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columbine75 (United Kingdom) : member bio

Name: columbine75 (United Kingdom) (on vacation)
Userid: columbine75

Inventory: 0
Points: 264.5
Mooched/given: 9/132
Pending mooch/give: 1/0
Mooch ratio: 0.07:1

Wishlist: 12
Feedback: +133
Smooches: 1
Charitable gifts: 8
Charity received: 1
Friends: 1
Cancelled requests: 1
Books receiving lost: 1
Rejected requests: 1

Will send: worldwide
Joined: 2008/05/14
Last here: 3942 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United Kingdom

Books in inventory: 0

We've just had new windows fitted so I had to clear out the books by my side of the bed and got three bags full - and those were just the ones by the bed! I am not to buy anymore books until I've finished these, but no one said anything about mooching them! Standby for the books in the bags to be listed as and when I read them. I'm still allowed to go to the library though, so it might be a slow process!!! I love the thought that a book I've enjoyed (or not) is going to someone who wants to read it.

As a rule of thumb, if your book is going to cost more than £5 to send by air mail, I will send it surface mail - but this is negotiable, so when you mooch, please let me know if it's urgent, and unless it's going to be really expensive, I'm sure I'll be able to make an exception.

I have sent books to:
UK: Aberdeen, Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Cheshire, County Durham, Cumbria, Devon, Edinburgh, Essex, Glasgow, Greater Manchester, Hampshire, Lancashire, Leicestershire, Liverpool, London, Kent, Middlesex, Norfolk, Northamptonshire, North Yorkshire, Oxfordshire, Perth and Kinross, Somerset, Staffordshire, South Yorkshire, Swansea, Warwickshire, West Midlands, West Yorkshire, Wiltshire, Worcestershire
Europe: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Romania, Russia
US: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin
Canada: Ontario
Asia: Israel, Japan
Oceania: Australia (ACT, Victoria), New Zealand
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