it has to go surface (ground), some books are simply too heavy to be sensibly sent outside of the UK and Europe. These will usually be identified in the condition notes.
Some books to Europe are cheaper to send by air mail than surface (that's Royal Mail for you)
I am working away from home at the moment and can only get to my books at weekends.

Home page:

The world of books (and presumably many other areas of life) seems to be divided into lumpers and splitters. I am an unabashed lumper, and what matters to me in a fiction book is its condition. I want a book to be complete, without graffiti ( frontispiece inscriptions are acceptable), and not used for a coaster or otherwise abused. Bookcrossing stickers inside the book are fine but not on the cover. I care little for the edition except for a slight preference for paperbacks.
The most irritating (on some days infuriating) feature (?bug)for me of Bookmooch is when looking for a book all the editions are separated, what I would like to see is if you were looking for a widely published book, say Dicken's 'Hard Times' all the available copies were listed together, in one place, in one 'lump', with editions listed within that 'lump' - not in lots of little piles as they are now.
I know now ( I didn't at first) that some people are splitters and prefer it the way it is now and are very specific about the edition they want so I have updated my inventory with edition details but errors are always possible so please check first.
I have cats who are fond of bringing rabbits home for their tea.